1 __ in.?
What is the maximum allowable aggregate size for slump testing?
1 1/2 inches
Same as maximum allowable aggregate size
What size sieve do you use for slump testing?
1 1/2 inch sieve
Non-Plastic AND Non-__?
What TWO types of concrete is slump testing not applicable for?
1) Non-Plastic
2) Non-Cohesive
Related to the Displaced Center
Why can non-plastic and non-cohesive concrete NOT BE USED for slump testing?
The displaced center IS INDISTINGUISHABLE after the cone is pulled
__ in +- 1/16 inches
What is the diameter of the Tamping Rod when testing for slump?
5/8 in +- 1/16 inches
__ inches
How much longer then the depth of the mold must the tamping rod be when testing for slump?
4 inches
NOT the max of 24 inches
What is the TYPICAL SIZE of a slump tamping rod?
16 Inches
Not the minimum/typical length of 16 inches
What is the MAXIMUM size of a tamping rod when testing for slump?
24 inches
In Inches
What is the MINIMUM length your measuring device for your slump must be?
Measure a MINIMUM of 12 inches
To the nearest __ in?
What do you round your slump measurements too?
Nearest 1/4 inch
What is the width IN INCHES of the TOP of the slump cone?
4 inches
What is the width of the BOTTOM of the slump cone – IN INCHES?
8 inches wide
2 __ inches?
How much do you fill the slump cone on the FIRST LIFT – IN INCHES?
2 5/8 inches
6 __ inches
How high do you feel the slump cone on the SECOND lift – IN INCHES?
6 1/8 Inches
How tall is the FINAL lift (third) of the slump cone – IN INCHES?
12 inches
How high – IN INCHES – must you raise up the slump cone when measuring the slump?
12 inches
__ seconds +- 2 seconds
How long do you have to raise the slump cone to the height of 12 inches?
5 seconds
+- 2 seconds
What is the definition of SHEARING in relation to slump cones?
A situation where you have lost sight of the original displaced center
__ 1/2 minutes
What is the time limit for COMPLETION of the slump test?
2 - 1/2 minutes
When does the slump cone test BEGIN and END?
BEGINS: Filling Begins
ENDS: When the cone is pulled