Association Cortex and Stroke Flashcards
Dr. Glendinning; Frontal ass, Parietal ass, ACA, Mid Cerebral artery, Post. Cerebral artery, Anterior Choroidal, Lenticulostriate, Pure motor Hemiparesis, Watershied Strokes
Considering that the ______ _____ artery supplies the midbrain, CN3 palsy and Contralateral Ataxia can happen.
Posterior Cerebral
Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex 2 Roles:
- Executive Fxn/Future
- Working memory
If you see Homonymous hemianopsia with macular sparing, the _____ Cerebral artery is a likely candidate.
Transcortical Sensory aphasia is like Wernicke’s, except patients can _____
Gerstmann’s syndrome 4 presentations
- Acalculia
- Agraphia
- Finger anomia
- Right-Left confusion
The Anterior Choroidal Artery supplies the _____ ____ and _____ _____
- Internal Capsule
2. Optic Tract
Damage to the inferior parietal lobe/angular gyrus results in _____ Syndrome
The anterior cerebral artery links into the medial brain; supplying the primary motor/somato cortexes that affect the ____ and ____ of the body
- Leg
- Trunk
The Lenticulostriate Arteries feed the ___ ___ of the brain
Internal Capsule
Two watershed regions in brain
Although ACA is mainly leg-driven, the deep branches (Heubner) will cause ______ and _____ motor problems
Face and arm
ACA infarct can cause _____ _____ Aphasia
Transcortical Motor
Both Primary visual cortex and Optic radiation lesions will cause _______ _____ Anopsia. However, optic radiations will be contralaterally contributed
Homonymous Hemi-
Which parietal association cortex is dominant in most people?
- The Right
gets info from both sides
The MCA supplies motor affecting the _____ and ____ of the body
Face and Arms
Loss of frontal eye fields results in paralysis of ______ _____ gaze. (which sidedness & direction)
Contralateral Horizontal
Superior Middle Cerebral Artery supplies _____ speech area on the left
The Right Parietal Association Cortex is big for _____ Mechanisms
- Attentional
Gegenhalten is seen in frontal lobe problems, what is it?
Increased voluntary tone (feels like someone pushing against you)
The _____ lobe contains the Micturition Inhibitory area. You need to have bilateral lesion for incontinence
Considering what the Anterior Choroidal Artery supplies, name 2 sypmtoms
- Hemianopsia
- Hemiplegia/paresis
(supplies capsule and optic tract)
MCA-PCA infarct causes Transcortical _____ aphasia, where they can’t make sense of what they’re reading.
4 Frontal Release Signs
- Grasp
- Root
- Suck
- Snout
Transcortical Motor Aphasia keeps _____ and ____
- Repetition
- Comprehension
Inferior MCA infarcts on the right will definitely cause _____-sided _______
- Left
- Hemineglect
Although the Anterior Cerebral Artery’s motor cortex supplies the leg and trunk; The supplementary motor area can cause ____ ____ Syndrome
Alien Hand
Infarct of the lenticulostriate arteries usually presents with ___ ____ Hemiparesis. R. Lenti can cause aphasia, L. lenti can cause hemineglect.
Pure motor
Assuming that the stem of the MCA is intact, if you lose some visual field, then you know that the _____ division is affected
If a patient only draws half a picture (hemi-neglect), you would expect a _____ Association Cortex lesion
Internal Capsule Map mnemonic? (From lateral to medial)
If you see Alexia without Agraphia, you would suspect a ___ ____ Artery infarct
Posterior Cerebral
3 letter Mnemonic for Prefrontal Association Cortex function?
- “RIO”
- Restraint, Initiative, Order
The Inferior MCA supplies _____ speech area
Ventromedial/Orbitofrontal Prefrontal Cortex 2 Roles
- Behavior Inhibition
- Empathy
The recurrent artery of Heubner is a deep branch of the ____ ____ artery, which supplies the internal capsule, caudate, and putamen
Anterior Cerebral
ACA-MCA watershed infarct causes sensory and motor deficit of proximal ____ limbs. Mnemonic is ____ ____ ___
- Upper
- Man in Barrel