Assessment & Health Promotion Flashcards
- mammary gland composed of a number of lobes, divided into lobules
- Lactation
- Sexual arousal
Best Time to do a SBE
Physiologic alts in breast size reach minimal lvl abt 5-7 days after menstruation stops
First Menstraul Cycle Term
Menstraul Cycle
list phases
- Endometrial cycle
- Hypothalamic-Pituitary cycle
- Ovarian cycle
Endometrial Cycle
- Day one of the period (bleeding) begins the cycle
- Menstruation > Proliferative phase > secretory phase > ischemic phase
Hypothalamic-Pituitary Cycle
- Release FSH > stim primary folicle > develops egg
Ovarian Cycle
- Primary folicle > Ovulation (14 days)
First day of cycle
First day beginning to bleed
14th Day of Cycle
Ovulation occurs
What are Prostaglandins
Oxygenated fatty acids classified as hormones
What do Prostagladins effect
- Ovulation
- Fertility
- Changes in cervix & cervical mucus
- Tubal & uterine motility
- Sloughing of endometrium (mentruation)
- Onset of abortion (spontaneous & induced)
- Onset of labor (term & preterm)
before menopause
- Transitional phase during which ovarian function and hormone production decline
- Spans from the onset of premenopausal ovarian decline to postmenopausal time, when symptoms stop
- Refers to last menstrual period
- Dated with certainty 1 year after menstruation ceases
- Avg age: 51.4yrs
- Age Range: 35-60yrs
Sexual Response
physical maturity
sexual stim
- F/M reach physical maturity at 17yrs
- Sexual stimulation results in an incr in circulation to circumvaginal blood vessels
> venous congestion is localized primarily in genitals & lesser degree in breast & other parts - Arousal is characterized by myotonia, resulting in voluntary & involuntary rhythmic contractions
Sexual Response Cycle
- Excitement
- Plateau
- Orgasmic
- Resolution
Time/intensity and duration for cyclic completion differs from person to person and situation
hlth promo & disease prevention
- 1st enter healthcare system as young women for purpose of contraception or women’s hlth exams
- Teen pregnancies: sexually active who do not use regular contraception has 90% of conceiving in 1st yr
Young & Middle Adulthood
hlth promo & disease prevent
- Contraception
- Pelvic & breast screenings
Late Reproductive Age
hlth promo & disease prevent
Incrd risks w/ pregnancy, emergence of chronic diseases
Types of services provided to women as they age
- Preconception counseling & care
- Pregnancy
- Fertility control
- Infertility
- Menstrual problems
- Perimenopause
Assessment for Women
- Hx
- Physical examination
- Pelvic examination
- Women w/ special needs/disabilities
- Adolescents (13-19yrs)
Pelvic Exam
- External inspection & palpation
- Vulvar self-examination
- Papanicolauo test
Health Screening for Women Across the Life Span
fasting BG
pelvic exam
colon cx
bone mineral density
- Fasting Blood Glucose: 45yrs+
- STI: <25 & as needed
- Mammogram: 40yrs
- Clinical Breast Exam: 20yrs+
- TB Skin test: as needed for high risk
- Pap test: 21-65yrs
- Pelvic exam: until age 70yrs
- Colon Cx: 45yrs
- Bone Mineral Density (DEXA scan): 65yrs