Assess The Use Of Individualistic Theories On Policy Making (3.2) Flashcards
Define informal policy
Non-official ideas to prevent crime. E.g: house rules like a curfew
Define formal policy
Official ideas set by official bodies to prevent crime. E.g: a prison sentence or a fine. These include crime control policies and state punishment.
Describe 1 individualistic theory that has developed a policy (PF)
Psychoanalysis- Freud
Psychoanalysis is known as the talking therapy. It involves methods such as hypnosis and free association. The aim is to uncover repressed trauma and relieve our id.
Evaluate effectiveness (PaF) weaknesses.
Only 44% of psychoanalysis neurosis patients improved compared to 72% by hospitals.
Psychoanalysis practitioners need lots of training and uncovering the trauma might take a while so it’s time consuming and expensive.
Who created psychoanalysis?
Who created token economies? What theory does it link to?
Skinner- operant conditioning
Describe Token economy
Based on the principle that behaviour that is rewarded is more likely to be repeated and behaviour that is punished is likely to be avoided (Thorndikes law of effect)
The token acts as a reward and is positive reinforcement of good behaviour.
What is a positive of Token Economy?
A positive of Token Economy’s is supporting evidence from Hobbs and Holt in 1976 who found that when they introduced a token economy into a juvenile delinquent centre there was an increase in desired behaviour.
What type of punishment is aversion therapy?
State punishment
Describe aversion therapy
Aversion therapy involves pairing unwanted behaviour with discomfort. E.g: ppt gets a shock every time they are shown a photo of a cigarette then in the future they associate smoking with the pain.
What are the advantages of aversion therapy?
-it works for some substances. E.g pots recorded that they felt averted against alcohol after only 4 sessions
What are the negatives token economy?
- It’s difficult to stay consistent with the rewards potentially causing conflict.
- Results tend to be Short term because as soon as the individual leaves the institution there are no more rewards so they are less likely to continue the desired behaviour.
Describe cognitive behavioural therapy
CBT focuses on thought processes and attempts to change the individuals perspective. An example of this is Think First who use consequential thinking and perspective talking to help young people avoid dangerous situations.
What is ART?
Aggressive replacement training helps past offenders deal with aggression in a positive and productive way.