Ascites Flashcards
Causes of ↑ hydrostatic P
① post-sinusoidal → rt side Hf
→ tricuspid stenosis
→ IVC obstruction
→ budd- chiari
-Veno- occlusive
② sinsoïdal → liver cirrhosis
③ pressinusoïdal → hypoalbumidemia
Causes of hypo aluminaemia [ ↓ colloid osmotic P]
2 nephrotic syndrome
3 malnutrition
4 pin losing entropathy
What ↑ permeability of petitoreal capillaries?
① infection ② tumor ③ inflammation
Meigs’ syndrome
Ovarian disease+ pleural effusion + ascites
Symptoms of ascites
- Distension
*Discomfort - dyspepsia
- dyspnea
- development of hernia
What you inspect in chronic case of ascites?
» widening of subcostal angle
» divarication,
» umbilicus is shifted downward, everted
“ » cuput medusa
Fluid thrill in
Tense ascites
How to detect mild ascites?
Finding dullness around umbilicus in knee-elbow pos.
Complication of ascites
• Refractory
• hepato- renal syndrome
O pleural effusion
• elevation of diaphragm
• hydrocele
Differmiate free from encrusted ascites by
Accumulation of exudate in
Pancreatic. Ascites
Saag in exudative assites
< 1.1 g/dl
Milky white ascites fluid in
Chylous ascites
Cloudy ascites fluid in
Diet in cirrhotic Ascites in TTT
O salt ↓
O fluid ↓
O ↑ *ptn
We follow -up as cites patient by
Body weight → ascites + L.L. edema → 1 kg/day
Ascites → 0.5 kg/day
The diuretic we use in ascites
At first → potassium-sparing (spironolactone)
No response → frusemide or thiazide
When we use salt free albumin in Ascites
Only in hypoalbuminaemia
Indication of therapeutic paracentesis
- Resistant
& tense Ascites
In paracentesis we give….
6 gm albumin / Liter fluid removed