Ascarids Flashcards
What is the superfamily name for Ascarids?
What are characteristic features of adult ascarids?
Host specific, Adults are large, white nematodes, with 3 lips, and 10-30 cm long.
What are characteristic features of the Ascarid eggs?
Thick walled, very resistant and can last many years in the environment.
What is the infective stage of the Ascarid?
L2 in a thick-walled egg
Who do Ascarids predominately affect?
Young animals
What is the common name for Toxocara Canis?
Common roundworm, ascarid
Who are the hosts to Toxocara Canis? Is it Zoonotic?
Dogs. Yes, it is zoonotic
Describe the features of Toxocara Canis adults.
Large white nematodes in the small intestine, 10-15 cm in size.
What mixed infection can Toxocara Canis be observed with?
Toxascaris Leonina (older animals)
What are the characteristic features of the Toxocara Canis eggs?
Eggs are dark brown, round, thick pitted shell, measuring 85 x 75 micrometers.
Does Toxocara Canis have a direct or indirect life cycle?
What are the four modes of infection of Toxocara Canis?
- Per Os
- Transplacental or prenatal
- Transmammary
- Paratenic hosts
Describe the Per Os mode of infection of Toxocara Canis.
Eggs with L2 are passed in the feces and are infective in the environment in 2-4 weeks -> Final host ingests the infective egg and the larvae hatch in the small intestine -> larvae undergo hepatic-tracheal migration and return to the small intestine where the adults mature -> eggs are laid after 4-5 weeks
Can dogs older than 5 weeks of age be infected Per Os? If so, explain.
Yes, but due to acquired immunity the larvae are distributed via the circulatory system to the somatic tissues where their development is arrested (parasite does not mature to adult stage).
Describe the Transplacental mode of infection of Toxocara Canis.
In the pregnant bitch, the arrested larvae (L3) move across the placenta at week 6 of gestation and are carried to the fetal liver via circulatory system -> After birth, nematodes migrate to stomach and mature in small intestine.
FYI this is the most common route of infection to pups
Describe the Transmammary mode of infection of Toxocara Canis.
The suckling pup may be infected by migration of L3 in the milk during the first 3 weeks of lactation. No further migration in the pup occurs.
Describe the Paratenic Host mode of infection of Toxocara Canis.
Rodents or birds may ingest the infective egg -> the hatched L2 travel to tissues where they remain -> the final host (dog) would eat the paratenic host and further development into the adult stage is confined to the GI tract.
What is the PPP for Per Os and Paratenic host mode of infection of Toxocara Canis?
4-7 weeks
What is the PPP for the prenatal infection of Toxocara Canis?
3 weeks
What are the sites of infection of Toxocara Canis?
Adults in small intestine. Pneumonia can occur due to hepatic-tracheal migration
What are the pathogenesis and lesions of Toxocara Canis?
In moderate infections there is little damage by larvae or adults