Articles 1-4 Flashcards
<p>What is the makeup of a trial board?</p>
<p>As outlined in Art. VII of the Order Book (Art I, Sec 2)</p>
<p>Who is in command at a medical emergency?</p>
<p>Senior ranking fire service officer responsible for all command and tactical decisions. Officer will defer to EMS practitioners in patient care (Art II, Sec 1)</p>
<p>Who is in command at the scene of an emergency?</p>
<p>Arrival of first officer to the scene, and passes to arriving officer of superior rank. Division level officers and above will assume command at their discretion. However, a Deputy Fire Chief of Operations will assume command from a Deputy Fire Chief of any other Division. (Art II, Sec 1)</p>
<p>How many acting Battalion Fire Chiefs are permitted?</p>
<p>In general, no more than 4 acting BFC on duty at one time unless specifically authorized by the AFCO. (Art II, Sec 2)</p>
<p>What is a company?</p>
<p>Any engine, truck, rescue squad, fireboat, or hazmat unit (Art II, Sec 3)</p>
<p>What is a single house?</p>
<p>A fire station with only 1 company (Art II, Sec 3)</p>
<p>What is a double house? </p>
<p>A fire station with 2 companies (Art II, Sec 3)</p>
<p>Who is the Company Commander?</p>
<p>Captain of a company (Art II, Sec 3)</p>
<p>Who is the regularly assigned platoon commander?</p>
<p>The Capt. or Lt. regular assigned to company platoon. (Art II, Sec 3)</p>
<p>Who is the ACIC?</p>
<p>Senior medically qualified employee on medic unit or ambulance (Art II, Sec 3)</p>
<p>Who is in command in a double house? </p>
<p>On duty command of a double house:
1. Highest ranking company officer
2. The senior officer will be in charge of the 2 companies 2 regularly assigned or 2 detailed officers of equal rank are on duty
3. The regularly assigned officer when 2 officers of equal rank are in command of 2 companies and one of the officers is serving in a temporary capacity.
Both Captains will jointly determine procedures and responsibilities for the companies. (Art II, Sec 2)</p>
<p>Who is the Property Officer?</p>
<p>a. Senior Captain in a double house is the property officer, responsible for the condition of the building, grounds, and property connected to the house.
b. Jr. Captain will be the assistant
c. On duty officer responsible for maintenance and protection of FD property carried on the apparatus during their tour of duty
d. In the absence of the Property officer or the assistant, the OIC of a double house will be responsible for property in that house not carried on apparatus by either company.
(Art II, Sec 3)</p>
<p>How are acting Sergeants selected? </p>
<p>Battalion and divisional commanders will select an acting officer from the top 60 on the promotion register (Art II, Sec 4)</p>
<p>How will incidents involving EMS units be handled? </p>
<p>Anytime an incident EMS personnel or vehicles, company officer and Medical quality Officer will exchange information, whether incident occurred in quarters or not. The Medical quality officer will notify company officer of any protocol violations that occurred while unit is out of quarters. Company office will investigate with assistance of the Medical Quality officer. (Art II, Sec 4)</p>
<p>What to do in the event of unusual conditions? </p>
<p>Members will communicate promptly to immediate supervisors, verbally and via special report anything observed by them that is extraordinary or perilous to life or limb
(Art III, Sec 1)</p>
<p>What is an unusual incident? </p>
<p>Include, but not limited to cases which reflect positively or negatively on the department. Such as: Rescue of citizens, injuries or death of members – on or off duty, stolen property, civil disturbances, abuse/attacks on members both physically and verbally (Art III, Sec 1)</p>
<p>Unusual Incident Reports should contain?</p>
<p>Should include dates, times, locations and incident numbers if applicable. When in doubt, convey available information to immediate supervisor. (Art III, Sec 1)</p>
<p>When will notification of commanders be made?</p>
<p>Daily 0700 and 1900, OUC will announce:
1. Names of officers in the operations division on duty or acting as DFC and BFC.
2. The names of commanding officers of other divisions in an acting status
When an officer assumes command of the department, a division, or a battalion at a time other than change of tour, OUC will be notified to make announcement. (Art III, Sec 2)</p>
<p>How are paychecks handled? </p>
<p>All paychecks must be direct deposit
Company officers will record the recept of supplemental and misc. checks in the company journal and keep in secure place until forwarded to appropriate destination.
Delivery of supplemental checks to members documented in company journal and Form 1 (Art III, Sec 3)</p>
<p>How are employment and earnings verified?</p>
<p>No information by anyone written or oral regarding employment &amp; earnings . Refer all requests to Payroll Operations @ 300 Indiana Ave NW Rm 4106 202-727-2060 (Art III, Sec 3)</p>
<p>How are zip codes and area codes handled in official records? </p>
<p>Postal Zip Codes and Area Code Numbers will be included in all official records and correspondence whenever an address or telephone number is mentioned. (Art III, Sec 4)</p>
<p>How to handle miscellaneous service calls made directly to companies? </p>
<p>Requests made direct to companies about fallen trees, pumping out cellar are referred to OUC. In case of doubt of action, Watch Commander at OUC will contact DFC of Operations regardless of hour. (Art III, Sec 5)</p>
<p>When is disaster relief provided and by whom? </p>
<p>American Red Cross provides immediate emergency assistance and long range rehabilitation assistance when:
1. A fire or emergency requires relief for 1 or more families.
Disasters involving large number of persons (hotel or apartment fires, explosions, airplane crash, train wreck) (Art III, Sec 6)</p>
<p>What are types of disaster relief? </p>
<p>First aid, food, clothing, house, furniture, or transportation depending upon the nature of emergency. OIC will determine if services are needed who will advise the OUC of the urgency and type so that that notification can be made (such as Red Cross or directly to EMA - Emergency Management Agency via Mayor’s Command Center @202-727-6161. Fire inspector may notify OUC in absence of OIC. (Art III, Sec 6)</p>
<p>What form will be used to record changes concerning personnel? </p>
<p>Assignments and reassignments of members (to be reported by the officer of the new company), and changes of address, phone number, marital status, rank, platoon number or next of kin will be recorded on the DC Form 9. Filled out completely whenever change is made and indicating change by checking box on left side of form. Only current form retained &amp; will be placed directly over Form 175 in the member’s personnel file. (Art III, Sec 7)</p>
<p>What is the order of the Personnel File? </p>
<p>The left side of the personnel file folder will be in the following uniformed orders: the FD 119 will be on the bottom, then FD form 175 will be placed over top of the FD form 119 and the current FD Form 9 will be visible on the left side when the personnel folder is opened. (Art III, Sec 7)</p>
<p>What does next of kin information provide?</p>
<p>Directs the Department on who to notify in the event of serious injury. Will be kept up to date (Art III, Sec 7)</p>
<p>What is the procedure for a change of address and which forms are used? </p>
<p>When FD Form 9 denotes an address change, the OIC will execute and submit Form OBMS-90 (in duplicate) The date that the OBMS-90 was submitted is entered in space provided on the top right side of the FD Form 9. Company officers and division commanders other than the operations division will forward information to the Human Resources Office so information will be placed in member’s personnel file at DC Office of Personnel &amp; at various levels as set forth in Article IV of the DCFD order book (Art III, Sec 7)</p>
<p>What is People Soft ESS? </p>
<p>Personal information change be made on-line @ A copy of earning states and DC email account info are needed. (Art III, Sec 7)</p>
<p>What is ePay? </p>
<p>Basic payroll info &amp; earning statements (Art III, Sec 7)</p>
<p>What is eBenefits? </p>
<p>Review benefits info such as Health, life, FSA and retirement benefits. (Art III, Sec 7)</p>
<p>What is eProfile? </p>
<p>To update name, address, marital status, emergency contact info, email addresses, and phone numbers. (Art III, Sec 7)</p>
<p>Who has a DC E-mail account? </p>
<p>All members at, not case sensitive. First time access @ IT ServUS 202-671-1566 to reset password</p>
<p>What is the standard e-mail signature? </p>
<p>Limited to any or all of the following:
Name, title, division, agency, office number, cell phone number, fax address, e-mail address or Agency URL. &amp; the Statement of confidentiality. (Art III, Sec 7)</p>
<p>How will uniform records be kept and who enforces compliance? </p>
<p>All official records, manuals, forms and other necessary items will be kept up-to-date in neat condition and in a uniform manner.
Office Desks and file cabinets of companies will be inspected once a month by a BFC to ensure compliance. Set-up procedures will be filed in the official company information book (Art III, Sec 8)</p>
<p>Who must review the contents of the DCFD Orders and Memos folder prior to lineup? </p>
<p>On-duty OIC will review the contents of the DCFD Orders and Memos folder on LAN before lineup &amp; relay information to members at lineup (Art III, Sec 9)</p>
<p>Who will print out new orders and memos? </p>
<p>OIC will print 1 copy of each new GO, SO, Memo &amp; DFC Memo. GO’s with large attachments distributed hardcopy by BFC. (Art III, Sec 9)
<p>Who will make changes to company manuals? </p>
<p>OIC will promptly make changes to appropriate manuals. The OIC will initial and place the date next to each item updated. These orders will be kept on clipboards near the watch desk &amp; each member will initial after reading. (Art III, Sec 9)</p>
<p>What is the procedure for a member returning to duty after an absence concerning Orders and Memos? </p>
<p>After an absence, members will catch up on all GO’s, So’s, Memos &amp; DFC Memo’s &amp; initial. (Art III, Sec 9)</p>
<p>When may orders be removed form the clipboard? </p>
<p>After 14 calendar days or sooner, after all members have initialed the orders, the OIC will remove orders from clipboard and file them in a folder in either the executed forms drawer of the file cabinet or current year orders binder with the FD manuals. (Art III, Sec 9)</p>
<p>Procedure for ammending FD publications? </p>
<p>Amendments to any FD publication will be made promptly by the OIC. If the order is received verbally by phone or radio, the initials and date will e entered in the company journal in the margin next to the ordered issued notated “Vocal Message” all vocal messaged will be recorded verbatim in the company journal (Art III, Sec 9)</p>
<p>What is a General Order? </p>
<p>GO will contain orders affecting the permanent policy of the Dept and revising the Rules and Regulations, Order Book, Box assignments, drill manuals, &amp; pamphlets, etc. (Art III, Sec 10)</p>
<p>What is a Special Order? </p>
<p>Will include all transfer of personnel, special details by FC, and other orders not intended to be permanent. (Art III, Sec 10)</p>
<p>What is a Memorandum?</p>
<p>Contain general information to the Dept regarding hydrants, letters of appreciation, etc. (Art III, Sec 10)</p>
<p>What is a Deputy Fire Chief Memorandum? </p>
<p>Info specific to battalions, companies and units in the Firefighting and EMS Divisions. (Art III, Sec 10)</p>
<p>Where will the complete set of Orders and Memos be posted? </p>
<p>All orders and memos posted on LAN. Extensive manual changes will be issued via GO as hard copies to be placed in appropriate manuals. BFC’s will record upon daily reports any orders and memos they have distributed. (Art III, Sec 10)</p>
<p>Who determines which orders will be rescinded, removed, or destroyed? </p>
<p>The Regulations Officer will annually survey GO’s, SO’s, Memos and DFC Memos to determine which to retain for study or reference, which will be transferred to the appropriate FD manual or to and “old” folder on the LAN. Will also determine which orders are to be rescinded, removed, and destroyed. (Art III, Sec 10)</p>
<p>Who weeds out orders in the Old Orders File? </p>
<p>The Old Orders File will be surveyed frequently by the Regulations Officer to weed out obsolete orders and memos. (Art III, Sec 10)</p>
<p>Procedure for request for issuance and changes to Official Publications?</p>
<p>OIC will submit request to Regulations Officer in the Office of Professional Standards. Requests for changes may be submitted in writing or electronically directly to the Regulations officer. (Art III, Sec 10)</p>
<p>What are cash bags? </p>
<p>Locked cash bags provided to secure all \$\$ forwarded to Budget and Accounting Officer. Bags kept open until used. A leather thong prevents the lock form accidentally closing. It is slipped from under locking mechanism to secure bag, which can only be opened after locking by a master key at Budget and Accounting Office. (Art III, Sec 11)</p>
<p>Where are cash bags kept?</p>
<p>Several extra bags, sufficient to meet the battalion’s needs maintained in each battalion headquarters &amp; several extra bags maintained in the offices of divisions other than Operations. Bags may be requested from Battalion or Division commanders, who can replenish their supply by calling Budget and Accounting Office at 673-3338. (Art III, Sec 11)</p>
<p>How is money forwarded to the Budget and Accounting Office? </p>
<p>Responsible party will prepare FD Form 1, showing dollar amount and serial of bag used. Place the original FD Form 1 and 1 copy in bag with money and lock bag. Original FD Form 1 will be signed and returned by By Budget and Accounting Office when contents of bag are correct. If not, sender will be contacted for reconciliation. (Art III, Sec 11)</p>
<p>How are cash bags tracked? </p>
<p>Individual forwarding money will prepare another FD Form 1 to monitor movement. Only the bag’s serial number will be listed on form, not contents. When bag is picked up by BFC in Operations Division or by the Dept mailman in other divisions, have this FD form 1 singed and retain the original as receipt. The other 2 copies will accompany bag. When bags are picked up at BFC headquarters by mailman, 1 copy of FD Form 1 will be countersigned and leave it at BFC headquarters as a receipt. The 3rd copy taken to Budget &amp; Accounting Office to sign as their receipt. When mailman picks up bag from divisions other than operations, extra copy of FD form 1 will be discarded. (Art III, Sec 11)</p>
<p>Who counts the cash and what is the procedure?</p>
<p>Budget &amp; Accounting Officer will open all bags, count contents &amp; compare to FD Form 1. Correct contents will be deposited with the DC Treasurer. Signed FD Form 1 will be returned to original sender. If no FD Form 1 is received or no contact made from Budget and Accounting Office within 20 days, the Assistant Fire Chief of Services will be contacted and the sender will be governed by the chief’s instructions. (Art III, Sec 11)</p>
<p>Are pets permitted in the fire house? </p>
<p>No critters in any building owned or occupied by DCFD without prior authorization from appropriate Division/bureau head ((Art III, Sec 12)</p>
<p>What is the procedure for changing income tax withholding? </p>
<p>An up-to-date OBMS-90 required to be on file with Human Resources office. Any change of address or authorization of DC or State income tax withholding will require an OBMS-90 in duplicate. Federal income tax execute Form W-4 (in duplicate) with name in CAPITAL letters, surname 1st. (Art III, Sec 13)</p>
<p>How will Form W-2 be distributed and how are duplicate copies obtained? </p>
<p>Will be mailed to all employees. If duplicate form is required, a “Request for duplicate W-2 Form” submitted by US Mail or faxed to the DC Office of Financial Management. (Art III, Sec 13)</p>
<p>What is residency preference (RP)?</p>
<p>Members are entitled to residency preference, will be denoted RP and will be placed ahead of non-residency preference candidates with same score. If selected, 5 year residency requirement. (Art III, Sec 14)</p>
<p>To whom do residency restrictions apply? </p>
<p>Apply to members appointed after January 1, 1980. (Art III, Sec 14)</p>
<p>How does an employee notify the Department of outside employment? </p>
<p>Paid or volunteer must submit FD Form 14. Members performing policy making, contracting, and/or purchasing functions are determined by FC submit FD Form 35-A or
35-B “Statement of Financial Interest” as appropriate.
(Art III, Sec 15)</p>
<p>Who approves changes to outside employment information for those employees subject to filing a FD Form 35-A or 35-B?</p>
<p>Whenever there is a change on the information, a FD Form 14 will be submitted with current info. Action on FD Form 14 will be taken promptly, but no outside employment will be performed unless approved by Division Commander of their division, the AFC for division commanders, or the FC for all other Dept members. (Art III, Sec 15)</p>
<p>What is the procedure for filing a grievance? </p>
<p>Grievance Procedures for all personnel are located in the DCFD bulletin book (Art III, Sec 16)</p>
<p>How are personal complaints handled? </p>
<p>Personal complaints that do not fall within the definition of a grievance as defined by the bargaining agreement &amp; by DCFD Bulletin 4 for those not in bargaining units may register complaints to appropriate level of the chain of command, i.e. company, battalion. Every effort will be made to resolve complaint as lowest level of chain of command as possible. If effort proves futile, the matter will be referred up the chain. Up to the division level, complaints need not be in writing. If cannot be resolved at division level, a special report will be submitted to the FC. (Art III, Sec 17)</p>
<p>What is the chain of command for complaints?</p>
1. Company platoon commander
2. Company Commander
3. Battalion platoon commander
4. Division commander
5. Bureau commander
Other Divisions
1. Immediate supervisor
2. Assistant division commander
3. Division Commander
(Art III, Sec 14)</p>
<p>Who to contact for complaints concerning EEOC?</p>
<p>Unequal treatment based on race, sexual orientation, religion, color, ancestry, national origin may contact EEOC Councilor or contact the EEOC Officer for the Dept. (Art III, Sec 17)</p>
<p>When are members required to have the Official ID Card and how is it replaced if needed? </p>
<p>FDID card will be carried by all on-duty members at all times. If lost or stolen, a special report will be submitted to division commander who will take final action on matter. Report will also be made to proper jurisdictional police agency.
Additional info DCFD Bulletin 51.</p>
<p>What form is used for transfer requests and what information is required?</p>
<p>Members may request a transfer from 1 assignment to another using the following criteria: Position must be vacant or anticipated to become vacant in the near future, requests in writing on FD Form 10 listing
a. Time in grade
b. Reason for request
c. Current and previous assignments, by rank and dates
d. Any educational qualifications relevant to the assignment
e. Any other qualifications of the member relative to the position.
Requests will remain on file and valid for the calendar year submitted. (Art III, Sec 19)</p>
<p>What prohibitions related to transfers for members are there? </p>
<p>DCFD policy prohibits the direct supervision of or the assignment with, any member to the same battalion unit on the same platoon with the member’s: Parent, Sibling, Offspring, Spouse. (Art III, Sec 19)</p>
<p>What is the purpose of the Standard Payroll Direct Deposit Authorization Form?</p>
<p>1. To authorize payment of the total net amount of salaries or wages due an employee by direct credit to their account at a financial institution.
2. To authorize allotments of pay to employee’s savings accounts in DC credit unions approved by the Pay and Retirement Division of the Office of Financial Management. These allotments may be increases and decreased by the employee. (Art III, Sec 20)</p>
<p>What is a financial organization pertaining to direct deposit? </p>
<p>Any bank, savings bank, savings and loan, federal or state chartered credit union, or similar institution. (Art III, Sec 20)</p>
<p>Process for obtaining a Standard Payroll Direct Deposit Authorization Form? </p>
<p>May be accessed from LAN, May be typed or printed (use black or blue ink). If changing banks or closing accounts, do not close the account unitl a payroll check is issued from the new account or your earnings statement reflects the change. A voided check is required for the net pay deposit, it is recommended, but not required for allotments. All forms must be taken to the agency payroll officer or Human Resources advisor and delivered to the Office Of Pay and Retirement Services. (Art III, Sec 20)</p>
<p>What are the procedures for citizens to file a claim against the DC Government? </p>
<p>Citizens who believe they have been injured and/or their property has been damaged by DCFD must file a claim with the DC Government.
DC Official Code ss 2-411 et seq. &amp; DC Official Code ss 12-309. A tape recording of the specific requirements are at 202-727-8600
A written notice containing:
1. A brief description of the incident with cause and circumstance
2. Date and time of incident
3. Location of incident
Written notice sent to Office of Risk Management within 6 months of the date the damage or injury was sustained. (Art III, Sec 21)
<p>What additional information is needed to file a claim against the DC Government? </p>
<p>1. 2 or more estimates of the cost of the repair, if the damage is to real or personal property
2. copies of medical bills and expenses, documentation of lost wages, etc, if the injury is to a person
3. the name, address, and telephone number of your insurance carrier, if your loss is covered by insurance, such as car insurance, home insurance or health insurance.
Not necessary to have all info at the time of filing the notice of claim, but must be provided to complete processing of claim. It is recommended to include the info initially to speed processing. To check the status of the claim, contact the Claims Unit of the Office of the Risk Management at 202-724-2251. DCFD does not maintain this info. (Art III, Sec 21)</p>
<p>How is a request for an audience with the Fire Chief made? </p>
<p>Made in writing and will proceed through proper channels. Officers and supervisors endorsing these reports will make every effort to substantiate the validity of the request, which must be reflected in the endorsement &amp; will be submitted promptly to the FC for consideration. Audiences of an emergency nature need not be in writing, but must follow the chain of command. (Art III, Sec 22)</p>
<p>What are the guidelines for visiting the Fire Chief? </p>
<p>Member will report in full dress uniform, unless prevented by urgency. All attire will be clean and pressed with shoes properly polished. Upon entering the office area, advise the secretary or the aide of your purpose for visiting so that the official you desire to see will be aware of your presence. If there is a delay before the official can see you, have a seat in the waiting area, do not congregate elsewhere (Art III, Sec 22)</p>
<p>Procedure for requesting to ride fire department apparatus? </p>
<p>Refer to Bulletin No 36 (Art III, Sec 23)</p>
<p>What is a summons? </p>
<p>Definition: A legal document notifying the person summoned that an action has been initiated against him in the court where the summons was issued.
(Art III, sec 24)</p>
<p>May a member accept a summons for another member? </p>
<p>No member may accept the personal service of a summons to a civil lawsuit for any other member, unless authorized by that member. Since court rules also permit service of a summons by certified mail with a return receipt, members are cautioned to not sign for mail addressed to other members unless authorized to do so, or are certain that the envelope does not contain a summons. (Art III, Sec 24)</p>
<p>May a member accept a summons themselves? </p>
<p>Members are encouraged to accept summonses on themselves at their duty station. Home addresses of members are not public record and the department will not disclose the home address of members. It would be unseemly for a member to evade proper service at their duty station for duty related civil actions. However, no member will be ordered to meet with a process server or to accept a summons to a civil case. (Art III, Sec 24)</p>
<p>What is the policy for a Process Server at a duty station? </p>
<p>The process server will be directed to the company commander or other designated administrative official. The company commander will determine if the member is available. The member, if available, will be informed by the company officer that the process server wishes to see him. The member will state whether or not he will meet the process server at that time, in the future, or refusing to meet. The company commander will relay this info to the process server. If the member to be served is not available, the process server will be told the duty hours and when he will be reporting for duty. The process server will be asked if he will attempt service at that time or at a future time or date. If the process server states he will return at a specified time, the member to be served will be notified of the visit of the process server and of the time and date when service will again be attempted. Info will be recorded in the company journal, omitting any details of the summons. The appropriate BFC or Bureau Chief will be telephone unless it is directed to be put in writing. (Art III, Sec 24)</p>
<p>What most a member do once served a summons? </p>
<p>Immediately read the summons and complaint carefully with immediate action taken to ensure that an answer is filed in court on their behalf. Members may be entitled to free representation by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) for acts performed in the line of duty. Members seeking representation shall obtain FD Form 2.6 (Request for Representation by the (OAG) in triplicate. The summons and FD Form 2.6 should be personally delivered to the Office of General Counsel without delay, along with any reports or documentation pertaining to the case, which are readily available to the member. Members who do not wish to be represented by the OAG may seek private legal counsel at their own expense (Art III, Sec 24)</p>
<p>What is a subpoena? </p>
<p>Definition: A legal notice to a witness to appear and give testimony at the place, date and time specified in the subpoena. A subpoena may direct a witness to appear and give testimony only, or a Subpoena Duces Tecum may direct the witness to bring relevant documents. (Art III, Sec 24)</p>
<p>May a subpoena be ignored? </p>
<p>A subpoena cannot be ignored, it must be complied with, withdrawn or modified by the person who issued it, or modified or quashed by the court. A person who fails without adequate excuse to obey a subpoena can be held in contempt of court. Members receiving a subpoena who have questions concerning the subpoena or who wish to have a subpoena quashed, modified or withdrawn should contact the Office of the General Counsel. Members receiving subpoenas who are parties in a case and who are represented by counsel should immediately notify their counsel of the subpoena. (Art III, Sec 24)</p>
What must a subpoena indicate?
A subpoena must indicate the name of the case, the date, time and place of appearance, and the name of the person issuing the subpoena, as well as the name of the person being subpoenaed. If any of these elements of a subpoena are missing, a member need not accept service of the subpoena. A subpoena should also bear the signature of the clerk of the court (Art III, Sec 24 - part II)
What is a deposition?
A document informing a witness of the intention to pursue and discover a matter involved in a lawsuit through the taking of testimony under oath. The deposition usually occurs outside of the court setting (an attorney’s office or similar setting). Normally, the lawyers for all parties to the trial and a stenographer will be present at the time of the deposition. The witness being deposed can be subjected to questioning by all parties present and the questioning can extend into areas, such as hearsay, which are not admissible as evidence in the trial. (Art III, Sec 24 part III)
What is the Department Journal?
The Department journal is a record of daily events and, for recording all transactions with indications therein of each and every incident which could possibly be construed as affecting the administration, personnel, property records, training and firefighting activities of the company/unit concerned. (Art IV Sec 1)
Who is responsible for seeing that journal entries are made?
On-duty company officers will be held responsible for seeing that proper entries are made. Particular care will be taken to insure that orders received orally are recorded and communicated verbatim. (Art IV Sec 1)
What must be entered into the Departmental Journal and by whom at 00:01?
At 0001 hours each day, the watch detail will enter in the company journal (in bold characters), the day of the week, month, date and year; e.g., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1996.
(Art IV Sec 1)
What information concerning crew members will be entered into the Departmental Journal?
Journal entries, showing the whereabouts of each officer and member of a company/unit at time of line-up will indicate the members assigned as drivers, tillermen and EMS crew persons, by placing after their names one (1) of the following symbols:
1. WD -Wagon Driver 5. ACIC - EMS Crew person In Charge 2. TD -Truck Driver 6. ACA - EMS Crew person Aide 3. T - Tillerman 7. D -Other Drivers 4. A - Administrative Assistant Aide (Art IV Sec 1)
How is the driver of a response indicated in the EMS journal?
When information is transferred from the Electronic Patient Care Report into the EMS journal, either the designation ACIC-D or ACA-D will be entered after the recording of each response. This designation will serve to identify the crew person driving the EMS unit during that response.
(Art IV Sec 1)
What must be made for journal entries in instances of no actual fire?
The Department is required to keep a comprehensive record of all incidents to which we are dispatched. In instances where there was no actual fire, or fire out-on-arrival, defective oil burner, overheated brakes, food on the stove, etc., it is vitally important to list all particulars. (Art IV Sec 1)
Where will the incident number be entered into the company journal?
The incident number will be entered in the company journal in the left margin, below the dispatch time, for all incidents. (Art IV Sec 1)
What must the the company officer of the Engine Company on the fire ground, first due on the incident, be responsible for recording in his company journal the particulars of the response?
- Building information.
a. Location. b. Height and construction. c. How occupied. d. Owner - name and address. e. Agent - name and address. f. Origin of fire. g. Extent of spread of fire. h. Whether damage exceeded $50.00. (Art IV Sec 1)
What information is needed for a journal entry concerning a vehicle fire?
- Vehicle information.
a. Location. b. Make, model, body type and year. c. License number and state. d. Owner - name and address. e. Driver - name and address. f. Cause of fire and origin. g. Extent of spread of fire. h. Whether insured or not. i. Vehicle identification number. (VIN) (Art IV Sec 1)
What is a false alarm and how will it be entered into the journal?
In general, false alarms include only those that are sent in willfully or knowingly false and will be recorded as such. In each case of response to a false alarm, the company journal entry for the response will so indicate.
(Art IV Sec 1)
What is a needless or accidental alarm and how will it be recorded in the company journal?
In addition to the required building or vehicle information, alarms caused by smoke or steam scares, reflections, accidents to boxes or where a mistake has been made (good intentions) will be recorded as needless or accidental alarms. (Art IV Sec 1)
May erasures be made in the company journal?
No erasures will be permitted in the company/unit journal. All entries will be made in ink or indelible pencil and, if an error is made, the correction will be made by drawing a line through the error and adding the correct data. (Art IV Sec 1)
May red ink be used to highlight journal entries?
There will be no objection to the use of a red pencil or pen to enter some distinctive mark in the margin of journal pages to call attention to items of particular importance to the company/ unit or office concerned. (Art IV Sec 1)
What are the procedures for journal entries for transferred companies?
On-duty company officers of transferred companies will insure that a record of all their transactions during the transfer period are entered in the journal (responses in blue or black ink) of the company whose place they take, including the times of reporting in service and departure, and will upon return to their own quarters, record in their own journal (responses in red ink) their activities while in a transfer status. (Art IV Sec 1)
Where is the roster of company members kept?
There shall be maintained in the journal of each company, an up-to-date roster, separated by Platoon, listing the officers in order of their rank and the members in alphabetical order showing the name, title and telephone number and area code of each officer and member, including chiefs (Art IV Sec 1)
How shall the roster of company members be arranged?
- Single houses and engine companies in double houses.
[All Platoons on the inside front cover.]- Truck companies or rescue squads in double houses.
[All Platoons on the inside of the back cover]
(Art IV Sec 1)
- Truck companies or rescue squads in double houses.
Where in the Personnel Record stored?
Personnel records, other than the general records of the Administrative Division, will be maintained in the employees Personnel Folders.
When a member is transferred, their Personnel Folder will be forwarded by their former commander to their new commander. (Art IV Sec 2)
On what form will PAT numbers of probationary members be stored?
PAT Numbers of probationary members will be recorded on the Form 119.
All dates entered on the Form 119 will be in the following style: 10-10-06, not October 10, 2006. (Art IV Sec 1)
What information will be on the front of FD Form 119?
The member’s motor vehicle operator’s permit number, date of expiration and class (if any) will be typed/and or neatly printed on the front of the Form 119 in the space provided. At any time the permit changes, or becomes invalid for any reason, appropriate notation will be made on the form. (Art IV, Sec 2)
What information will be on the back of the FD Form 119?
The miscellaneous column on the back of the form will be used for such entries as date of receipt of service emblems and/or medals, and special courses of instruction will also be listed on the FD Form 175 reported infractions and action taken and medical division number. (Art IV, Sec 2)
In what manner will company designations be entered on the FD Form 119?
All company designations entered upon the form will be in the abbreviated form, such as: E-3, T-1, etc. (Art IV, Sec 2)
How will home address and telephone number changes be entered on the FD Form 119?
When home address or telephone number changes, the old item will not be crossed out or erased, but the new item will be entered in the next space below, thus the last item on the form will be the current information. (Art IV, Sec 2)
In what manner will the FD Form 119 be attached to the personnel file?
The Form 119 will be attached, using Acco fasteners, to the inside of the front cover of the personnel file folder left side, under the current F&EMSD Form 175 and the current F&EMSD Form 9. (Art IV, Sec 2)
What is a leave record card?
At the end of the Leave Year, a Leave Record Card, F&EMSD Form 33.1, will be prepared for each member of the Department. These cards will be maintained by platoon commanders and commanders of divisions other than Fire Fighting. At the close of each leave year, the card will be inserted in the member’s personnel file. (Art IV Sec 3)
How will entries be made on FD Form 33.1?
Cards will be kept current by daily entries of all leave, in proper blocks, using ink or a typewriter.
[When recording light-duty on the leave card, insert LD in the proper block.]
When recording sick leave (Minor Illness Program) on the leave record card, insert MIP along with the hours in the proper block.
Unofficial entries may also be made in the proper blocks, for company information.
On the back of the card, space is provided for entries relative to sick leave. Where two (2) cases of sick leave occur in one (1) month, two (2) lines will be used.
The back of the card will also be used to note when MIP has been denied to members and so dated.
The date, on which a member’s annual leave status changes, will be entered on the front of the card in the space provided in the upper left-hand portion.
The total amount of annual and sick leave to be earned for the year will be entered on the front of the card in the space provided in the upper right-hand portion.
How are leave records kept for detailed members?
- Officers in divisions other than Operations and company officers will call the assigned company of each detailed member (other than one (1) day details) and make arrangements for proper record keeping for the member concerned.
- Normally, the F&EMSD Form 33.1 and the PeopleSoft records will be retained and maintained in the company to which the member is regularly assigned. (Art III, Sec 4)
When a member retires, resigns or is otherwise separated from service, where is his Personnel Record File sent?
When a member retires, resigns or is separated from the service for any reason, their Personnel Record File will be promptly forwarded to the Inventory/Records Management located at the Logistics Section (Attention Inventory Records Management Assistant). (Art III, Sec 5)
What is the Company Officer Daily Checklist?
The Form 55, Company Officer Daily Checklist, can be used to assist the company officer as a guide to the basic activities that should be performed daily, can be accessed on the LAN in the folder “Office Forms”. (Art III, /sec 6)
What is the Company Information Book?
There will be maintained by the company officers of each company, a loose-leaf book known as the “Company Information Book”. It will be kept up to date in a neat and orderly manner.
This book will contain reference material, which may be issued from time to time, for use by members of the company concerned, and information which might be of assistance to the members of companies which may be transferred from one (1) house to another. (Art III, Sec 7)
What will be kept in the Company Information Book?
Typewritten information to be inserted therein will consist of the following:
1. Boxes in box alarm district with box alarm assignments and running routes thereto with right and left turns indicated.
A separate list of boxes in box alarm district of Battalion Chiefs with box alarm assignments, and running routes thereto with right and left turns indicated, will be maintained in the engine company information book in which the Battalion Fire Chief is stationed.
2. A list of all streets, alleys, places (the word “places” as used herein applies to roadways), and courts in the box alarm district, alphabetically and numerically arranged, with running routes thereto with right and left turns indicated.
3. A list of localities where it would be wise to have another engine company respond to assist for reason of distance between hydrants, etc.
4. Location in quarters of special firefighting appliances or equipment, such as the syphon, foam supply, etc.
5. Any other information which may be of assistance to a transferred company.
6. Chart describing the Official Company Desk.
7. Chart describing the Official File Cabinet.
8. List of Official Fire and EMS Department books and manuals.
9. List of company’s drivers and tillermen for apparatus stationed in the respective quarters.
10. List of probationers.
11. A list of localities that, due to unusual circumstances, have been pre-planned.
12. Information concerning the battalion.
13. Such other information as may be directed by the Fire/EMS Chief, such as hydrant, sprinkler and standpipe forms. (Art III, Sec 7)
The contents of the first drawer of the company official feel cabinet will contain which personnel files?
Contents of the top drawer will include personnel file folders A through K. (Art III, Sec 8)
The contents of the 2nd drawer of the company official file cabinet will contain which personnel files?
Contents of the second drawer will include personnel file folders L through Z. (Art III, Sec 8)
What may be stored in both the top and 2nd drawer of the office file cabinet?
Miscellaneous stationery items may be stored in these two top drawers (Art III, Sec 8)
How will the drawers containing personnel files in the company official file cabinet be secured?
The drawers containing the personnel file folders will be securely locked at all times when not in use. (Art III, Sec 8)
What is kept in the third drawer of the company official file cabinet?
Contents of the third drawer will contain PeopleSoft records. (Art III, Sec 8)
What is kept in the 4th and 5th drawers of the company official file cabinet?
Contents of the fourth and fifth drawer will include all executed reports, forms and other correspondence. Excess, executed, fire hydrant forms may be kept in these drawers in the rear of the engine companies file cabinet. (Art III, Sec 8)
Where are Official Personnel File folders maintained?
Official personnel file folders are maintained on all personnel of the Department by the Servicing Personnel Office No.2 of the D.C. Office of Personnel. (Art III, sec 9)
Where are Working Personnel File Folders maintained?
- In companies - at company and battalion level.
- In sections - at section and division level.
- Battalion Fire Chiefs - at battalion and division level.
- Deputy Fire Chiefs and personnel of the Fire Prevention, Training and Apparatus Divisions will be kept at division level. (Art III, Sec 9)
What information is kept in Personnel file folders?
Personnel file folders will contain information and reports that originate at company or platoon level relating to an individual member, including casualty reports, rating forms, driver reports, rescues, accidents reports, etc. When a report pertaining to an individual is filed under another heading, such as “Accidents”, a F&EMSD Form 99, giving brief particulars of the report, will be placed in the member’s file. (Art III, Sec 9)
In what manner will Personnel File Folders be stored?
Personnel file folders will have all papers filed on Acco fasteners, be kept in the front of the top drawer of file cabinets, and filed by company (if applicable), alphabetically. (Art III, Sec 9)
What is done to a Personnel File Folder in the event of a transfer of a member?
When a member is transferred, their personnel file folder(s) will be forwarded to their new company, section, battalion or division, as the case may be. Files on members who separate from the Department will be forwarded to the Inventory/Records Management located at the Logistics Section. (Art III, Sec 9)
What is the DC Form 99?
The F&EMSD Form 99 is to be used in files when the original is filed under another heading or is not available. The Form 99 will include the following information:
- The subject matter of the original.
- The date of the original.
- The location of the original. (Art III, Sec 10)
Where are single role EMS providers assigned for administrative purposes?
For administrative purposes only, all single role EMS providers will be considered to be assigned to the Platoon Commanded by the Captain of the Engine Company where they are quartered. EMS units assigned to the Special Operations Battalion will be considered to be assigned to the Platoon commanded by the Captain of the Special Operations Unit (Rescue Squad or Haz Mat) where they are quartered. This responsibility will extend up the chain of command to the Battalion Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief on the responsible Captain’s Platoon.(Art III, Sec 10)
How is administrative accountability for single role EMS providers achieved?
Responsible Captains, Battalion Chief, Deputy Fire Chiefs will add the names of all single role EMS providers under their administrative supervision to the existing tracking methods used to ensure that all personnel are included in the administrative accountability. (Art III, Sec 10)
Do the administrative accountability requirements extend to operational matters concerning to single role EMS providers?
This section applies ONLY to routine administrative matters. For operational issues, incidents, complaints, disciplinary actions, etc. The chain of command will be that of the incident, beginning with the on duty platoon commander of the appropriate Engine Company or Special Operations unit. (Art III Sec 10)
What for will be submitted on all Metro alarms not of an EMS nature?
The FD Form 170.3 will be submitted on all Metro responses, except medical locals such as sick cases, heart attacks, etc., to the Special Operations Division attention Metro Liaison Officer through the incident commander. (Art III, Sec 10)