Who is responsible for the personal appearance of members?
On-duty platoon commanders, and heads of divisions other than the Operations Division, will be held responsible for ensuring that all personnel under their command are neat, clean, and that they present proper appearance at all times when on duty and/or in uniform.
(Art XXI, Sec 1)
Who may wear the full dress uniform?
Uniformed members of the Fire & EMS Department, who are authorized by a collective bargaining agreement, are authorized to wear the full dress uniform. Personnel not otherwise stipulated herein may not wear the full dress uniform unless authorized by the Fire & EMS Chief.
(Art XXI, Sec 1)
May members wear their uniform off duty?
Members shall not wear the uniform, or any part of the uniform, when off duty unless directly in route to or from official duty stations, or by special permission of the Fire & EMS Chief.
(Art XXI, Sec 1)
What is neutrality of uniform?
Members are prohibited from modifying their uniform or wearing any symbol over or on their uniform to express personal religion, bent or bias. There is a strict dress code policy that must remain a symbol of neutral government authority, free from expressions of personal religion, bent or bias (Art XXI, Sec 2)
When must a member appear in full dress uniform?
The full dress uniform shall be worn when an officer or member is so ordered to report in an official capacity; i.e., to an office of a District Government agency on official business, to the office of a uniformed Department official, and on official details in the public view, unless · otherwise specified. The full dress uniform shall also be worn during visits to the office of Fire & EMS Chief, Deputy Fire Chief Conference, trial boards or any disciplinary conference (Art XXI, Sec 3)
When notice is made of a visit by officials to quarters, what must members wear?
When prior notice is given that quarters are to be visited by officials, all personnel shall lineup wearing the full dress uniform. (Art XXI, Sec 3)
Shall a skirt be worn for lineup in quarters?
The skirt shall not be worn for lineup in quarters. (Art XXI, Sec 3)
Where is the dress uniform to be kept?
When on duty, members shall maintain a clean, repaired, and pressed full dress uniform ensemble at their regularly assigned company quarters at all times. (Art XXI, Sec 3)
What does the full dress uniform consist of? (officer and member)
Regulation sack coat, tropical trousers/skirt, long sleeve white shirt/blouse with black four-in hand tie/ascot, regulation black leather belt, navy (dark) blue or black socks/nylons, black leather uniform shoes/pumps, uniform cap, all the appropriate collar insignia (breast badge for chief officers) and nameplate. Meritorious service emblems, such as bars, medals and ribbons officially awarded to members by the District of Columbia Fire & EMS Department or panel sanctioned by the District of Columbia Government, may be worn on the left side of the sack coat or.dress uniform shirt or blouse, centered 1/4 inch above the top seam of the pocket. (Art XXI, Sec 4)
What are the dress uniform requirements for members of the honor guard? (officer and member)
Members serving in the Department’s Honor Guard Unit shall wear the ceremonial honor guard uniform while participating in special details. At all other times when required to appear in dress uniform, Honor Guard Unit members shall wear the regulation full dress uniform.
(Art XXI, Sec 4)
Who may designate an alternative level of dress uniform? (officer and member)
The Fire & EMS Chief, or his designee, shall have the authority to designate an alternate level of dress uniform, based on the type of event or activity, weather conditions and any other factors under consideration. (Art XXI, Sec 4O
What is a penguin’s favorite relative?
His Aunt Artica (Tim, Sec 1)
What are the white shirt/blouse requirements?
Official Department patch attached to the left sleeve with thread, entered one (1) inch below the shoulder seam, shall be worn by all chief officers, officers and all members above the rank of Firefighter.
Shirts/blouse tails shall be neatly tucked in at all times.
When required to wear the sack coat, the long sleeve white shirt/blouse shall be worn with the regulation black four-in-hand necktie/ascot as the dress uniform.
(Art XXI, Sec 4-A)
What are the requirements for the officer sack coat?
Officers shall wear the regulation sack coat, with the official Department patch attached to the left sleeve with thread, centered one (1) inch from the shoulder seam, with the dress uniform.
The official Department patch shall be the only emblem patch displayed on the sack coat or any part of the dress uniform.
(Art XXI, Sec 4-B)
What are the requirements for the Chief Officer sack coat?
Chief Officers shall wear the regulation double-breasted sack coat with the appropriate gold rank stripe(s) on both sleeves and gold service star(s) on the left sleeve. The first gold rank stripe is sewn three (3) inches from the end of each cuff. Subsequent rank stripes shall be spaced one-half (1/2) inch above the previous stripe.
(Art XXI, Sec 4-B-1)
What are the rank stripes worn by Chief Officers on the sack coat?
Battalion Fire Chief: a one-half (1/2) inch gold stripe.
Deputy Fire Chief: a one (1) inch gold stripe.
Assistant Fire Chief: a one-half (1/2) inch gold stripe above a one (1) inch gold stripe.
Fire & EMS Chief: Two one-half (1/2) inch gold stripes above a one (1) inch gold stripe.
Service stars, worn by Battalion Fire Chiefs and above, represent five (5) years of service in the Department.
The service stars shall be centered one (1) inch above the rank stripes. Subsequent stars are spaced one-quarter (1/4) inch apart.
(Art XXI, Sec 4-B-1)
What are the requirements for service strips for non chief officers?
Captains, Lieutenants and Sergeants shall wear the regulation single-breasted sack coat with the appropriate number of gold service stripes on the left sleeve.
Service stripes, one-quarter (1/4) inch in width, represent five years of completed satisfactory service with the Department. The first gold service stripe is sewn 3 inches from the end of the left cuff. Subsequent stripes are (1/2) inch apart.
(Art XXI, Sec 4-B-2)
What are the collar insignias for officers?
Fire & EMS Chief - 5 crossed bugles Assistant Fire Chief - 4 crosses bugles Deputy Fire Chief - 3 crossed bugles Battalion Fire Chief - 2 crosses bugles Captain - 2 parallel bugles Lieutenant - 1 bugle (horizontal) Sergeant - 3 chevrons (Art XXI, Sec 4-C-1)
What style are collar insignia indicating rank?
The insignia shall be of the disc style, large and small. The large disc insignia shall be worn on the sack coat and overcoat. The small disc insignia shall be worn on the regulation white shirt or blouse. (Art XXI, Sec 4-C-1)
How shall rank insignia be worn?
The disc insignia shall be centered one and one-half (1-1/2) inches from the bottom of the collar, and positioned with the open end downward, so as to appear vertical when the collar is buttoned, except for lieutenant. The lieutenant insignia shall be positioned horizontally, so that the open end is pointing outward. (Art XXI, Sec 4-C-1)
Who are required to wear the breast badge?
Chief Officers shall be required to wear the breast badge, centered above the left breast, on the sack coat as part of the dress uniform, with one (1) exception: A chief officer may opt to dispense with the breast badge in order to display meritorious service emblems. Bars, medals and ribbons officially awarded to members by the District of Columbia Fire & EMS Department or panel sanctioned by the District of Columbia Government, may be worn on the left side of the sack coat or dress uniform shirt or blouse, centered 1/4 inch above the top seam of the pocket in its place (Art XXI, Sec 4-C-2)
What are the requirements for the regulation trousers? (officer and member)
The trousers shall be properly hemmed with thread, having a turned under hem not less than one ( 1) inch wide, single stitched. Trousers shall be of sufficient length so as to cause the bottom edge of trouser leg to meet the shoe at the instep while the wearer is standing at attention. [skirts 2 to 3 inches below knee] (Art XXI, Sec 4-D)
Must members wear a necktie while in dress uniform? (officer and member)
Trousers shall be of sufficient length so as to cause the bottom edge of trouser leg to meet the shoe at the instep while the wearer is standing at attention (Art XXI, Sec 4-E)
What are the requirements for dress uniform footwear? (officer and member)
Men shall wear black leather or imitation black leather uniform style shoes, properly polished, with the dress uniform.
Women shall wear a black uniform type pump, properly polished with a heel not more than 2-1/2 inches, with the dress uniform skirt.
Tennis shoe style footwear shall not be permitted.
(Art XXI, Sec 4-F)
What are the requirements for socks/nylons with dress uniform? (officer and member)
Men shall wear plain black or navy (dark) blue crew socks with the dress uniform.
Women shall wear black, off black, or flesh colored nylons with the dress uniform skirt. All socks worn by members must be above the ankles. Socks below the ankles are not permitted.
(Art XXI, Sec 4-G)
What are the requirements for the regulation leather belt? (officer and member)
The regulation issue black leather belt with regulation buckle shall be worn with the dress uniform. Acceptable fire or medical service buckles may be substituted in lieu of the regulation issue buckle.
(Art XXI, Sec 4-H)
What are the requirements for the Chief officer service cap?
Officers shall wear the regulation uniform cap (Round Top style) with the dress uniform.
1. Uniform caps for Assistant Fire Chiefs and the Fire Chief shall be dark blue in color, with a black velvet band, flat gold chinstrap and a commander gold visor. Deputy Fire Chiefs’ service caps are similar; except for the visor, which is the army gold style. The appropriate cap badge shall be displayed on the front of the cap.
2. Uniform caps for Battalion Fire Chiefs shall be dark blue in color, with a black velvet band and flat gold chinstrap. The cap badge for Battalion Fire Chief shall be displayed on the front of the cap.
(Art XXI, Sec 4-I)
What are the requirements for the officer service cap?
Officers and Members above the rank of firefighter.
Officer’s uniform caps shall be the round top style with
dark blue in color, with a black mohair braid and gold rope. badge shall be displayed on the front of the cap.
(Art XXI, Sec 4-I-3)
What style shirt must be worn under the white uniform shirt?
Solid white undershirts or T-shirts only shall be worn under the regulation white shirt or blouse.
(Art XXI, Sec 4-J)
What are the requirements for the regulation overcoat/raincoat for officers?
The regulation overcoat/raincoat shall be worn over the sack coat whenever the weather condition warrants. The overcoat shall bear only the official Department patch on the left sleeve, centered one (1) inch befow the shoulder seam, and the gold Fire & EMS Department buttons. The large disc insignia shall be worn on the epaulets, centered approximately two (2) inches from the shoulder seam. Unless specifically ordered, overcoats are optional.
(Art XXI, Sec 4-K)
What are the requirements for the light blue shirt/blouse for members?
The regulation light blue shirt/blouse with the official Department patch attached to the left sleeve with thread, centered one (1) inch below the shoulder seam, shall be worn by all uniformed members in Fire Service (FS) Class 1 or any of the District Schedule (DS) grades of the Department.
Shirts/blouse tails shall be neatly tucked in at all times.
(Art XXI, Sec 5-A)
What are the requirements of the blue shirt/blouse in conjunction with the sack coat?
When required to wear the sack coat, the long sleeve light blue shirt/blouse with the regulation black four-in-hand necktie/ascot shall be worn as the dress uniform.
(Art XXI, Sec 5-A)
What are the requirements for the regulation sack coat for members?
Members shall wear the regulation sack coat, with the official Department patch attached to the left sleeve with thread, centered one (1) inch from the shoulder seam, with the dress uniform.
The official Department patch shall be the only patch displayed on the sack coat or any part of the dress uniform. Members shall wear the regulation single-breasted sack coat with appropriate number of blue service stripes on the left sleeve. Service stripes, one quarter (1/4) inch in width, represent five years of completed satisfactory service with the Department. The first blue service stripe is sewn 3 inches from the end of the left cuff.
Subsequent stripes are spaced one-half (1/2) inch apart.
(Art XXI, Sec 5-B)
What are the requirements for the collar insignias worn by members?
The Department issued “FIRE - EMS” insignia shall be worn on the regulation light blue dress uniform shirt. These insignia shall be block letters, one-half (1/2) inch in height.
The insignia is worn with the “FIRE” on the right lapel and “EMS” on the left lapel. They shall be centered one and one-half (1-1/2) inches from the point of the collar, so that they appear to be horizontal with the shirt buttoned.
(Art XXI, Sec 5-C)
May members use collar brass to display their assigned unit?
Uniformed members desiring to display the affiliation of their assigned company or unit will wear the “FIRE” insignia on the right lapel, and the company/unit designation on the left lapel. (i.e. E-01) (Art XXI, Sec 5-C-1) (can be done for ems units too..lame)
What are the requirements for member service caps?
Members shall wear the regulation uniform cap (Round Top style), dark blue in color, with black visor, black rope and silver cap badge with the dress uniform. The service cap shall be removed when entering buildings.
(Art XXI, Sec 5-I)
What are the requirements for the undershirt for light blue shirts/blouses?
Solid white undershirts or “T” shirts only shall be worn under the regulation light blue shirt/blouse.
(Art XXI, Sec 5-J)
What are the requirements for overcoat/raincoats for members?
The regulation overcoat/raincoat shall be worn over the sack coat whenever the weather condition warrants. The overcoat shall bear only the official Department patch on the left sleeve, centered one (1) inch below the shoulder seam, and the gold Fire & EMS Department buttons. Unless specifically ordered, overcoats are optional.
(Art XXI, Sec 5-K)
When is the white shirt used as the regulation work uniform?
shall be worn as the work uniform by all chief officers or those acting in their stead, and all officers and members above the rank of Firefighter who are assigned or detailed to a division other than the [Operations Division]. (Art XXI, Sec 6)
When shall the long sleeve white shirt be worn?
with the four-in-hand necktie/ascot, sleeves extended full length and buttoned.
By Chief Officers, officers and supervisors assigned to divisions/positions other than the Operations Division/Field Operations from October 31, to April 1. (white t-shirt only)
(Art XXI, Sec 6-1)
When must a long sleeve white shirt be worn regardless of time of year?
Chief Officers, officers and supervisors, when ordered to represent the Department in an official capacity, shall wear the regulation long sleeve shirt/blouse with the black four-in-hand necktie/ascot regardless of the time of year (i.e., ANC meetings; citizen council; neighborhood crime watch, etc.).(white t-shirt only)
(Art XXI, Sec 6-1)
When may the short sleeve white shirt be worn?
The regulation short sleeve white shirt/blouse shall be worn with the collar open. No necktie/ascot shall be worn with the short sleeve shirt/blouse. The short sleeve white shirt may be worn from April 1, to Octaber 31. (white t-shirt only)
(Art XXI, Sec 6-2)
Who shall wear the dark blue uniform shirt?
The regulation dark blue wash and wear work uniform shirt/blouse with the official Department patch attached to the left sleeve with thread, centered one (1) inch below the shoulder seam, shall be worn as the work uniform by all uniformed members and officers assigned/detailed to the Operations Division, with the exception of chief officers or those acting in their stead. Approved company/unit patches may be worn on the right sleeve of the dark blue work uniform shirt. (Art XXI, Sec 6-B)
When shall the long sleeve dark blue uniform shirt be worn and how?
The regulation long sleeve dark blue shirt/blouse shall be worn with the collar open, sleeves extended full length and buttoned. The long sleeve dark blue shirt or blouse shall be worn from October 31, to April 1.
(Art XXI, Sec 6-B-1)
When shall the short sleeve dark uniform shirt be worn and how?
The regulation short sleeve dark blue shirt/blouse shall be worn with the collar open. The short sleeve dark blue shirt/blouse shall be worn from April 1, to October 31.
(Art XXI, Sec 6-B-2)
In divisions other than operations, what trousers must officers wear?
Chief Officers, and officers and members above the rank of Firefighter assigned to divisions other than the Operations Division, shall wear the regulation tropical trousers as the work uniform.
(Art XXI, Sec 6-C)
What trousers must Chief Officers in the operations division wear?
Chief Officers in the Operations Division, and those acting in their stead, shall wear the regulation tropical trousers as the work uniform.
(Art XXI, Sec 6-C)
What trousers are officers and members above the rank of firefighter in operations division to wear?
Officers and members above the rank of Firefighter, assigned to the Operations Division, shall wear the regulation wash and wear trousers.
(Art XXI, Sec 6-C)
In addition to the regulation wash and wear trouser, what trouser may members of the Fire investigations unit wear/
Members assigned to the Fire Investigation Unit are authorized to wear the dark blue wash and wear trousers with exterior multi-pockets. These are commonly referred to as “Battle Dress Uniform” trousers, or BDU’s.
(Art XXI, Sec 6-C)
What are the requirements for the wash and wear trousers?
All trousers sha11 be properly hemmed with thread, having a turned under hem not less than one (1) inch wide, single stitched. Trousers shall be of sufficient length so as to cause the bottom edge of the trouser leg to meet the shoe at the instep while the wearer is standing at attention [unless an accommodation is granted pursuant to Bulletin 28 or Bulletin 31, the bottom edge of the trouser leg may be no more than 1/4 inch above the ankle.]
(Art XXI, Sec 6-C)
What are the requirements for work shoes?
Men shall wear black leather or imitation black leather uniform style shoes, properly polished, with the work uniform.
Women shall wear a black uniform type pump, properly polished with a heel not more than 2-1/2 inches, with the work uniform.
(Art XXI, Sec 6-E)
Who may wear military style boots?
Members assigned to the Operations Division, other than chief officers and those acting in their stead, may wear military style boots, properly polished, with the closing mechanism (laces, straps, zippers, etc.) completely closed and covered by the length of the regulation wash and wear trousers.
(Art XXI, Sec 6-E)
When may tennis shoe style footwear be permitted with the work uniform?
never, fool.
Art XXI, Sec 6-E
Who is issued the Blauer hip length jacket?
Chief Officers, all captains, officers and members assigned to divisions other than the Operations Division, shall be issued the dark blue Blauer Style 5257 Hip-Length Jacket by the Department. This jacket shall be worn as part of the work uniform when weather conditions warrant.
(Art XXI, Sec 6-G)
Is the nameplate required on the Blauer jacket?
The nameplate is optional; however, it shall be placed on the right side, centered 1/4 inch above the pocket if worn.(Art XXI, Sec 6-G)
May members wear non-issued jackets?
During periods of extreme inclement weather, members are permitted to wear non-issued heavy coats or jackets, provided the coat or jacket is plain dark blue or black in color, with or without blue, gold, red, silver or white striping around the neck, waist and wrists.
(Art XXI, Sec 6-G)
What are the requirements for sweaters?
The regulation Department sweaters, full-zipper front or the Blauer Commando 200 V-Neck, may be worn with the work uniform. These sweaters shall bear only the official Department patch. It shall be attached to the left sleeve with thread, centered one (1) inch below the shoulder seam.
For the Blauer Commando 200 V-Neek sweater, chief officers shall wear the breast badge on the left side above the breast in the sling provided, and the large disc insignia on the epaulets centered approximately two (2) inches from the shoulder seam, when the pullover sweater is worn as an outer garment. The nameplate (optional) shall be worn on the right side above the approximate location of the pocket.
When the collar of the uniform shirt is worn open, the collar shall be worn over the opening of the sweater (Art XXI, Sec 6-H)
When must the wash and wear trousers be worn?
The regulation wash and wear trousers shall be worn as the work uniform by all uniformed members, and officers assigned/detailed to the [Operations Division], with the exception of chief officers or those acting in their stead.
(Art XXI, Sec 7-B)
What are headwear requirements for the work uniform?
Baseball caps, [knit, or skull caps,] solid navy (dark) blue in color and in good condition with approved markings, may be worn in conjunction with the work uniform. [Knit or skull caps shall fit the head snugly.]
Watch caps must be solid navy (dark) blue in color and in good condition with approved markings, may be worn during cold weather with the work uniform. Watch caps shall fit the head snugly, be worn no lower than the eyebrows and shall not be of such a length that the crown of the cap dangles from the head.
Approved markings shall be the Department patch, rank or title. Lettering colors shall be restricted to blue, gold, red, silver or white. All other colors and styles of caps are prohibited.
The baseball cap shall be worn with bill of the cap facing completely forward and not bent upward.
(Art XXI, Sec 7-I)
What are the requirements for work uniform t-shirts?
Solid white, plain navy blue, or the official Department “T” shirt may be worn under the regulation dark blue work shirt/blouse. Undershirts, “T” shirts or other undergarments worn under the regulation white work shirt/blouse shall be solid white. Undershirts, “T” shirts or other undergarments worn under the regulation dark blue work shirt/blouse may be solid white or plain navy blue.
“T” shirts with writing, logo, etc., other than the Department “T” shirt shall not be worn as undershirts.
(Art XXI, Sec 7-J)
Must members wear a name tag?
Personnel shall wear the Department-issued identification nameplate while in uniform. These identification nameplates must include their name and rank, (Art XXI, Sec 8)
May members wear personalized name plates?
Members may wear personalized nameplates. However, these identification nameplates shall also include their name and rank. They may also include the company/unit, the official Department or approved company patch, or other organizational emblems of the District Government or affiliated labor unions, as well as the “serving since ….”
(Art XXI, Sec 8)
May meritorious service emblems be worn?
Meritorious service emblems, such as bars, medals and ribbons officially awarded to members by the District of Columbia Fire & EMS Department or panel sanctioned by the District of Columbia Government, may be worn on the left side of the sack coat or dress uniform shirt or blouse, centered 1/4 inch above the top seam of the pocket.
(Art XXI, Sec 8)
How shall the bronze bar be worn?
The “Bronze Bar”, the highest honor bestowed upon members by the Department, shall be worn on the left side of the sack coat or dress uniform shirt/blouse, centered 1/4 inch above the top seam of the pocket. In addition, the Bronze Bar(s) shall be worn above all other ribbons, bars and medals displayed on the dress uniform.
(Art XXI, Sec 8)
How shall DC length of service pins be worn?
D.C. Length of Service Pin or Organizational pins issued by the District Government and affiliated labor unions may be worn on the right side of the sack coat or dress uniform shirt I blouse, centered 1/4 inch above the nameplate. Should both be worn at the same time, they shall be spaced one (1) inch apart, 1/4 inch above the nameplate, equidistant from the center of plate, with service pin worn on the right. Only the most recently issued service pin may be worn. Affiliated labor union or organizational pins shall not be worn when such emblem is incorporated into the nameplate. These type insignia shall not be worn on the overcoat.
(Art XXI, Sec 8)
May other pins and insignias be worn?
Organizational pins, insignias, or buttons which are not specifically included in the types listed in the foregoing paragraph shall not be worn or attached to any portion of the uniform so that they are, or may become, visible to the public.
(Art XXI, Sec 8)
What styles of the official department t-shirt are permitted?
- T-Shirt.
a. Crew Neck.
b. 2 - 3 Button Collarless.
b. Long or Short Sleeve.
(Art XXI, Sec 9)
When may polo shirts be worn?
Polo Shirt: The use of the Polo shirt as a regulation Department uniform is no longer permitted
(Art XXI, Sec 9)
When may the department t-shirt be worn in lieu of the official dark blue work shirt?
- In and around quarters and out of the public view.
- Under full structural Firefighting PPE and worn on the fire ground after extinguishment activities have concluded and with permission of the Incident Commander. T-Shirts that are faded, tattered, tom, unsightly, or do not meet the requirements described in detail below, will not be permitted. T-Shirts shall be worn with the tail tucked in at all times.
(Art XXI, Sec 9)
May sweatshirts be worn outside the dark blue work shirt?
Sweatshirts may be worn as the outer garment, with the regulation dark blue uniform shirt. When worn over the uniform shirt, the uniform shirt collar shall be worn on top (outside) the neck opening of the sweatshirt.
(Art XXI, Sec 9)
What are the approved markings for a department t-shkrt or sweater?
The following requirements shall serve as the official approved markings to be standard for the T-Shirt and Sweatshirt.
1. Must display the Department patch in multiple colors on the front left breast, three (3) inches in height.
2. Must display the [“DC FIRE EMS”] logo on the back in white 4-inch (by 12- inch) block letters (Ivy League Font).
3. May include the [“DC FIRE EMS”] logo, company or unit designation, or neighborhood affiliation below the [“DC FIRE EMS”] logo on the back in white 2- inch (by 12-inch) block or italicized letters (also, Ivy League Font).
4. Shall include the member’s rank on the front above the Department patch in gold or white block letters, one-half (1/2) inch in height.
5. May include the company/unit designation below the Department patch in gold or white block navy or italicized letters, 3/8-inch in height, if desired.
6. The name and title may be embroidered or stenciled (with the title, if desired, appearing below the name), in gold or white block letters 3/8- inch in height.
(Art XXI, Sec 9-B)
Why may members of the fire boat wear the water rescue swimmer uniform?
Members assigned to the Fire Boat are authorized to wear the water rescue summer uniform. These changes in the uniform regulation are instituted to reduce the inherent risk of water related rescue for the crew of the Fire Boat.
(Art XXI, Sec 10)
What uniform is to be worn by members in the bargaining unit at the apparatus division?
Members of the bargaining unit shall wear an official uniform supplied by the Department when on duty. Personnel who are required to work outside the Apparatus Division facility shall be
provide the necessary outerwear (caps,jackets, rain wear, etc.), to be furnished by the Department at no expense to the individual member.
(Art XXI, Sec 11)
What comprises the water rescue swimmer uniform?
Shirt: Approved Department T-Shirt.
Pants: Department work pants shortened to a six (6) inch inseam. Socks: White cotton.
Shoes: Deck or athletic shoes, dark blue or black in color, with a non-skid sole. Other colors or combinations of color are not acceptable.
Belt: Department issued black leather.
All associated cost of these additions to the work uniform will be borne by the individual members. Fireboat and all other rescue personnel while engaged in operations on the water shall wear flotation
(Art XXI, Sec 10)
How does a member obtain regulation maternity wear?
To be properly outfitted with maternity wear, the expectant member shall submit a memorandum to the Department Supply Management Officer, through the appropriate chain-of-command, in a timely manner.
(Art XXI, Sec 12)
What is the approved rain gear and who provides it?
When it is necessary to wear a raincoat, officers and members shall wear the regulation Fire and EMS Department raincoat/overcoat. All other members shall wear rainwear provided by the Department.
(Art XXI, Sec 13)
What are the requirements for sleep wear?
Officers and members shall wear a layer of clothing, as described below, when permitted to occupy beds. Clothing shall be cotton, and shall be clean and presentable, and except for garments possessing approved Department markings, shall be plain with no identifiable markings.
Shirt: Long or short sleeved, loose fitting shirt. Sleeveless shirts are not permitted.
Bottoms: Long or short, loose fitting bottoms. Shorts shall not be shorter than mid-thigh. Members may wear thermal underwear or sweat pants as weather conditions may warrant.
(Art XXI, Sec 14)
Where do members exchange uniforms and equipment?
The Department Supply Service Center, (202) 673-4406, in the Logistics Section at the Property Management Office, located at 3170 V Street, N.E., will be open from 0700 hours to 1600 hours, Monday through Friday except legal holidays. During this time, members may be issued, exchange or tum-in all or any parts of uniforms and official equipment. The Training Division will coordinate the time period for the initial issue of uniforms and equipment for new employees with the Logistics Section.
(Art XXI, Sec 15)
Who do members contact for emergency exchange of clothing?
Any member requiring emergency replacement of protective clothing/equipment after the posted hours, shall contact the Department Safety Office at (202) 673-6432, to arrange service.
(Art XXI, Sec 15)
When must turn out gear be worn?
While responding to fire alarms, incidents where fire suppression can be a factor (i.e., automatic fire alarms, gas leaks, auto accidents, etc.), and while actually engaged in fire fighting activities, all personnel shall wear all protective clothing and equipment. Full protective clothing includes helmet with safety glasses, turnout coat, turnout pants with boots, hoods and firefighting gloves issued by the Department.
(Art XXI, Sec 16)
How must the protective hood be worn?
When the protective hood is worn, it shall be worn outside of the face piece in order to ensure that there is no violation of a proper seal. The protective hood issued by the Department shall be the only permissible hood worn by members of the Department.
(Art XXI, Sec 16)
What are the requirement for helmets?
The fire helmet issued by the Department is the Cairns Model 1010. It shall be black in color for Firefighters, and white in color for Sergeant and above. It shall contain earflaps and a frontispiece containing the position/rank title. The helmet shall also contain the official “unit designation decals”, which are to be displayed on either side of the helmet. All chief officers and officers are required to wear white helmets that are outlined with a reflective material. All firefighters are
required to wear black helmets that are outlined with a reflective material. They must also meet NFPA standards.
(Art XXI, Sec 16)
What must probationers wear on their helmets?
A “RED” frontispiece attached to the helmet, which is issued by the Department, shall identify probationers. It shall have the word “PROBATIONER” in red letters on a white background on the frontispiece in the place of the word “FIREFIGHTER”. (Art XXI, Sec 16)
Are members permitted to use their own frontispiece?
Members shall be permitted to replace the issued helmet frontispiece with a personalized version, as long as it satisfies the following requirements:
1. It shall be approximately the same size, and same color as the helmet, except for chief officers, which may be gold in color.
2. It shall contain the position/rank title (i.e., Firefighter, Captain, etc.).
3. It may contain the unit type and number, Department, badge/ID number or neighborhood affiliation.
4. It shall be attached to the helmet using the same mounting device and hardware. No other alterations that would affect the integrity of the helmet are permitted.
(Art XXI, Sec 16)
May members alter PPE gear?
No alterations shall be made to PPE gear. Any member found altering the PPE gear shall be subject to disciplinary action. (Art XXI, Sec 16)
May members wear non-issued boots and helmets?
Members may purchase and wear their own boots and helmets, provided that they meet current Department and NFPA standards.
The only non-issued helmet that the Department will allow to be worn is the Cairns N6A with P.B.I.
ear protection, which meets current Department and NFPA standards.
Members desiring to wear non-issued boots and/or helmets are required to execute a F.D. Form 123-
Non-Issued Helmet/Boot must be inspected and approved by the Safety Office.
(Art XXI, Sec 17)
Who is responsible for maintaining and repairing non-issued boots?
Members are responsible for properly maintaining and repairing their non-issued boots. Ifthis non issued personal equipment is not properly maintained, members shall be ordered to replace or repair the non-issued equipment or wear the department-issued equipment.
(Art XXI, Sec 18)
Who is responsible for the maintaining and repairing issued
All personnel are responsible for the care and maintenance of all Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Each member shall inspect all PPE for cleanliness and serviceability daily. Any defects that may compromise the integrity of the PPE shall be reported to the members’ company/platoon commander.
(Art XXI, Sec 19)
How many sets of gear shall members be issued?
The Department has issued two (2) complete sets of PPE to all personnel. Each component of a complete set of PPE shall be marked with a numeric one “l” and numeric two “2” respectively. These numeric designations shall be boldly marked on the NFPA label found on the interior of the turnout coat, trousers, leather boots and helmet. Additionally, these markings shall be made in a suitable location on PBI hoods, Firefighting gloves and suspenders. All markings shall be made using an indelible marker. (Art XXI, Sec 19)
When is PPE gear to be cleaned?
PPE Set #1 shall be sent for cleaning during the January/June cleaning cycle. PPE Set #2 shall be sent for cleaning during the July/December cleaning cycle.(Art XXI, Sec 19)
How is PPE rotated?
When a set of PPE is sent for cleaning, the set of PPR that was previously being stored in the gear bag shall become the primary set of PPE for the next six (6) month period for all personnel. When the set of PPE sent out for cleaning is returned, it will be stored in the gear bag and used as the second set of PPE during this period.
(Art XXI, Sec 19)
Where will PPE be stored?
Security for members’ turnout gear, and associated personal protective equipment (PPE), shall be provided by the Department, in the form of Air-Flow Gear Lockers. It shall be the members’ responsibility to furnish the locking device for their assigned gear (PPE) locker.
(Art XXI, Sec 19)
Can PPE be dried in direct or indirect sunlight?
No, the gear that keeps you alive in a burning building is actually quite fragile. Turnout gear shall not be stored or dried in direct or indirect sunlight.
(Art XXI, Sec 19)