Arthropods- Insects Flashcards
What insects are highly host and site specific?
What lice are:
Wider head
Stout mandibles
Chewing/biting lice
What lice are:
Narrow head
Every mammal
Piercing mouthparts
Sucking louse
What insects lifecycle is 20-40 days on the host?
What does lice cause that causes:
Pruritus, alopecia, excoriation, hair loss, and anemia?
What insects are laterally flattened, not host specific, and lack wings?
The diagnostic feature of fleas is ______ of head, combs
What insect has this lifecycle?
Egg —> Larvae —> Pupae —> Adult
Warm and humid
What insect is:
Blood feeders
Don’t live on pets/people, they ONLY bite
Feed at night
What are the 2 common types of bugs?
Bed bugs
Kissing bugs
What bug has this lifecycle?
Eggs —> Nymph —> Adult
5 nymph stages
What insect is:
Important group of animal ectiparasites
Feed on blood, saliva, tears and mucous of host
Larval stages may cause myiasis
Flies- Diptera
What flies:
Damaging stage is the adult fly
Suck blood
Can transmit diseases
Scissors mouthparts
Bitting flies
What flies:
Cause nuisance and stress
Can transmit diseases
Mouthparts have soft, spongy structures called labella and a proboscis
Non-bitting flies
What flies:
Damage is caused by maggots that feed on host tissues
Adults are non-bitting
Can transmit diseases
Myiasis causing flies
What arthropod has the greatest host specificity?
What as the least host specificity?