Arthropod 3 Flashcards
What is Stomocys calcitrans?
The stable fly
Which sex feeds on blood for Stomoxys calcitrans?
True or False:
Stomoxys calcitrans requires manure.
Stomoxys calcitrans is a mechanical vector for what?
Trypanosomes (T. vivax and T. evansi)
Stomoxys calcitrans is a biological vector for what?
Habronema microstoma
What is Haematobia irritans?
The horn fly
Weak or strong fliers:
- Haematobia irritans?
- Stomoxys calcitrans?
- Weak
- Strong
Which 2 life cycles are dependent on fresh cow manure?
Haematobia irritans (the horn fly)
The face fly
Haematobia irritans is a biological vector for what?
True or False:
The Tse-Tse Fly is present in the U.S.
Limited to Africa
Tse-Tse Flies are the biological vectors of what?
Trypanosoma species (African trypanosomes)
What are Tse-Tse flies?
Glossina species
What is Melophagus ovinus?
The sheep ked
Melophagus ovinus
“The sheep ked”
Melophagus ovinus is the vector for what?
Trypanosoma malophagium
The invasion of tissue or organs of host animals by larval flies usually known as maggots or grubs.
Most flies involved in myiasis are species that are _____ _____.
Facultative parasites