Arthrology Flashcards
Glenohumeral joint
- formed by the convex head of the humerus and the concave glenoid fossa of the scapula.
- the GHJ is a ball and socket synovial joint with three degrees of freedom.
- the relatively small articular surface of the glenoid fossa in relation to the size of the humeral head, makes the GHJ inherently unstable
GHJ loose pack
55 degrees abduction, 30 degrees horizontal adduction
GHJ close pack
- abduction and lateral rotation
GHJ capsular pattern
- ER, abduction, IR
Sternoclavicular joint
- formed by the medial end of the clavicle and the manubrium of the sternum. The joint is a saddle-shaped synovial joint with three degrees of freedom. A fibrocartilaginous disc between the manubrium and clavicle enhances the stability of the joint. the disc acts as a shock absorber and serves as the axis for clavicular rotation
SC joint open pack
arm resting by the side
SC joint close pack
maximum shoulder elevation
SC joint capsular pattern
-pain at extremes of range of movement
Acromioclavicular joint
- formed by the acromion process of the scapula and the lateral end of the clavicle. The joint is a plane synovial joint with three degrees of freedom
- The AC joint functions to maintain the relationship between the scapula and clavicle during glenohumeral ROM
AC joint open pack
arm resting by the side
AC joint close pack
arm abducted to 90 degrees
AC joint capsular pattern
- pain at extremes of ROM
Scapulothoracic Articulation
- formed by the body of the scapula and the muscles covering the posterior chest wall. Motion consists of sliding of the scapula on the thorax. The articulation is not a true Anatomical joint because it lacks the necessary synovial joint characteristics
Radiohumeral joint
- proximal joint surface of the radiohumeral joint is the ball-shaped capitulum of the distal humerus
- The distal joint surface is the concave head of the radius
Radiohumeral joint open pack
full extension , supination
Radiohumeral close pack
90 deg flexion, 5 degree supination
Radiohumeral capsular pattern
flexion, extension, supination, pronation
Ulnohumeral Joint
formed by the hourglass-shaped trochlea of the humerus and the trochlear notch of the ulna
Ulnohumeral Joint open pack
- 70 degrees elbow flexion, 10 degrees supination
Ulnohumeral close pack
- extension
Ulnohumeral capsular pattern
- flexion, extension
Proximal Radioulnar JOint
- consists of the concave radial notch of the Ulna and the convex rim of the radial head
Proximal Radioulnar Joint open pack
- 70 degrees elbow flexion, 35 degrees supination
Proximal Radioulnar Joint capsular pattern
-supination, pronation
Radiocarpal Joint
- The proximal joint surface of the radiocarpal joint is formed by the distal radius and the radioulnar articular disc, which connects the medial aspect of the distal radius to the distal ulna.
- The distal joint surface is formed by the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum. The radiocarpal joint has two degrees of freedom. It is encased in a strong capsule reinforced by numerous ligament shared with the midcarpal joint
Radiocarpal Joint open pack
- neutral with slight ulnar deviation
Radiocarpal joint close pack
- extension with radial deviation
radiocarpal joint capsular pattern
- flexion and extension equally limited
Midcarpal Joint
- Motion of teh wrist results in complex motion between the proximal and distal row of carpals with the exception of the pisiform.
- The joint surfaces are reciprocally convex and concave
Hip Joint
- a synovial joint formed by the head of the femur and the acetabulum.
- the hip is classified as a ball and socket joint with three degrees of freedom
Hip open pack
- 30 degrees flexion, 30 degrees abduction and slight ER
Hip close pack
- full extension , IR
Hip capsular pattern
- flexion, abduction, IR
Tibiofemoral Joint
-formed by the convex medial and lateral condyles of the distal femur. The distal joint surface is formed by the concave medial and lateral condyles of the proximal tibia
Tiobiofemoral open pack
- 25 degrees flexion
Tibiofemoral close pack
- full extension, ER of tibia
tibiofemoral joint capsular pattern
- flexion,, extension
patellofemoral joint
- formed by the convex patella and the concave trochlear groove of the femur.
- the patella slides superiorly in knee extension and inferiorly in knee flexion. Patella rotation and tilting also occur during knee extension and flexion
Distal tibiofibular joint
- formed by a fibrous union between the lateral aspect of the distal tibia and the distal fibula
talocrural joint
- formed by the articulations of the distal tibia, talus and fibula. The joint is a synovial hinge joint with one degree of freedom. the talocrural joint offers significant stability in DF, however, it becomes much more mobile with PF
Talocrural open pack
-10 degrees PF, midway between maximum inversion and eversion
talocrural close pack
- max DF
talocrural capsular pattern
- PF, DF
subtalar joint
- formed by three articulations between the talus and the calcaneus.
-the joint has one degree of freedom.
the anterior and middle articulations are formed by two convex facets on the talus and two convex facet on the body of the calcaneus
subtalar joint open pack
- midway between extremes of ROM
subtalar close pack
- supination
subtalar capsular pattern
- limitation of varus ROM
midtarsal Joint
- formed by the talocalcaneonavicular joint and teh calcaneocuboid joint.
- The joint is considered to have two axes, one longitudinal and one oblique.
- Motions around both axes are triplanar
midtarsal open pack
- midway between extremes of ROM
midtarsal close pack
- supination
midtarsal capsualr pattern
- DF, PF, adduction , IR
Atlanto -occipital Joint
- is a condylar synovial joint that permits flexion and extension of the cranium.
- this motion is often noted when nodding the head to say “yes”
atlantoaxial joint
- plane synovial joints that permit flexion, extension, lateral flexion and rotation of the c/S.
- the majority of rotation of the skull on the spinal column occurs at the AO joints
intervertebral joints
- formed by the superior and inferior surfaces of the vertebral bodies and the associated intervertebral disks
Zygapophyseal Joint
- formed by the right and left superior articular facets of one vertebra and the right and left inferior articular facets of an adjacent superior vertebra
cervical spine open pack
- midway between flexion and extension
cervical spine close pack
- extension
cervical spine capsular pattern
- lateral flexion and rotation equally limited, extension
thoracolumbar SPine
conists of 12 veterbrae with long prominent spinous processes. The first ten thoracic vertebrae have articular facets on each transverse process where the ribs articulate. lumbar spine consists of 5 vertebrae that provide the primary stability for the low back
intervertebral joint
- formed by the superior and inferior surfaces of the vertebral bodies and teh associated intervertebral disks
zygapophyseal joints
-formed by the right and left superior articular facets of one vertebra and the right and left inferior articular facets of an adjacent superior vetebra
thoracolumbar open pack
- midway between flexion and extension
thoracolumbar close pack
- extension
thoracolumbar capsular pattern
- lateral flexion and rotation equally limited extension
what can cause a empty abnormal end feel?
- Joint inflammation
- Fracture
- Bursitis
What can cause a firm abnormal end-feel?
- -increased tone
- tightening of the capsule
- ligament shortening
What can cause a hard abnormal end-feel?
- fracture
- OA
- osteophyte formation
What can cause a soft abnormal end-feel?
- edema
- synovitis
- ligament instability/ tear