Arthritis/Rheumatologic Conditions (MSK 10%) Flashcards
RA or OA:
Morning stiffness lasting at least 60 min
RA or OA:
Worse after effort, evening stiffness
RA or OA:
Symmetric joint narrowing
RA or OA:
Soft, warm boggy, tender joints
Joints affected in RA:
Joints affected in OA:
Joints affected in RA: Wrists, MCP, PIP
Joints affected in OA: DIP, PIP thumb (CMC)
Boutonniere deformity =
Seen in ___
flexion @ PIP, hyperextension @ DIP
Seen in RA
Swan neck deformity =
Seen in ___
flexion @ DIP, hyperextension @ PIP
Seen in RA
Felty’s Syndrome =
RA + splenomegaly + decreased WBC/repeated infection
Caplan Syndrome =
Pneumoconiosis + RA
Best initial test for RA
Rheumatoid factor (sensitive, NOT specific)
Most specific test for RA
Anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies
Tx of OA
1st line: Acetaminophen –> if fail, NSAID
Total joint replacement
Pannus =
Hyperplastic synovial tissue that erode cartilage, subchondral bone, articular capsule, tendons, ligaments in RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS
Heberden nodes =
palpable osteophytes @ DIP in OSTEOARTHRITIS
Bouchard’s node =
osteophytes @ PIP in OSTEOARTHRTIS
RA or OA:
Osteophytes on xray
Tx of RA
Prompt initiation of DMARD (methotrexate, sulfasalazine, hydroxychloroquine)
NSAID for pain control
Progressive loss of articular cartilage w/ reactive changes in bone –> pain and destruction of joint
Synovitis affecting multiple symmetric joints w/ bone erosion, cartilage destruction and joint structure loss d/t destruction by pannus
Rheumatoid arthritis
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) defined as: (3)
- < 16 y/o
- > 6 weeks duration of disease
- One of 3 subtypes: Systemic (Still disease), Pauciarticular, Polyarticular
What type of JIA? Spiking fever Salmon-pink maculopapular rash Koebner phenomenon Minimal articular findings (What other findings? (5))
Systemic (Still disease)
Koebner phenomenon = skin lesions appearing on lines of trauma from scratching
Other findings: Hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, leukocytosis, pericarditis, myocarditis
What type of JIA?
Risk of developing iridocyclitis (anterior uveitis)
Pauciarticular: Involvement of <4 medium-large joints
Polyarticular: symmetric involvement of >5 small/large joints
Tx of JIA
2nd line: methotrexate, leflunomide
T/F: 80% of JIA patients progress to disabling arthritis into adulthood.
False. 80% of JIA patients remit w/o serious disability
Definitive dx of Septic Arthritis
Arthrocentesis: WBC >50,000, mostly PMNs
Tx of septic arthritis for gram + cocci
Vancomycin if suspect MRSA
PCN allergy: Vancomycin, Clindamycin
Tx of septic arthritis for gram - cocci
PCN allergy: Ciprofloxacin
Gonococcal usually don’t need arthrotomy
Tx of septic arthritis for gram - rods
Ceftriaxone (3rd gen cephalosporin) + gentamicin (anti-pseudomonal AG)
Tx of septic arthritis if no organism seen
Vancomycin + ceftriaxone (+/- anti-pseudomonas)
“Pencil in cup” deformity
Psoriatic arthritis
(Symmetric/asymmetric) arthritis dactylitis (“sausage” digits)
Psoriatic arthritis
BUT can also be symmetric DIP joints (like in RA)
+ HLA-B27 seen in (3)
Reactive arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis
Reactive arthritis MC seen in ___
Keratoderma blennnorrhagica =
Seen in ___.
Other clinical manifestations (4)
= hyperkeratotic lesions on palms/soles
Seen in Reactive Arthritis
Other manifestations: conjuctivitis, urethritis, arthritis, mucosal ulcers (balanitis, stomatitis)
Tx of Reactive Arthritis
T/F: Synovial fluid in Reatice Arthritis shows WBC 10,000-50,000 and positive bacterial culture.
False: WBC 1,000-8,000
NEGATIVE bacterial culture (aseptic)
Tx of ACUTE gout
NSAID (Indomethacin) = 1st line
Colchicine = 2nd line
Tx of CHRONIC gout
Allopurinol (inhibit xanthine oxidase –> reduce uric acid production)
Colchicine (only med that can be used for ACUTE and CHRONIC management)
Joint fluid analysis:
Serum uric acid level:
X ray:
- Rod/needle-shaped, negatively birefringent urate crystals
- Serum uric acid > 8
- “Mouse/rat bite” “punched-out” erosions
MC joint in:
Gout =
Pseudogout =
Gout = 1st MTP joint Pseudogout = Knee
Joint fluid analysis:
X-ray: Chondrocalcinosis (cartilage calcification)–> linear radiodensities
Joint fluid analysis: positively birefringent, rhomboid-shaped CPP crystals
Tx of Pseudogout
Corticosteroids = 1st line
NSAIDs, Colchinine (prophylaxis)
Triad of manifestation of SLE
Joint pain (90%)
Malar “butterfly” rash
Mnemonic for SLE symptoms
"SOAP BRAIN MD" S=serositis (pericarditis, pleuritis) O=oral ulcers A=arthritis P=photosensitivity, pulmonary fibrosis B=blood cells (hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia) R=renal, Raynauds A=ANA I=immunologic (anti-Sm, anti-dsDNA) N=neuropsych M=malar rash D=discoid rash
Best initial test for SLE:
Most specific test(s) for SLE:
Best initial test for SLE: Anti-nuclear Ab (sensitive)
Most specific test(s) for SLE: Anti-dsDNA and Anti-Smith ab (100% specific, not sensitive)
Drugs that induce SLE (7)
What will these drug induced SLE patients be positive for?
Procainamide Hydralazine INH Quinidine Phenytoin Etanercept Sulfa-drugs
+ Anti-histone bodies
Tx of SLE
Regular exercise, sun protection
NSAIDs: msk complaints
Antimalarials (hydroxychloroquine, quinacrine): msk and cutaneous
Corticosteroids: disease flares
Methotrexate: arthritis, rashes, serositis, constitutional symptoms
Idiopathic inflammatory muscle disease of proximal limbs, neck, pharynx =
When skin is affected =
Pathognomonic for Dermatomyositis (2)
Heliotrope (blue-purple) upper eyelid discoloration
Gottron’s papules = raised violaceous scaly eruptions on knuckles
Ab specific for dermatomyositis
Ab specific for polymyositis (2)
Ab specific for dermatomyositis: Anti-Mi-2 Ab
Ab specific for polymyositis:
- Anti-Jo 1 Ab –> associated w/ interstitial lung fibrosis, “mechanic hands”
- Anti-SRP Ab
Elevated ___ & ___ seen in polymyositis and dermatomyositis.
Dx w/:
Creatine kinase
Muscle bx: myopathic inflammatory changes
Tx of polymyositis, dermatomyositis
1st line: corticosteroids
Methotrexate, azathioprine, IV Immune globulin
Idiopathic inflammatory condition causing synovitis, bursitis, tenosynovitis –> aching/stiffness of proximal joints (shoulder hip, neck) in pts ____ y/o
Closely related to ____
Polymyalgia Rheumatica
>50 y/o
Related to Giant Cell Arteritis
Clinical manifestation of Polymyalgia Rheumatica:
(Unilateral/bilateral) (proximal/distal) joint pain/STIFFNESS in the (morning/evening) lasting ____ in ____areas.
(difficulty combing hair, putting on coat, getting out of chair)
Tx of Polymyalgia Rheumatica
low dose corticosteroids
Systemic vasculitis of medium/small arteries –> necrotizing inflammatory lesions
Type ___ hypersensitivity
Associated with ____
Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) Type III hypersensitivity
Associated with Hepatitis B** and C
Dx of Polyarteritis Nodosa
Vessel/muscle biopsy
Renal/Mesenteric Angiography: microaneurysms w/ abrupt cut-off of small arteries
Tx: Steroids
Plasmapharesis in pts w/ HBV
T/F: Polyarteritis Nodosa is ANCA positive.
False. ANCA negative. (<20% are P-ANCA +)
Symptoms of Polyarteritis Nodosa
HTN, Renal failure
Fever, myalgia, arthritis
Neuropathy, Mononeuritis complex
Livedo reticularis
Systemic connective tissue d/o: deposition of collagen in skin –> skin thickening (sclerodactyl), lung, heart, kidney, GI tract
Sceroderma (systemic sclerosis)
CREST Syndrome =
Associated w/ ___
Calcinosis cutis Raynaud's phenomenon Esophageal motility d/o Scerodactyly (claw hand) ** Telangectasia
LIMITED Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis
- Ab associated with Limited Sclerosis/CREST Syndrome:
2. Ab associated w/ Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis:
- Anti-Centromere Ab
2. Anti-SCL-70 Ab
T/F: Scleroderma is cured w/ high dose corticosteroids.
False. NO cure. Tx towards organ specific symptoms
Sjogren’s Syndrome is associated w/ increased incidence of ____
lymphoma (Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma)
Schirmer test
Test for decreased tear production
Used in dx of Sjogren’s SYndrome
Sjogren’s Syndrome: Ab+ ___, ___ and ____
AntiSS-A (Ro)
AntiSS-B (La)
Tx of Sjogren’s Syndrome
Artificial Tears
Pilocarpine (cholinergic drug) –> increase lacrimation, salivation
Cevimeline –> stimulate muscarinic chlinergic receptors
Widespread muscular pain, fatigue, muscle tenderness, headaches, sleep/memory problems
*extreme fatigue, Sleep disturbances
Dx of Fibromyalgia
Diffuse pain in 11/18 trigger points for > 3 months
Biopsy: “moth-eaten” appearance type 1 muscle fibers, injury to muscle
FDA approved tx of Fibromyalgia
Other txs
Pregabalin (Lyrica)
TCA*, Cymbalta, SSRIs, Neurontin, Swimming
MC mechanism of injury of an ankle sprain
Inversion and plantar flexion
Name the level of disc herniation:
Weakness in ankle dorsiflexion
L4 (between L3-L4)
Name the level of disc herniation:
Sensory loss on plantar surface of foot
S1 (between L5-S1)
Name the level of disc herniation:
Dorsum of foot, especially between 1st and 2nd toe
L5 (between L4-L5)
Name the level of disc herniation:
Weakness in big toe extension
L5 (between L4-L5)
Name the level of disc herniation:
Plantar flexion
S1 (between L5-S1)
Name the level of disc herniation:
Loss of knee jerk
L4 (between L3-L4)
Name the level of disc herniation:
Loss of ankle jerk
S1 (between L5-S1)
Name the level of disc herniation:
Sensory loss of anterior thigh
L4 (between L3-L4)
Name the level of disc herniation:
Sensory loss of lateral thigh/leg, hip, groin
L5 (between L4-L5)
Name the level of disc herniation:
No diminished reflexes
L5 (between L4-L5)
Name the level of disc herniation:
Walking on heel more difficult than walking on toes
L5 (between L4-L5)
Elbow/shoulder flexed @ 90 degrees w/ sharp anterior shoulder pain on passive internal rotation of humerus =
Tests for ____
+ Hawkins test
Impingement of subscapular nerve/supraspinatus b/w acromial process and humeral head
Arm fully pronated (thumb’s down) w/ pain during forward flexion =
Tests for ____
+ Neer test
Impingement of subscapular nerve/supraspinatus b/w acromial process and humeral head
Posterior hip dislocation presents ___, (abducted/adducted), (externally/internally) rotated.
shortened, adducted, internally rotated
Anterior hip dislocation presents (flexed/extended), (abducted/adducted), (externally/internally) rotated.
flexed, abducted, externally rotated
Fractured femoral neck presents ___.
shortened, externally rotated
What cervical level?
Pain in neck, shoulder, lateral arm, radial forearm
What cervical level?
Biceps and wrist extensors/pollicis longus weakness
What cervical level?
DTR changes in biceps reflex
What cervical level?
DTR changes in biceps and brachioradialis reflex
What cervical level?
Pain in neck, shoulder, medial border of scapula, lateral aspect of arm, dorsum of hand
What cervical level?
Sensory changes in dorslateral aspect of thumb and index finger
What cervical level?
Sensory changes in middle finger and dorsum of hand
What cervical level?
Triceps and finger extensors weakness
What cervical level?
Sensory changes in deltoid region
What cervical level?
Pain in neck, shoulder, anterolateral aspect of arm
What cervical level?
Biceps and deltoid weakness/atrophy
Forced flexion and circumduction of knee joint =
Tests for ____
McMurray test
Medial meniscus tear
Pain after being seated for prolonged period =
Associated with ____
Theatre sign
Patellofemoral syndrome
Tx: PT to strengthen quadriceps
TNF inhibitors for tx of RA that does not respond to initial therapy should be screened for ____.
Tuberculosis w/ PPD test d/t increased risk of developing opportunistic infection
HLA-DR4 associated with ____
Rheumatoid arthritis
Ottawa ankle rules=
Used for ___
- Bony tenderness along posterior edge of lateral or medial malleolus
- Bony tenderness over navicular
Determines if ankle x-ray should be obtained
Inflammatory causes of POLYarthritis (2)
Rheumatoid arthritis
Inflammatory causes of OLIGOarthritis (2)
Reactive arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis
Recommended calcium intake for postmenopausal women =
1,500 mg