Artherosclerosis Flashcards
Predisposing factors
Definition of artherosclerosis
Hardening of arteries
Thickening of wallls and loss of elasticity
3 types
Rather Keris is - affects intima of elastic and muscular arteries
Monckbergs medial sclerosis- calcification of media of muscular arteries
Arteriosclerosis- proliferation or hyaline thickening of walls of small arteries/ arterioles
In small arteries artheromas are
Occlusive and compromise blood flow causing Ishaemic injury
Arthescloris -> thrombosis ->
Unstable angina
Stages of artheromous plaque
1 lipid present in macrophage in intima
2 lipid present in macrophage and smooth muscle
3 fibrous plaque
4 complex plaque
Effect of artherosclerosis on major arteries
Narrowing ofvascular lumina
Results in ischaemia of tissues perfumed by these vessels
Artherosclerosis can lead to
Provides site for thrombosis and embolism
Weakening wall of a vessel causing aneurysm or rupture
What can be deleted in 40% OF PLAQUES
When is there a significant risk to sudden death
When artheromous plaque occluded 70% of cross sectional area