Arterial blood gas interpretation Flashcards
arterial blood gas
blood sample taken from the radial artery in the wrist
venous blood gas
blood sample taken from a vein in cubital fossa
when are ABGs used?
VGBs can tell almost as much as ABGs and is more comfortable for the patient.
used to check if a patient is a chronic CO2 retainer in COPD or initiating non-invasive ventilation
difference between VBGs and ABGs
interpretation technique is the same
pO2 cannot be interpreted on a VBG and the reference range values are slightly different
pH <7.35
increased in CO2 - respiratory acidosis
decrease in HCO3- - metabolic acidosis
increase in HCO3- - metabolic alkalosis
decrease in CO2 - respiratory alkalosis
pathophysiology of respiratory acidosis?
inadequate alveola ventilation
leading to CO2 retention
causes of respiratory acidosis
respiratory depression - e.g. by opiates guillain-Barre - paralysis asthma COPD iatrogenic - incorrect mechanical ventilation
pathophysiology of respiratory alkalosis
caused by excessive alveolar ventilation - hyperventilation
so more CO2 than normal is being exhaled
causes of respiratory alkalosis
anxiety - panic attack
pain - causing an increased respiratory rate
hypoxia - resulting in increased alveolar ventilation to compensate
pulmonary embolism
iatrogenic - excessive mechanical ventilation
pathophysiology of metabolic acidosis
- increased acid production or ingestion
2. decreased acid excretion or rate of gastro and renal HCO3- loss
causes of metabolic acidosis mechanism 1
diabetic ketoacidosis - increased production
lactic acidosis - increased production
aspirin overdose - increased ingestion of acid
what does metabolic acidosis by mechanism 1 cause?
increased anion gap
causes of metabolic acidosis by mechanism 2
Gastrointestinal loss of HCO3- - diarrhoea, ileostomy, proximal colostomy
renal tubular acidosis - retention of H+
addison’s diseases - retention of H+
what does metabolic acidosis by mechanism 2 cause?
decreased anion gap/ normal anion gap
what is normal anion gap?
how to calculate anion gap?
Na+ - (Cl- + HCO3-)
pathophysiology of metabolic alkalosis
occurs as a result of decreased hydrogen ion concentration causing an increased bicarbonate
or a direct result of increased bicarbonate concentrations
causes of metabolic alkalosis
gastrointestinal loss of H+ ions - vomiting/ diarrhoea
renal loss of H+ ions - loop and thiazide diuretics
heart failure
nephrotic syndrome
conn’s syndrome
iatrogenic - addition of alkali
pH, CO2 and HCO3- will change on ABG
respiratory compensation
pH is not in range and so compensation is partial
metabolic compensation
more effective than respiratory and so may return pH to normal - full compensation, however, is usually only partial compensation
how quick is respiratory compensation?
reacts quickly by increasing or decreasing alveolar ventilation to blow off more or retain more CO2
fast but less effective
how quick is metabolic compensation?
takes a few days to occur as it requires the kidneys to either reduce HCO3- production or increase HCO3- production
slow but more effective
should never occur and so if results suggest this need to consider other pathologies
mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis
decreased pH
increased CO2
decreased HCO3-
looks like both are the cause
causes of mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis
cardiac arrest
multi-organ failure
mixed respiratory and metabolic alkalosis
increased pH
decreased CO2
increased HCO3-
looks like both are the cause
causes of mixed respiratory and metabolic alkalosis
liver cirrhosis in addition to diuretic use
hyperemesis gravidarum
excessive ventilation in COPD
how to treat mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis/ alkalosis?
correct each primary acid-base disturbance
respiratory failure
paO2 <8
can measure partial pressure of oxygen
PaO2 - partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood
what are the types of respiratory failure?
type 1 and 2
type 1 respiratory failure presentation
O2 low - <8kPa
CO2 normal - <6kPa
hypoxaemia and normocapnia
type 2 respiratory failure presentation
O2 low - <8kPa
CO2 high - >6kPa
hypoxaemia and hypercapnia
what causes type 1 respiratory failure?
occurs as a result of ventilation/ perfusion mismatch
volume of air flowing in and out of the lungs is not matched with the flow of blood to the lung tissue
what happens in type 1 respiratory failure?
due to V/Q mismatch PaO2 falls PaCO2 rises rise in PaCO2 triggers an increase in patient's overall alveolar ventilation which corrects the PaCO2 by increasing CO2 elimination but not PaO2 due to the dissociation curve normal CO2/ maybe low low O2
examples of VQ mismatching
reduced ventilation and normal perfusion = pulmonary oedema and bronchoconstriction
reduced perfusion with normal ventilation = pulmonary embolism
what happens in type 2 respiratory failure?
occurs as a result of alveolar hypoventilation which prevents the patient from being able to oxygenate and eliminate CO2 from their blood
how to treat respiratory failure?
non-invasive ventilation
determined by which type of respiratory failure
treatment for type 1 resp failure
treatment for type 2 resp failure
initial inspiratory positive airway pressure
causes of hypoventilation
increased resistance of airways - COPD
reduced compliance of lungs/ chest wall - pneumonia/rib fractures/ obesity
reduced strength of respiratory muscles - Guillain-Barre/ motor neurone disease
drugs acting on the respiratory centre reducing ventilation - opiates
steps to interpret ABG
look at pH - acidosis or alkalosis
Look at CO2 - low or high and cause or compensation
Look at HCO3- - low of high and cause or compensation
look at PaO2 - is it low? respiratory failure?
how is a drug nebulised and what benefit does this provide?
nebulised drugs are given as a mist
with the drug dissolved in solution and then broken into tiny particles suspended in the air these reach further down the respiratory tree than normal aerosol inhalers which deliver the drug in powder form
diabetic ketoacidosis
absence of enough insulin
causes excessive breakdown of glycogen, protein and fat
fat is converted by beta oxidation to acetyl coenzyme A which cannot all be utilised and the excess is converted into ketoacids
another major problem associated with ketoacidosis
glycogen is converted to glucose which spills into urine causing osmotic diuresis and severe dehydration
what would be the first treatment priority in diabetic ketoacidosis?
fluid depletion is the immediate life-threatening problem and so rehydration with 0.9% IV saline is needed first
protracted vomiting
causes hug loss of gastric acid resulting in alkalosis
hypokalaemic - trying to retain H+ by kidneys
what is hypochloraemia?
loss of HCl
what causes mixed respiratory and metabolic acidosis during cardiac arrest?
respiratory acidosis caused by respiratory arrest
metabolic acidosis caused by lactic acid production in the tissues as they switch to anaerobic metabolism with no oxygen being supplied during cardiac standstill
a normal PaO2 in patient on high flow oxygen
you would expect the patient to have a PaO2 well above the normal range with this level of oxygen therapy
should be >18 if on 28% oxygen supply
normal PaCO2 in hypoxic asthmatic patient
high ventilation rate
blowing off lots of CO2 as they hyperventilate
should have low PaCO2 and low PaO2
if PaCO2 becomes normal they may be tiring and no longer able to hyperventilated and will need ITU intervention
very low PaO2 in patient who seems completely well, has normal O2 sats and is not short of breath
likely accidentally hit a vein not artery and taken a venous sample
what is a common cause of respiratory alkalosis with no compensation?
anxiety/ panic attack
what causes symptoms of paraesthesia during a panic attack induced respiratory alkalosis?
alkalosis increases neural excitability due to lowered free ionised calcium (alkalosis promotes its binding to albumin)
fall in K+ may be invovled
how to treat respiratory alkalosis caused by panic attack?
rebreathe into a bag - increasing PCO2 and restoring pH
aspirin overdose
can produce direct stimulation of the respiratory centre and change blood pH
what specific methods can be used to limit/ reduce aspirin concentration in blood?
further absorption from GI tract can be lessened by activated charcoal
renal excretion of aspirin can be increased by giving IV bicarbonate and increasing the ionised drug fraction which then not reabsorbed by the nephron
long-standing respiratory acidosis
elevated HCO3-
chronically elevated PCO2 can blunt the responsiveness of central chemoreceptors so ventilation becomes driven by hypoxia via peripheral chemoreceptors - which normally become active at PO2 of 6Kpa
chronic retainer
requires controlled O2 to titrate oxygen sats to 88-92%
can have normal pH if fully compensated by metabolic compensation
what precautions should be taken with a chronic retainer?
giving oxygen at a concentration that raises PO2 substantially risks switching off the respiratory drive which will cause a hugely dangerous rise in PCO2
oxygen should be administered in low concentrations - monitoring the response and aiming for an adequate PO2
umbilical cord values for ABG
different to normal adult values
what would be the best indicator of prolonged fetal hypoxia in utero?
low pH of metabolic origin - indicates sustained hypoxia with a switch to anaerobic metabolism in tissues - producing lactic acid
fetal scalp capillary pH can be measured during labour to guide management
how is oxygen content in the fetus maximised at a low PO2?
fetal haemoglobin
concentration of haemoglobin is higher - polycythaemia
fetal haemoglobin
has a higher affinity for O2
left shift of the dissociation curve so saturation is higher at a low PO2
polycythaemia in fetus
180-200g/L of haemoglobin
umbilical artery normal pH
umbilical artery normal PCO2
umbilical artery normal PO2
umbilical artery normal HCO3-
umbilical vein normal pH
umbilical vein normal PCO2
umbilical vein normal PO2
umbilical vein normal HCO3-
what else can be shown by a VBG or ABG?
electrolytes - sodium/ potassium haemoglobin lactate glucose should be interpreted with caution and repeated on a lab blood test
lactate >2
dehydration and end organ damage
repeated VBGs
useful for monitoring metabolic acidosis and glucose in diabetic ketoacidosis treatment