Arm, Forearm and Hand - Appendicular Skeleton Flashcards
Head of Humerus
Ball socket joint.
Deltoid Tuberosity
Muscle attachment, rough patch slightly parietal to middle of bone shaft.
Greater Tubercle
Pt. of attachment to the shoulder, steeper prominence, lateral to the head of humerus.
Lesser Tubercle
Smaller point of attachment to the shoulder, distal to the head of the humerus.
Intertubercular Sulcus
Inbetween tuberosities.
Larger, round tuberosity (skull).
Olecranon Fossa
Depression at the elbow.
Lateral Epicondyle
Smaller elbow epicondyle.
Medial Epicondyle
Bigger elbow epicondyle.
Smooth, flatter tuberosity.
Radial Fossa
Depression fitted to the head of the radius.
Coronoid Fossa
Small depression that touches the trochlea.
Olecranon Process
Top bend.
Styloid Process
Sharp, distal end. Connects with wrist.
Trochlear Notch
Inbetween both processes.
Head of Ulna
Allows the wrist to move in more than one place.
Coronoid Process
Bottom part of the āUā.
Radial Notch
Inferior to the trochlea, holds the radius.
Head of radius
Allows wrist to move.
Ulnar Notch
Stabalizes the ulna.
Styloid Process
The pointy part.
Radial Tuberosity
Muscle attachment, rough patch slightly parietal to middle of bone shaft.
Very tip.
Most distal to the palm.