Arm Exam Flashcards
Visual inspection of arm includes:
- Carrying angle
- Resting flexion angle of elbow
- Resting position of supination/ pronation at the forearm
- Resting position of hand (duprenes: flexed finger)
What tests to rule out more proximal contributors?
ULTT, Wright Test, Thoracic Slump
Elimination test for Cubital Tunnel Syndrome?
Pressure Provocation Test
Elimination test for Fracture at elbow?
Elbow Extension, Flexion, Supination, Pronation Tests
Elimination test for biceps tear?
Biceps Squeeze Test
Elimination test for elbow instability?
Moving Valgus Stress Test
Varus Stress Test (LCL)
Valgus Stress Test (MCL)
Elimination test for thumb instability?
Ulnar Collateral Ligament Test
Elimination test for DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis?
Elimination test for Scaphoid Fracture?
Anatomic Snuffbox Tenderness
Elbow extension/flexion/supination/pronation elimination test: Indications - Pt Position - Procedure - Positive test-
Indications - elbow fracture
Pt Position - supine, supinated forearm
Procedure - Pt instructed to fully extend the elbow
Positive test- Inability compared to contralateral UE
Pressure provocation elimination test: Indication - Pt Position - Procedure - Positive test-
Indication - cubital tunnel syndrome
Pt Position - sitting/standing
Procedure - Supporting UE at distal wrist, place the patient’s elbow in 20° of elbow flexion & full supination
Apply pressure just proximal to the cubital tunnel & hold 1 minute
Positive test- Provocation of concordant symptoms along the ulnar nerve distribution
Biceps squeeze elimination test: Indications - Pt Position - Procedure - Positive test-
Indications - biceps tear
Pt Position - Sitting, UE resting in lab with ~60-80° elbow flexion & slight pronation
Procedure - With one hand at the myotendinous junction and the other at the biceps muscle belly, use both hands to squeeze the biceps
Positive test- no passive supination observed
Moving valgus elimination stress test: Indications - Pt Position - Procedure - Positive test-
Indications - elbow instability
Pt Position - upright, shoulder abducted 90 (support mid-upper arm), elbow fully flexed (clinician grab wrist)
Procedure - Apply valgus torque as shoulder reaches full external rotation -> Quickly extend elbow to 30° while maintaining valgus torque at elbow
Positive test- medial elbow pain provocation from 120-70° flexion
T/F Moving valgus elimination stress test is very provocative.
Varus stress elimination test: Indications - Pt Position - Procedure - Positive test-
Indications - Compromise to structural integrity of LCL
Pt Position - sitting, forearm supinated & elbow extended
Procedure - Stabilize the patient’s wrist between your trunk and proximal upper arm -> Grasp the patient’s distal upper arm with both hands -> Apply varus force to elbow Repeat in 20-30° of flexion
Positive test- elbow pain provocation
Valgus stress elimination test: Indications - Pt Position - Procedure - Positive test-
Indications - Compromise to structural integrity of MCL
Pt Position - sitting, forearm supinated & elbow extended
Procedure - Stabilize the patient’s wrist between your trunk and proximal upper arm -> Grasp the patient’s distal upper arm with both hands -> Apply valgus force to elbow Repeat in 20-30° of flexion
Positive test- elbow pain
Ulnar collateral lig elimination test: Indications - Pt Position - Procedure - Positive test-
Indications - gamekeeper’s thumb
Pt Position - sitting
Procedure - stabilize 1st MC with pincer grip -> grasp proximal phalanx of the 1st digit with other hand -> extend patient thumb -> apply valgus stress to MCPJ
Positive test- valgus > 30
Positive Ulnar collateral lig elimination test indicates what?
Complete tear
Finkelstein's Elimination test: Indications - Pt Position - Procedure - Positive test-
Indications - de Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
Pt Position - sitting, grasping ipsilateral thumb
Procedure - can passively take through procedure first -> patient then adducts wrist
Positive test- Pain over APL/ EPB tendons
Anatomic Snuffbox Tenderness elimination test: Indications - Pt Position - Procedure - Positive test-
Indications - scaphoid fracture
Pt Position - sitting
Procedure - Apply pressure to the anatomic snuff box
Positive test- pain/tenderness
What is a positive neurodynamic tension test?
- Concordant symptom reproduction
2. Response altered by movement of distant body part
neurodynamic tension test: median bias steps
- Scapular depression
- Shoulder abduction to 110°
- Forearm supination
- Wrist/ hand extension (digits 1-3)
- Shoulder ER
- Elbow extension
neurodynamic tension test: radial bias steps
- Scapular depression
- Forearm pronation
- Elbow Extension
- Wrist/ and finger flexion
- Shoulder IR
- Shoulder slight extension
- Shoulder abduction
neurodynamic tension test: ulnar bias steps
- Scapular depression
- Shoulder abduction to 110°
- Shoulder ER
- Elbow Flexed
- Forearm pronation
- Wrist/ hand and extension
- Flex towards head
Posterior humero-ulnar glide:
Patient position -
- Supine
- Approximately 70° elbow flexion, 10° supination
- Shoulder abducted such that humero-ulnar joint line aligns with the edge of the table
Posterior humero-ulnar glide:
Examiner position -
- Facing caudally
- The more medial hand stabilizes the distal upper arm, & the index finger palpates between the lateral epicondyle & the olecranon
- The proximal forearm may be supported by the anterior thigh (supporting the flexed position)
Posterior humero-ulnar glide:
Procedure -
Apply traction/ posterior force with hand that is grasping the proximal ulna
Anterior & Posterior Humero-Radial Glides:
Patient position -
Elbow extended & forearm supinated
Anterior & Posterior Humero-Radial Glides:
Examiner position -
- Facing cranially
- Stabilize the ulna & proximal humerus with the more medial hand
- Palpating finger: posterior radiohumeral jointline
Anterior & Posterior Humero-Radial Glides
Procedure -
Apply an anterior or posterior force with hand that is purchased on radial head
Proximal Radio-Ulnar Anterior & Posterior Glide:
Patient position -
- Sitting next to table (at chest height)
- Arm resting on table, elbow flexed ~ 70°, supinated ~35°
Proximal Radio-Ulnar Anterior & Posterior Glide:
Examiner position -
- Facing pt’s posterior forearm
- Stabilize the ulna on the table, and use the stabilizing hand to maintain forearm positioning
Proximal Radio-Ulnar Anterior & Posterior Glide:
Procedure -
Apply anterior or posterior force with mobilizing hand that is purchased on radial head
Anterior & Posterior Distal Radio-Ulnar Glide:
Patient position -
- Sitting next to table (at chest height)
- Arm resting on table, 10° supination
Anterior & Posterior Distal Radio-Ulnar Glide:
Examiner position -
- Stabilize the distal ulna & palpate posterior distal radio-ulnar joint
- Mobilizing hand grasping distal radius
Anterior & Posterior Distal Radio-Ulnar Glide:
Procedure -
Apply anterior or posterior force on distal radius
Confirmation test for cubital tunnel syndrome?
- Elbow Flexion Test
- Tinel’s Sign
Confirmation test for medial epidconylopathy?
TRICK QUESTION, there is none
Confirmation test for Lateral Epicondylopathy?
- Cozen’s Test
- Resisted Tennis Elbow Test
- Passive Tennis Elbow Test
Confirmation test for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
- Phalen’s Test
- Tinel’s Test
- Median Nerve Compression Test
Elbow flexion confirmation test: Indication - Patient position - Procedure - Positive test -
Indication - Cubital tunnel syndrome
Patient position - sitting
Procedure - Patient fully flexes elbows and extends wrists -> Pt monitored for symptoms over 3 minutes
Positive test - pain/ paresthesia, anesthesia along ulnar nerve distribution
Tinel's sign confirmation test: Indication - Patient position - Procedure - Positive test -
Indication - Cubital tunnel syndrome
Patient position - upright
Procedure - support wrist -> percuss cubital tunnel 4-6x with finger
Positive test - reproduction of symptoms along ulnar nerve distribution
Cozen's confirmation test: Indication - Patient position - Procedure - Positive test -
Indication - Lateral Epicondylopathy (tendinopathy of wrist/finger extensors)
Patient position - sitting, elbow flexed to 90°, making fist, wrist in pronation & radial deviation
Procedure - support elbow with thumb on lateral epicondyle -> Patient extends fist against clinician’s resistance
Positive test - pain reproduction at lateral epicondyle
Resisted Tennis Elbow Confirmation Test (Maudsley test): Indication - Patient position - Procedure - Positive test -
Indication - Lateral Epicondylopathy
Patient position - sitting
Procedure - Pt extends the 3rd digit against resistance
Positive test - pain reproduction at lateral epicondyle
Passive Tennis Elbow Confirmation Test (mill’s test): Indication - Patient position - Procedure - Positive test -
Indication - Lateral Epicondylopathy
Patient position - sitting
Procedure - Pt’s elbow passively extended -> Examiner pronates forearm & flexes wrist
Positive test - pain reproduction at lateral epicondyle
Phalen's confirmation test: Indication - Patient position - Procedure - Positive test -
Indication - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Patient position - sitting
Procedure - Pt holds forearms vertically & drops wrists into full flexion against each other x 60 seconds
Positive test - symptom reproduction along median nerve distribution
Tinel's Confirmation test: Indication - Patient position - Procedure - Positive test -
Indication - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Patient position - sitting, supinated wrist, elbow flexed
Procedure - Carpal tunnel percussed with clinician’s finger 4-6x
Positive test - symptom reproduction along median nerve distribution
Median Nerve compression confirmation test: Indication - Patient position - Procedure - Positive test -
Indication - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Patient position - sitting with forearm supinated
Procedure - grasping wrist with thumbs over carpal tunnel (between flexor carpi radialis & palmaris longus) -> Pressure applied to carpal tunnel x 15 sec – 2 min
Positive test - symptom reproduction along median nerve distribution
What is a performance measure for grip strength?
Jamar hand dynamometer