Arm and Shoulder exercise and prescription Flashcards
In a study comparing multidirectional shoulder instability, what protocol was more efficient? Watson or Rockwood?
Watson protocol
Why was the Watson protocol more effective than the Rockwood for shoulder instability?
The Watson protocol focused on scapular motor control before bringing in the deltoid and rotator cuffs
-i.e. scapular retraction and protraction
True or false, after 6 weeks, the Watson protocol was greater than the Rockwood protocol?
False, at 12 weeks and 24 it was
How much do people with subacromial impingement need to roughly increase shoulder strength by?
True or false, additional volume on top of usual care can provide benefits to subacromial impingement
False, there was no difference between usual care and extra volume
What are the three prescribed stages in scapular dyskinesis rehab?
- Conscious motor control
- Muscle control and strength for ADL’s
- Advanced control during sporting or functional movements
True or false, scapular muscle rehab can improve SPADI levels in overhead athletes after 6 weeks?
True (SPADI = 29.86 to 11.7)
What exercise has a substantial amount of upper subscapularis, lower subscapularis, infraspinatus and pectoralis major activity?
Push-up plus, ranging from 94%-122% MVIC
What exercise produced 119% MVC for the upper traps?
What exercise has the most MVC for lower and middle traps?
Prone horizontal abduction to 135 degrees shoulder abduction with thumb up (Prone Y’s)
How much of the population is affected by lateral elbow tendinopathies?
True or false, isometrics alone can improve lateral elbow tendinopathy
Not particularly, pain levels must not exceed a high threshold. Also should be in conjunction with concentric and eccentric exercise
Is eccentric exercise better than concentric?
Not particularly, eccentric may improve outcomes quicker, but both achieve the same result after 12 months
What exercises should you do to reduce a painful arc?
Isometrics and shoulder adduction
What are some example early phase subacromial rehab exercises?
Supported external rotation, wall/chair/table slides
What are some example intermediate phase subacromial rehab exercises?
Side lying lateral raise, standing lateral raise, trunk rotation + lateral raise, external rotation with less support
What are some example late phase subacromial rehab exercises?
What are 4 good scapular strengthening exercises?
Inferior glide, low row, lawn mower and robbery
What are some good dynamic exercises for subacromial impingement?
Mimicking a throw with a band, reverse catches, plyo push-ups, hand walks
If we wanted to bias the supraspinatus with minimal deltoid activity, what would be a better exercise; empty can, full can or prone Y
Full can abduction
What should not be overlooked in lateral and medial epicondylitis?
Thoracic mobility, shoulder external and internal rotation, wrist flexion and extension strength