Arm Flashcards
What are the muscles located in the arm?
Triceps, biceps choracobrachialis, and brachialis
What are the muscles located in the arm?
Triceps, biceps choracobrachialis, and brachialis
What nerves innervate the arm?
Musculocutaneous and median nerve
The long head of the triceps and the long head of the biceps cross which joint(s)?
The shoulder and the elbow joint.
What are the dermatomes of the upper limbs?
C6: Lateral arm, forearm, and thumb
C7: Back of arm, back of forearm, and 2nd and 3rd digits
C8: Medial arm, forearm, and hypothenar
What are some distinguishing features of the median cubital vein?
It is usually very prominent and crosses over from the basilic side to the cephalic side
What muscle, located in the arm, sits across the bone and is really tight/close
The brachialis - the most powerful forearm flexor
What nerves innervate the arm?
Musculocutaneous and median nerve
The long head of the triceps and the long head of the biceps cross which joint(s)?
The shoulder and the elbow joint.
What are the dermatomes of the upper limbs?
C6: Lateral arm, forearm, and thumb
C7: Back of arm, back of forearm, and 2nd and 3rd digits
C8: Medial arm, forearm, and hypothenar
What are some distinguishing features of the median cubital vein?
It is usually very prominent and crosses over from the basilic side to the cephalic side
What muscle, located in the arm, sits across the bone and is really tight/close
The brachialis - the most powerful forearm flexor
What joint does the long head of the biceps go to?
The shoulder joint
Where do the long head and the short head of the bicep meet?
At the biceps tendon
What is the purpose of the bicipital aponeurosis?
To protect the median nerve; the veins sit on top of the aponeurosis
What is deep to the biceps?
The coracobrachialis
What is the big powerful flexor of the forearm?
The brachialis
What muscle in the arm is a powerful supinator?
The biceps
What muscles attach to the coracoid?
The pectoralis minor, the short head of the biceps, and the coracobrachialis
What are the muscles of the anterior arm?
The biceps, the brachialis, and the coracobrachialis
What nerve innervates the muscles of the anterior arm?
The musculocutaneous nerve
Where does the tendon of the long head of the bicep run?
It runs over the head of the humerus in a synovial sheath that follows the tendon as far as the surgical neck.
What holds the tendon of the long head of the biceps in place?
The tendon is held in place in the intertubercular groove by the transverse humeral ligament and the tendon of the pectoralis major
What are the muscles of the posterior arm?
The tricep - the long, lateral, and medial head.
What nerve innervates the muscles of the posterior arm?
The radial nerve
What head of the triceps is the least active?
The long head
What is the purpose of the long head of the triceps?
To aid primarily in extending the arm
What is the purpose of the medial head of the tricep?
It is the workhorse of forearm extension
What is the purpose of the lateral head of the triceps?
It functions primarily against active resistance
Which head of the tricep is the strongest generator of force?
The lateral head
What does the axillary artery continue to become?
The brachial artery
What does the brachial artery divide into?
The radial and ulnar artery
The brachial artery lies on what muscles?
The long head of the triceps, the coracobrachialis, and the brachialis
What are the main branches of the brachial artery?
The deep brachial, the superior ulnar collateral, and the inferior ulnar collateral
Where does the axillary artery turn into the brachial artery?
At the inferior border of the teres major muscle
Where does the brachial artery terminate?
At the cubital fossa - where it divides into radial and ulnar arteries
What are the major nerves associates with the brachial artery?
The radial, ulnar, and median nerve
What are the veins associated with the brachial artery?
The basilic vein, and the 2 venae comitantes
What nerves do not have branches in the arm?
The median and the ulnar nerve
What nerve innervates the anterior compartment of the arm?
The musculocutaneous nerve
What nerve innervates the posterior compartment of the arm?
The radial nerve
Injury to the musculocutaneous nerve causes…
Loss of flexion in the elbow
What does the musculocutaneous nerve continue as?
The lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve
Where does the radial nerve pass through?
The radial groove on the back of the humerus
What does the radial nerve pierce?
The lateral intermuscular septum
What does the radial nerve divide into?
The superficial and deep branches
Where does the ulanr nerve pass through?
It is medial to the axillary and brachial arteries
What does the ulnar nerve pierce?
The medial intermuscular septum
What does the ulnar nerve run with?
The superior ulnar collateral artery
Injury to the ulnar nerve causes…
Paraesthesia and a shock-like feeling in the hand and forearm
Where does the median nerve pass through?
The cubital fossa, deep to the bicipital aponeurosis
What is the cubital fossa?
It is a trinagular shaped, fat filled depression of the anterior elbow
What are the contents of the cubital fossa?
It contains the terminal part of the brachial artery (that branches into the ulnar and radial arteries), deep veins in the area, the tendon of the biceps brachii, the median nerve, and the radial nerve
What is in the floor of the cubital fossa?
The brachialis and the supinator muscle
What is in the roof of the cubital fossa?
Brachial and antebrachial fascia, reinforced nu the bicipital aponeurosis