Arguments Flashcards
conclusion made by a poll or survey
Start with a number of observed instances (a “sample”)
and reason to a conclusion about an extension of the
pattern to a larger class of things (the “population.”)
Inference to the Best Explanation
There can be many possible causes for a conclusion, we believe the one that offers the best explanation
Simple induction
Proportion X of group G has characteristic C.
Individual I is a member of G.
The probability that I has C is X
where perceived similarities are used as a basis to infer some further similarity that has not been observed yet
Which explanation fits best with our Background knowledge?
Which explanation has the most Explanatory power?
Which explanation is Simple - does not require us to come up with weird stories?
Which explanation is Testable? - does it result in a prediction that, if it comes true, could support or refute your explanation?
Modus Ponens
If A, then B.
Therefore B
Modus Tollens
If A, then B
Not B
Therefore Not A.
Affirming the Consequent
If A, then B.
Therefore A.
Denying the Antecedent
If A, then B.
Not A.
Therefore Not B.