archaic colonization and lelantine war Flashcards
before colonization when did settlement occur?
1150-900 BCE
why did migrations occur?
in response to whatever catastrophe caused the bronze age collapse and the difficulties of early iron age
why is it just settlement and not colonization?
settlers are not of common origin
what happened to the trading routes from the bronze age?
traffic declined during the early iron age but from 800 BCE traffic began rising again
what were the two most important trading posts that we know of?
Al Mina in the levant
what was the greek trading post at Al Mina known for?
-luxury products
-interaction between greeks and phoenicians
-abundance of greek ceramics dated to 770-750 BCE
what was the greek trading post at pithecusae important for?
-mineral resources
-770 BCE
what did trading posts give knowledge to?
-where best sites were
-where trade possible with natives
what were trading posts for?
porfit not for colonization
what is colonization?
organized movement of groups of greeks from the same community, founding a new community elsewhere
-sometimes seizing unoccupied land
-sometimes driving off or enslaving local populations
when does colonizition occur?
730-580 BCE
what were the colonies founded on the style of?
the polis, with an urban center and an agricultural territory
where were colonies established?
throughout the medeterrainean, north african and black sea coastline
what was common between most of the colonies?
mostly maritime settlements
mostly mediterranean-type climates
what was preferred in the sites the greeks chose to take over?
-preferred ininhabited sites
-prefered badly organized habited sites (easy to take over)
-preffered easily defensible sites
how was land distributed in new colonies?
first settlers got the best land closest to the center, anyone coming later got land but not as good and farther away
what are the reasons for colonization?
-land hunger/ limits of the land
what are traits of land hunger/land limits?
-population growing but food and space shortages
-geographical limitations on expansion
-expansion limited by other settlements or people
-sons inheriting land had to split it-making it too small to support a family
what are traits of opportunism?
-for the better off- if they were not aristocratic enough to be a ruler in their city, moving gave them oppurtunity to rule
-for the ordinary people- oppurtunity to escape rulers who governed in their own aristocratic interests
-desire to become more powerful by succuring resources outside greek mainland
what is stasis?
social conflict between the classes
-colonization a way of maintaining security by removing political troublemakers
what is cause of stasis within the aristocracy?
squabling for honor and power
what is cause of stasis within the middle class?
wanted a share in the honor and the power
-demands for redistribution of land, cancellation of debts
-demands for a more transparent form of government
what is cause of stasis within the lower class?
worsening conditions as the other classes did well
-demands for justice
what are the 5 consequences of colonization and the polis system?
- colonists who had fared badly in their mother state due to old familial system of protery ownership unlikely to want to continue this policy in the new colony
- colonization leads to an increase in trade and industry
3.power bases eroded - polis
- poor free citizens do not necessarily sharre in all these advantages
what are traits of the first consequence?
-personal land ownership (not family) inherited by one son only to manage land
-idea of family estates disappearing, replaced by private holdings-power of ancestral family decreasing, power of colony/polis increasing
what are traits of the second consequence?
-larger town populations, more land and successful agriculture, fewer dependant on agriculture
-agriculture less important as a measure of wealth, wealth no longer dependant on inheritance
-power based on quired wealth not birth
-needed more slaves from an organized slave system (a profitable entreprise)
what are traits of the third consequence?
-initially challenges to authority of basileus by groups of aristoi
-then, challenges to aristoi by middle class
-more citizens involved in government
what are traits of the forth consequence?
-encourages communal values/loyalty whin city
-move away from honoring ancestors of family to honoring ancestors of cuty
-encourages political participation- political participation requires rational argument and persuasive speech
-greeks see themselves as free people with the right to be involved in the running of their polis - greek civilization cultivates these qualities
-encourages conflict with other poleis
what is the lelantine war?
a minor war between chalcis and eretria over the lelantine plain after the two poleis had been leading and cooperating in the colonization of the mediterranean
why was the lelantine war such a big deal?
because most of greece and all the poleis became involved by taking sides with one or the other
how long did this war last?
735-704 BCE
what were the repercussions of the conflict?
the cities on the side of eretria never got advice and approval from the oracle at delphi for the founding of colonies
what was the one exception for the oracle approval?
messenia (had been on the eretrian side) asked for colony advice and approval from the oracle
why was messenia approved for a colony?
messenia founding a colony was good for sparta and sparta had supported chalcis
what were alliance for the persian war based on?
the grounds of the sides taken in the lelantine war
although the lelantine war was minor what were the two facts that make it noticable?
-it was the first substantial military event in greek historical period
-it was likely the last occurence of pre-hoplite fighting