Archaeology Flashcards
What is archaeology?
Archaeology is he study of remains left by people in the past
What is excavation ?
When archaeologists dig up the ground to find evidence left by people in the past
What is aerial photograph ?
A photograph taken of the ground from an elevated position , for example from a helicopter or drone
How do archaeologists identify sites for excavation?
Research archaeology, rescue archaeology , visible ruins , aerial photography.
What is Neolithic ?
Of the New Stone Age
What is Mesolithic ?
Of the middle Stone Age
What is radiocarbon dating ?
A method of dating based on the falling level of carbon-14 in tissue over time.
What is geophysical surveying ?
A survey of whats underneath the ground , like an x-ray of the ground
What is pollen analysis ?
The study of pollen remains is to find out what was growing at a site during a particular time period
What is stratigraphy ?
A method of dating artefacts and evidence by how deep in the ground they were when found
What is dendrochronology?
A method of dating that use the unique growth patterns of tree rings as a guide
What are the steps when carrying out an excavation?
Digging test trenches , removing topsoil ; using shovels , trowels and brushes ; cataloguing all finds; taking photographs; and storing finds in labelled bag and boxes
What are archaeological sites in Ireland ?
Newgrange passage tomb, Co.Meath , the Céide fields , Co.Mayo
What tools are sued to dig at site ?
Trowels , brushes and shovels
What are problems archaeologist might face during an excavation ?
They might face weathering which could destroy the site