AR 840-10 Flags Guidons Honors and Salutes Flashcards
What publication covers Flags and Guidons?
AR 840-10
What does AR 840-10 cover?
Flags and Guidons.
What does TIOH stand for?
The Institute of Heraldry.
What is TIOH responsible for?
Developing and approving policies and procedures for the Army flag program.
Monitoring the overall operation of the Army flag program.
Who is responsible for the care and storage of flags of inactive TOE units?
U.S. Army Center of Military History.
What flags, guidons, streamers, and components are prohibited?
Those that are not listed in AR 840-10 or approved by the TIOH.
What must happen if a flag becomes unserviceable?
it will be destroyed privately, preferably by burning, shredding.
What is the “Honor Position” that the flag of the United States will receive?
the marching right, the flag’s own right or an observer’s left facing the flag.
What are the flags authorized to be flown below the flag of the United States?
the Minuteman flag.
The Prisoner of War/Missing in Action (POW/MIA) flag.
Retiree Flag.
Commander-in-Chief’s Installation Excellence Award flag.
On what days may flags flown beneath the flag of the United States be flown?
The POW/MIA flag will be flown beneath the flag of the United States on Armed Forces Day, the third Saturday in May.
Memorial Day, the last Monday in May.
Flag Day, June 14.
Independence Day, July 4.
National POW/MIA Day.
Veterans Day, November 11 and on occasions when the installation is hosting POW/MIA activities.
The Retiree flag may be flown on Veterans Day or occasions when the installation is sponsoring activities for retirees such as open house or retiree day.
When will the flag of the United States be carried on ceremonial occasions?
when two or more companies or an appropriate honor guard participates.
Where are the occasions for the flag to fly at half staff listed?
AR 600-25
What are the three Army Flags?
The US Army Ceremonial flag.
The Army Display flag.
The Army Field flag.
Which of the Army flags is the Senior Army flag?
The U.S. Army Ceremonial flag.
When the U.S. Army flag is not being carried, how will the streamers will be arranged?
they will be arranged counter-clock wise in the order earned and with first (Lexington 1775) and the last awarded streamers visible.
What streamers are placed on the Army Display flag?
the 33 streamers designated in AR 840-10 para 4-1
Are all the streamers always displayed on the US Army Ceremonial flag?
Yes; except during weather conditions that would adversely affect the proper handling.
What streamers will be displayed on the Army Field flag?
None; Streamers will not be displayed on the Army Field flag.
When unserviceable what do you do with a Guidon that has seen War Service?
A War Service Guidon is Not burned or destroyed.
What is another name for the Flagstaff head?
What Army Regulation describes rules or how to apply for Streamers and Silver Bands?
AR 600-8-22 and AR 870-5.
When and what was flag day?
June 14th 1777 the US flag with 13 stars, 13 stripes was adopted