AR 623-3/DAM PAM 623-3 Flashcards
What form is used for the NCO Evaluation Report?
DA form 2166-8
What does AR 623-3 Cover?
Evaluation Reporting System (NCOER’s)
What form is used for the NCO Counseling/ Checklist Record?
DA form 2166-8-1
What DA form is used for the Service School Academic Evaluation Report?
DA Form 1059
Where are the Procedures, tasks, and steps pertaining to the completion of each evaluation report and support form are contained in?
DA Pamphlet (DA Pam) 623–3
Under the ERS a Soldier is evaluated on performance and potential. In this system, what three kinds of evaluations are given?
- Duty evaluations
- School evaluations
- DA evaluations
DA evaluations focus on an individual Soldier’s potential. They are judgments on their ability to perform at current and higher grades, and they are also made to judge whether an officer or NCO should be retained and given greater responsibility in their present grade. In making DA evaluations, what three factors are considered?
- Army requirements for leaders
- Duty performance
- Leader qualifications
What is the basic structure of the ERS?
-Allows the rater to give shape and direction to the rated officer or non- commissioned officer’s performance. -Provides a chain-of-command evaluation of a Soldier’s performance and potential. -Allows the entire evaluation reporting process to be reviewed.
What is the ERS Process designed to do?
-Set objectives for the rated Soldier that supports the organization’s overall achievement of the mission. -Review the rated Soldier’s objectives, special duties, assigned tasks, or special areas of emphasis and update them to meet current needs. -Promote performance-related counseling to develop subordinates and better accomplish the organization’s mission. -Evaluate the rated leader’s performance. -Assess the rated leader’s potential. -Ensure a review of the entire process.
What will a rating chain for an NCO consist of?
- Rated NCO
- Rater
- Senior Rater
- Reviewer
What is an NCOER?
provide DA with performance and potential assessments of each rated NCO, also provides evaluation information to ensure that sound personnel management decisions can be made and that an NCO’s potential can be fully developed.
How many types of NCOERs are there and which are they?
There are 7: Annual Change of Rater Relief for Cause Complete the Record 60 Day Rater Option 60 Day Senior Rater Option Temporary Duty, Special Duty or Compassionate Reassignment
What is the minimum period of time for rater qualification?
3 rated months
What is the minimum period of time for senior rater qualifications?
2 months
What is the minimum time period before the initial counseling must be done?
Within the first 30 days of the rating period, effective date of lateral appointment to corporal, or promotion to sergeant, the rater will conduct the first counseling session with the rated NCO
Who is the last individual to sign the NCOER?
The rated NCO
What are the parts of the NCOER?
PartI. Administrative Data PartII. Authentication PartIII. Duty Description Part IV. Army Values/ NCO Responsibilities Part V. Overall Performance and Potential.
Is the use of the 2166-8-1 mandatory for counseling all NCOs in the ranks of CPL through CSM?
Rating an NCO’s fears, inner feelings, enthusiasm, and overall confidence falls into which Values/NCO Responsibility block?
Physical Fitness / Military Bearing