ADP/ADRP 7.0 Flashcards
What is the army life blood?
Unit training and leader development
What does ADP 7-0 cover?
Training units and developing leaders
What are the 3 training domains the army uses?
Institutional, operational, self development
Who is responsible for training units and developing leaders?
The commander
How do commanders exercise the responsibility to train units and develop leaders?
Commanders exercise this responsibility through formal and informal chains, assisted by other officers and noncommissioned officers, through the development and execution of progressive, challenging, a realistic training
Where does training begin for soldiers?
Training begins in the generating force
Soldiers and leaders should train to master what?
Both the individual and unit collective task that supports the unit’s mission-essential task
Who most train as part of a combined arms team?
Individuals, teams, sections, and units train to a standard as part of a combined arm steam
What training event or events link together as a comprehensive progressive and sequential training and leader development program, provide the experiences Necessary for building ready units?
Major training events, combat training center exercises, and operational deployments
What most commanders do to ensure leaders can meet the prerequisites to attend and get the most benefit from institutional training?
Unit commanders must allocate time during operational assignments
Who supports both the operating and generating force?
Army civilians
What is the major benefit to having army civilians supporting our forces?
Army civilians provide the skills and continuity essential to the functioning of army organizations and programs
What is considered as important as institutional training and operational assignments?
Self development
Who is responsible for self development training?
Self-development is a personal responsibility
What is the purpose of self-development?
Self-development enhances qualifications for a current position or helps prepare an individual for future positions
What most soldiers and civilians do to understand both personal strengths and gaps in skills, knowledge, and behaviors?
All soldiers and civilians must be completely honest with themselves to understand their strengths and weaknesses
Why does the army train?
The army trains to provide ready forces to combatants commanders worldwide
Why do units train?
Units train in Garrison and while deployed to prepare for their mission and adapt their capabilities to any changes in an operational environments
What is institutional training domain?
The army institutional training and education system which includes training base center and school that provide initial training and subsequent professional military education for soldiers, military leaders and army civilians
What is the operational training domain?
Training the organizations conduct at home stations, maneuver combat training centers, during join exercises, at mobilization centers and while operationally deployed
What is a self development training domain?
Goal orientated learning that reinforces and expands the knowledge base, self-awareness, and situational awareness and it compliments institutional and operational learning and enhances professional competence and professionalism
What does individual training allow?
Individual training allows individual to master fundamental skills
What integrates and synchronize the skills learned at the individual skill level?
Collective training
What is the basis for collective proficiency?
Individual skills proficiency
What does training in units focuses on?
Improving unit, soldiers, and leader proficiencies
What is the army committed to?
The army is committed to train, educating, and developing its leaders