APUSH Decades Flashcards
Great Awakening begins - (caused by Enlightenment, great increase in Protestants)
Stono Rebellion,1739 - large, violent slave uprising
Seven Years’ War, 1756-1763 - colonial war
Albany Conference, 1754 - consider a union, scrapped
Boston Massacre, 1770
Tea Act and Boston Tea Party, 1773
Intolerable Acts and First Continental Congress, 1774
Battles of Lexington and Concord, 1775 - first of war
Common Sense, 1776
Declaration of Independence, 1776
Articles of Confederation, 1777
Proclamation of 1763 - land behind Appalachians is for natives; ignored
Stamp Act of 1765 (tax on paper) and Sugar Act, led to Townshend Act, 1676 - more taxes on items, restarted riots in colonies
Stamp Act Congress/Continental Congress, 1765 - reps. tried to appeal to Parliament
Paris Peace Treaty, 1783
Shay’s Rebellion, 1786 - over debt, proved Art. of Conf. weakness
Great Compromise, 1787 - bicameral government
Northwest Ordinance, 1787 - west can be states, abolish slavery, education
Constitution, 1788
Washington inauguration, 1789
Tenth Amendment, 1791 - power not in fed. gov. are for states
Jay’s Treaty, 1793 - Britain gave up US land
Battle of Fallen Timbers, 1794 - native battle, open OH River Valley
Whisky Rebellion, 1794
Pickney Treaty, 1795 - New Orleans port, South along 31 parallel
Washington’s Farewell Address, 1796
John Adams elected, 1796
Alien and Sedition Acts, 1798 - limit immigrants + speech
Second Great Awakening begins - free will over fate
Jefferson elected, 1800
Louisiana Purchase, 1803
Marbury v Madison, 1803 - judicial review
Embargo Act, 1807 - restrict Britain trade/imports
End slave trade, 1808
Embargo Act, 1809 - all world trade minus Britain and France
War of 1812, Treaty of Ghent (1814)
Second Bank of US, 1816
Treaty of 1818 - Canada and US divided at 49 parallel
Adams-Onis Treaty, 1819 - border between US and Spain in Florida
Missouri Compromise, 1820
Market Revolution begins in 20s
Railroad increases in 20s
Monroe Doctrine, 1823 - keep Europe out
Democratic Republicans split into Democrats and Ntnl. Republicans, 1824
Corrupt Bargain, 1824
Tariff of 1828/Tariff of Abominations - very high, help north
Lowell Textile Mills, 1820s
Temperance begins, 1830s
State banks closed, couldn’t pay national bank, Calhoun tried to stop it, Jackson vetoed, 1830s
Indian Removal Act, 1830
Several reform movements
Nat Turner’s Rebellion, 1831 - slaves escaped, killed owners, traveled