April Flashcards
Martyr (marder)
a person who displays or exaggerates their discomfort or distress in order to obtain sympathy or admiration.
“she wanted to play the martyr”
having or showing a tendency to tell people what to do in an autocratic way.
“his dictatorial manner”
Autocratic- taking no account of other people’s wishes or opinions; domineering.
“an autocratic management style”
moderating effect on.
support or strengthen; prop up.
“the fall in interest rates is starting to bolster confidence”
the quality of being extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate.
“his analysis is lacking in rigor”
severity or strictness.
“the full rigor of the law”
demanding, difficult, or extreme conditions.
plural noun: rigors; plural noun: rigours
a great difference.
“economic disparities between different regions of the country”
extremely or unusually small. "a diminutive figure dressed in black" Similar: tiny small little petite
very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail.
motivated by duty rather than desire or enthusiasm.
“dutiful applause”
flux. The noun flux describes something that constantly changes. If your likes, dislikes, attitudes, dreams, and even friends are changing all the time, you may be in flux.
a thing that spoils or damages something.
“the vacant properties are a blight on the neighborhood”
Placidly (pl á cid ly)
Something done placidly happens in a calm manner. You floated placidly, blissfully unaware
Agile (ajul)
able to move quickly and easily.
“Ruth was as agile as a monkey”
Abyss (âbis)
a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm.
“a rope led down into the dark abyss”
a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality.
“it would have taken a paragon of virtue not to feel viciously jealous”
a person or thing viewed as a model of excellence.
“your cook is a paragon”
fellow Christians or members of a male religious order.
used for humorous or rhetorical effect to refer to people belonging to a particular group.
“our brethren in the popular press”
analyze (a sentence) into its parts and describe their syntactic roles.
an act of or the result obtained by parsing a string or a text.
characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.
as·sid·u·ous·ly | əˈsijo͞oəslē |
with great care and perseverance: leaders worked assiduously to hammer out an action plan.
a substance that causes slight inflammation or other discomfort to the body: a powerful skin irritant.
2 a thing that is continually annoying or distracting: in 1966 Vietnam was becoming an irritant to the government.
Annoyance pest bother
adjective informal, dated
used for emphasis, especially to express anger or annoyance: he was a confounded nuisance.
difficulties; misfortune.
Palatable (pal et a ble)
(of food or drink) pleasant to taste: a very palatable local red wine.
• (of an action or proposal) acceptable or satisfactory: a device that made increased taxation more palatable.
expressing sorrow; mournful.
something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.