Outline the role of the unconscious
controls our everyday actions and behaviors. It contains the repressed ideas and memories , as well as primitive desires and impulses that are never allowed to enter the conscious mind
The structure of personality is split into 3 divisions . Outline the ego , id and Super-ego
ID- The id operates according to the pleasure principle it demands instant gratification regardless of circumstances. Operates in the unconscious
EGO - The ego mediates between the impulsive demands of the id and the reality of the external world. It is the reality principle. It compromises between the impulsive demands of the id and the superego
SUPEREGO- The morality principle. It determines which behaviours are permissible and causes feelings of guilt when rules are broken
Define Defence mechanisms
Unconscious strategies that protect our conscious mind from anxiety. They work by distorting reality to reduce anxiety.
Outline the 3 examples of defence mechanisms outlined in this approach
Repression- refers to the unconscious blocking of unacceptable thoughts and impulses. They continue to influence behaviour without individual being aware
Denial - is the refusal to accept reality so as to avoid having to deal with any painful feelings so that might be associated with that event.
Displacement - involves the redirecting of thoughts or feelings in situations where the person feels unable to express them in the presence of the person they should be directed towards instead they take them out on a helpless victim.
Outline the Psychosexual stages , what age they occur and description of that stage
Oral - 0-2 years - The mouth is the focal point of sensation. /biting
Anal-2-3 years - the ego starts to develop as the child becomes aware of the demands of reality and the need to conform to the demands of others.
Phallic - 3-6 years - sexual energy is now focused on the genitals. Oedipus complex in the male child as he wishes to possess his mother get rid of his mother
Latent - 6-12 years - The child develops mastery of the world around them and issues from previous stages are repressed
Genital - 12+ - the culmination of pyschosexual development and fixing of sexual energy
Strength - one main strength is the comprehensive nature of the theory
P.A can be used to explain many aspects of human behaviour outside psych. eg psychoanalysis can be used as a form of literacy criticism . Works of literature eg shakespeare has repressed meanings hidden .
As a result we are able to interpret these works using this approach and understanding psychological state
The dev of p.a as an explanation for human behaviour represented a shift in psychological thinking. Leading to succesful treatments and improvements in symptoms that were maintained in years after treatment