Approaches - Behaviourism & Social Learning Theory Flashcards
Assumptions of behaviourism
- Focus on behaviour that can be observed/measured
- Rejection of introspection since it was too vague
Classical conditioning
Learning by association
Key study of classical conditioning
Pavlov & dogs
- Before conditioning: Food -> Salivation
- During conditioning: Bell + Food -> Salivation
- After conditioning: Bell -> Salivation
Neutral stimulus
Elicits no response at first (Pavlov - Bell)
Unconditioned stimulus
Leads to automatic response (Pavlov - Food)
Unconditioned response
Automatic response to unconditioned stimulus (Pavlov - Salivation)
Conditioned stimulus
Stimulus that triggers a conditioned response (Pavlov - Ringing the bell)
Conditioned response
Learned response to (formerly) neutral stimulus (Pavlov - Salivation)
Operant conditioning
Learning by consequences
Positive reinforcement
Adding + stimulus to strengthen behaviour
Negative reinforcement
Removes - stimulus to strengthen behaviour
Positive punishment
Adding - stimulus to weaken behaviour
Negative punishment
Removes + stimulus to weaken behaviour
Key study of operant conditioning
Skinner’s box
- Positive reinforcement on rats by pressing lever to get food
- Negative reinforcement on rats by pressing level to remove electrification of floor
Social Learning Theory
Learning by observation (Bandura)
- Behaviour MODELLED by role model
- IDENTIFY with role model
- OBSERVE behaviour (attention, retention, reproduction, motivation)
- IMITATE the behaviour
Vicarious reinforcement (Bandura)
Learning by observing the way others are reinforced/punished
Strengths of behaviourist approach
- Scientific credibility (uses scientific research methods -> controls for effects of confounding & extraneous variables)
Limitations of behaviourist approach
- Machine reductionism (overlook consciousness & subjective experiences & that humans are passive responders to their environment)
Strength of SLT
- Explains cultural difference (accounts for learning cultural norms through media & society around them & explain differences as if beh. is not displayed, it cannot be imitated)
Limitation of SLT
- Reductionist (Bobo doll study found boys to be more aggressive -> biological factors such as hormones but are not accounted for in the SLT explanation)