Approach Flashcards
What is the minimum altitude for visual contact with the ground at night?
500 AAL
AAL stands for Above Aerodrome Level.
What is required for a visual landing at night to a runway less than 2000m?
Approval required
Additionally, RVR must be a minimum of 800m.
What is the initial approach requirement for circling at night?
Instrument approach with a break at MDA
PAPIS/VASI must be used for landing.
Why is it important to comply with speed restrictions during Go-Around and SID?
To avoid overshooting and risking collision with terrain or entering other airspace
What is the controlling RVR during an approach?
Touchdown RVR
How many approaches can be performed before weather must improve for a third?
2 approaches
What are the GA flap speeds for F15, F5, F1, and FUP?
* F15 172
* F5 182
* F1 202
* FUP 222
* F15 175
* F5 185
* F1 205
* FUP 225
What is the maximum number of wind shear events permitted?
2 max
Why should APP mode not be armed before 1 dot above glide?
To avoid capturing a false glide path
What is the stabilized criteria for an approach?
500 Continue/500 Go-Around, target approach speed Vref+5 to VRef+20, correct vertical and lateral path, only small changes allowed, vertical and lateral alignment within specified limits
What actions should be taken if unstable before gear down with G/S not captured?
Set MAA and discontinue approach
What should be done in IMC with engine overheat below 1000’?
Go around at 1000’ IMC
What is the maximum speed to intercept the GS from above?
Max Flap 5 maneuver speed plus 10Kts
What does the white bug indicate on the speed tape during take-off vs Go Around?
On TO gives Vref + 15Kts, on GA gives Vref + 20kts
What are the threats of landing with 5 tons of fuel?
When should Cold Temperature Correction be applied?
Below MSA when temperature is 0ºC or below
What is the stable criteria for an RNAV approach?
Normal stabilized approach criteria, target approach speed Vref+5 to Vref+15, appropriate thrust, landing checklist complete, vertical speed appropriate
Can you land with RCC 3,3,1 with runway lengths of 2000m or 3000m?
It depends on actual landing distance required
What is the minimum autopilot use for NG and MAX?
NG 158’; MAX 111’
What is required if sink rate is high after the landing gate?
Prompt correction required, not GA
What is the latest point to capture the ILS?
4/5NM when applying the Capture GS from above technique
What is the approach ban condition for low visibility CATIII?
When VIS or controlling RVR is less than applicable minimums
What do DA/H or MDA/H refer to?
Minimum decision Altitude MDA or Height MDH
What are the wind limitations for autoland?
Headwind 25Kts; Crosswind 20Kts; Tailwind 10Kts
What is a monitored approach?
An approach performed by the FO with the captain assuming control at minimums under specific visibility conditions
What limitations exist for arming APP and LOC?
ILS must be tuned and identified, airplane must be on inbound intercept heading, clearance must be received
What is Boeing’s recommendation for RNP approach?
Perform the RNP approach with autopilot A
What should be included in the briefing for an ILS?
Follow the chart’s disposition from top left to bottom right
What are the threats when arriving high to the minima in Tangier at 40 degrees?
Disconnect A/P earlier, manage profile manually, engines less responsive
What considerations must be made when diverting?
Fuel available, conditions at alternate, contact ops to inform
What are the components of fuel quantity before take-off?
Taxi fuel, trip fuel, contingency, destination alternate, final reserve, discretionary fuel
When do you commit to using alternate fuel?
When committed to land at a specific aerodrome
What roll mode is used for a VOR approach into DUB?
What roll mode is used on an NDB approach?
What are the additives for destination alternate RVR and ceiling?
Type A: 3D + 2D, DA/H MDA/MDH + 400ft, RVR/VIS + 1500m; Type B: 3D, DA/H + 200ft, RVR/VIS + 800
What options are available if HEA is not recoverable below and above MSA?
Below MSA: Go-Around; Above MSA: Discontinued Approach
What are the limitations for VNAV/LNAV approaches?
Type A approach, temperature restriction, crew and aircraft qualified, altimeter differences, final approach limits
What does RAAS call -800 plus indicate?
Change in long landing call
What are the minima, offsets, and flight director requirements for NPA?
Minima + 40ft, offsets > 5 degrees require CDA and increased RVR
What is the SOP for V/S approaches and the need for a 2NM level segment?
Energy management, precision on descent, workload management
Can you continue with an LVO approach if ATC informs of a secondary power system failure for runway lights?
Refer to OMA chapter 8 Table for effects on landing minima