Applied Neuroscience Flashcards
Name some frontal tests
Similarities Lexical fluency Luria motor test Go/on go test Cognitive estimates test Trail making test Alternative pyramids Proverb interpretation Frontal release signs Digit span
What is the similarities test?
Comparing two objects to test the ability of categorisation and not a description of common parts.
This tests abstract ability.
What does the similarities test.. test?
Frontal lobe
Abstract ability
What is the lexical fluency test?
Naming items such as animals - category fluency or
generation of words starting with letters FAS (word fluency).
What does lexical fluency test?
Speed and accuracy
Ability to shift from one set of objects to the next
Frontal lobe
What is the luria motor test?
Fist palm edge.
What does Luria motor test.. test?
Motor planning
Error correction
Frontal lobe
What does the go/on go test.. test?
Response inhibition
Absence of perseveration
Resistance to interference
What is the cognitive estimates test?
E.g. How tall is an average English woman?
Uses questions that need abstract not mere factual thinking.
Give examples of tests that test abstract ability
Similarities Test
Cognitive estimates test
What is the trail making test?
Firstly, simple number sequence used to join dots.
Secondly, use alternating numbers and letters - more sensitive to frontal lobe dysfunction.
What does trail making test?
Frontal lobe Visuomotor tracing Attention Conceptualisation Set shifitng
Name some parietal tests
Copying shapes Identifying fingers Calculation ability Graphesthesia Right Left orientation Stereognosis Two point discrimination Visual inattention
Describe the copying shapes test.
Ability to draw shapes and construct geometrical patterns.
Describe the identifying fingers test.
Test the ability to recognise the touched finger when eyes are closed.
Test ability to correctly show ones index, middle and ring fingers.
Interlocking fingers test - ability to copy examiners interlocking fingers.
What does identifying fingers test.. test?
Dominane parietal damage causes finger agnosia as part of Gerstmann syndrome.
What is the calculation ability test?
Tests simple mathematical function.
What if often intact in calculation ability even if parietal dysfunction?
Recognition and use of numbers - arithmetic ability.
What does calculation ability test.. test?
Dominant parietal damage can cause acalculia as part of Gerstmann syndrome.
Describe Right left orientation test
Test for ability to touch right ear lobe with left index finger when eyes closed.
What does Right left orientation test.. test?
Dominant parietal damage can cause right-left disorientation as part of Gerstmann syndrome.
What is the stereognosis test?
Ability to recognise objects by palpation, without visual inspection.
What does stereognosis test?
Bilateral parietal function - somatosensory cortices.
What does the two point discrimination test.. test?
Cortical sensation
Bilateral somatosensory cortical function