Focus on the role of the client as an important instrument in the healing process
Person Centered Theory by Carl Rogers
The nurse looks at the environmental factors influencing the
patient’s health
General System Needs by Ludwig Von Bertalanffy
Prioritization of Care
Theory of Human Motivation by Abraham Maslow
Only the patient can say what he/she needs, feels, or if he/she agrees to your plan of care
Person Centered Theory by Carl Rogers
A supportive and nurturing nurse-client relationship
Person Centered Theory by Carl Rogers
Understanding of Human Behavior and its consequences
Theory of Human Motivation by Abraham Maslow
The nurse has a supportive role, rather than a directive or expert
Person Centered Theory by Carl Rogers
People interact with the environment by adjusting themselves to it or adjusting it to themselves
General System Needs by Ludwig Von Bertalanffy
Nurse must support the self esteem of the client through?
what are those 4 ?
and this is under?
Unconditional Positive Regard
Empathic Understanding
Person Centered Theory by Carl Rogers
A person who is constantly receiving positive inputs from the environment (e.g. balanced diet, warmth, social acceptance) and
gives appropriate outputs (e.g. energy, products of elimination and social response), is more likely to achieve and maintain health
General System Needs by Ludwig Von Bertalanffy
Patients follow the health teachings:
changes their lifestyle and practices ____
Change Theory by Kurt Lewin
Planning and providing health teachings (Unfreezing)
Change Theory By Kurt Lewin
Environmental data are collected in the assessment of the individual, family, and community
Field Theory by Kurt Lewin
Planning and providing health teachings _______
Change Theory By Kurt Lewin
Health education involves motivation of the patient
Field Theory by Kurt Lewin
Sees return of their health and continues to do things that prevents recurrence of their illness ______
Change Theory by Kurt Lewin
As much as possible, nurse gives priority to needs recognized by the patient himself
Field Theory by Kurt Lewin
Nurses can enhance a client’s development by being aware of the individual’s developmental stage and assisting with the development of coping skills related to stressors experiences at that specific level
Psychosocial Developmental Theory by Erik Erikson