Appendicular Bones: Thoracic Limb Flashcards
Made up of the bones of the limbs.
Appendicular Skeleton
Refers to the attachment of the thoracic limb to the trunk through muscles
A bony articulation via the pelvic girdle
sacroiliac joint
Other term for the thoracic limb
Membrum thoracicum
Parts of the thoracic limb
- Shoulder girdle
a. Clavicle
b. Scapula - Arm, or brachium
a. humerus - Forearm, or antebrachium
a. radius
b. ulna - Forepaw, or manus
a. carpal bones,
b. metacarpals,
c. phalanges of the digits
sesamoid bones(dorsal and palmar)
Other term for the shoulder girdle
Cingulum membri thoracici
The clavicle (collar bone) is located at what muscle?
m. branchiocephalicus
A flat triangular bone.
scapula (shoulder blade)
distal end of the spine is the ?
a shallow articular socket where it forms
the shoulder joint with the head of humerus.
Glenoid cavity
process near the cranial aspect of glenoid cavity, for the attachment of _____________
dalawang answer to
Supraglenoid tubercle
m. biceps brachii.
The humerus proximally articulates with the scapula in forming the ____________; distally it articulates with the radius and ulna in forming the _____________.
shoulder joint
elbow joint
rounded process articulating with the scapula’s glenoid cavity to form the shoulder joint.
the sulcus between the greater and lesser tubercle, through which the tendon of
biceps brachii runs.
Intertubercular groove (bicipital groove)
large process craniolateral to the head to which muscles can attach. This is the point of the shoulder. It is divided into cranial and caudal parts in ungulates.
Greater tubercle
process medial to the head.
Lesser tubercle
a large tuberosity on the lateral side of the
deltoid tuberosity
entire distal extremity of the humerus.
Humeral condyle
lateral side of the humeral condyle, giving rise to the extensors of the forearm. (__________________)
Lateral epicondyle
extensor epicondyle
medial side of the humeral condyle, for the
attachment of flexors of the forearm (_____________)
Medial epicondyle
flexors epicondyle
caudal excavation receiving the proximal end of the ulna on extension of the elbow.
Olecranon fossa
excavation opposite of the olecranon fossa receiving the proximal end of the ulna on flexion of the elbow
radial fossa
the main weight-supporting bone of the forearm; it is shorter than the ulna
At the proximal end of the radius, there is a depression, the ____________, which articulates with the humerus. At the
distal end is the _________________.
fovea capitis, medial styloid process
longest bone in the body.
the space between ulna and radius
Interosseous Space
fused radial and intermediate carpal bone
Intermedioradial carpal bone
Other term for intermedioradial carpal bone
scapholunate bone
projects caudad from the lateral side of the carpus.
Accessory carpal bone
Ulnar carpal bone
Other names for the
1st carpal bone
2nd carpal bone
3rd carpal bone
4th carpal bone
Each digit has 2 __________ and ____ distal sesamoid bones
proximal, 1
What digit of the metacarpals possesses 2 phalanges
Digit 1
Each complete digit is made up of 3 phalanges, what are these 3?
Proximal phalanx
Medial phalanx
Distal phalanx
a digit not bearing weight
Surgical removal of dewclaw.
an abnormality with more than 1 digits at the same site
lateral deviation of bones distal to carpus
carpus valgus
medial deviation of bones distal to carpus
Carpus varus