Appendicular Bones: Pelvic Limb Flashcards
Pelvic girdle or hip bone
a. Ilium
b. Ischium
c. Pubis
*Acetabular bone -
Thigh or round bone
a. Femur -
a. Tibia
b. fibula -
Hindpaw, or pes
a. Tarsal bones,
b. metatarsals,
c. phalanges of the digits
The os coxae, or hip bone is composed of four distinct bones developmentally, these are the?
acetabular bone.
ilium, ischium, pubis, and acetabular bone fuse during the _______ postnatal week.
The socket that receives the head of the femur increation of the hip joint. This socket is a deep, cotyloid
cavity called the _________.
largest and most cranial part of the os coxae. It consists of a wing and a body.
medial process of the wing next to the sacrum
tuber sacrale
palpable prominence on the lateral wing. Also known as the hook bone.
Tuber coxae
caudal-most part of the os coxae
thick, caudal part of the ischium providing attachment for caudal thigh muscle. Also known as the pin bone.
Ischiatic tuberosity
smallest of the three pelvic bones, forms the cranial part of the floor of the pelvic cavity.
the concavity articulating with the femoral
head. Formed by the fusion of ilium, ischium, pubis and acetabular bone.
large opening at the floor of os coxae
Obturator foramen
junction of the right and left os coxae
Lateral wall of the pelvic cavity is formed by the ________________ ligament in the dog
Heaviest and the largest bone of the skelet
Other names for
1st tarsal
2nd tarsal
3rd tarsal
4th tarsal
medial cunieform
middle cunieform
lateral cunieform
Cuboid cunieform
The calcaneus acts as a lever for the muscles extending the hock
the larger bone that forms the mobile joint
with the tibia.
The proximal row of tarsal bones consists of two large bones. These are the ?
Talus calcaneus
abnormal development of the hip joint in large dog
hip dysplasia
FHO and THR stands for what?
Femoral Head Ostectomy
Total Hip Replacement
depression at the head of the femur for the
attachment of the round ligament of the femur
Fovea capitis
two large prominences articulating with tibia
Medial and Lateral Condyles
the groove articulating with the patella , bounded by two ridges, the medial being thicker in all species.
Patellar surface or femoral trochlea