Appendicitis Flashcards
Appendicitis age
Any age
Mostly 10-20 yrs
Appendicitis pathology
Gut organisms invade the appendix wall after lumen obstruction
- lymphoid
- hyperpasia
- faecolith
- filarial worms
Causes oedema, ischaemic necrosis, perforation.
Appendicitis Complications
Appendix mass
Appendix abscess
Appendicitis Symptoms
Murphy's Triad Pain in RIF Anorexia Fever Periumbilical pain that moves to right iliac fossa Anorexia Constipation - sometimes diarrhorea
Appendicitis Signs
Tachycardia Fever Furred tongue Foetor (strong, foul smell) Flushing Lying still Coughing exacerbates pain Shallow breaths
Appendicitis Special Testing
Cope Sign
Psoas Sign
Rovsing’s Sign
Cope Sign
Pain on flexion and internal rotation of the right hip, if the appendix is close in relation to obturator internus.
Psoas Sign
Pain on extending the hip, if the appendix is retrocaecal in position
Rovsing’s Sign
When LIF is pressed, pain is greater in the RIF than in the LIF.
Appendicitis Investigations
Bloods - neutrophil predominant leucocytosis is present in 80-90% of px
Appendicitis Treatment
Appendicectomy Antibiotics Metronidazole Cefuroxime Laparoscopy - dy & tx