Apoptosis, Cell Cycle, And Cancer Flashcards
G1 checkpoint
Occurs in response to DNA damage
Restriction point
Occurs in response to not enough growth factors. This restriction will keep the cell in G0 until GFs are obtained
G2 checkpoint
Ensures duplication integrity
Metaphase checkpoint
Ensures chromosomes are attached to mitotic spindle
What pathways will cells follow after the cell cycle?
Apoptosis, cell proliferation, or cell differentiation
Will drive cell proliferation by activating G1-CDK to phosphorylate Rb. Rb will then release E2F that will move the cell cycle from G1 to S
E2F drives expression of what?
Cyclin E and cyclin A
CDK2 and Rb
CDK2 will hyperphosphorylate Rb to activate E2F
Cyclins must interact with CDK for CDK to be activated
What is required for full activation of Clycin-CDK?
CDK activating kinase
WEE1 will phosphorylate the roof of CDK to prevent cyclin from binding in its active site
In the inactive state, the T loop will be covering the CDK active site. When cyclin binds, the T loop will move out of the active site and CAK will be able to bind and full activate the CDK-cyclin complex
G1 cyclins and CDKs
Cyclin D, CDK 4 and 6
G1/S cyclin and CDK
Cyclin E and CDK2
S phase cyclin and CDKs
Cyclin A and CDK2