APHuG Unit 1 Vocab (CED) Flashcards
1.1 - Reference Maps
Designed for people to refer to for general information about place. Political, physical, road, and plat maps.
1.1 - Political Maps
Show and label human-created boundaries and designations, such as countries, states, cities, and capitals.
1.1 - Physical Maps
Show and label natural features, such as mountains, rivers, and deserts.
1.1 - Road Maps
Show and label highways, streets, and alleys.
1.1 - Plat Maps
Show and label property lines and details of land ownership.
1.1 - Thematic Maps
Show spatial aspects of information or of a phenomenon. Choropleth, dot distribution, graduated symbol, and isoline maps.
1.1 - Choropleth Maps
Use various colors, shades of one color, or patterns to show the location and distribution of spatial data. Often show rates or other quantitative data.
1.1 - Dot Distribution Maps
Used to show the specific location and distribution of something across a map. Each dot represents a specified quantity.
1.1 - Graduated Symbol Maps
Use symbols of different sizes to indicate different amounts of something. Larger sizes indicate more of something, and smaller sizes indicate less.
1.1 - Isoline Maps
Also known as isometric maps. Use lines that connect points of equal value to depict variations in the data across space. Where lines are close together, the map depicts rapid change, and where lines are farther apart, the phenomenon is relatively the same. Topographic maps.
1.1 - Topographic Maps
Points of equal elevation are connected on these maps, creating contours that depict surface features.
1.1 - Cartogram
The sizes of countries (or states, countries, or other areal units) are shown according to some specific statistic.
1.1 - Absolute Distance
Usually measured in terms of feet, miles, meters, or kilometers.
1.1 - Relative Distance
Indicates the degree of nearness based on time or money and is often dependent on the mode of travel.
1.1 - Clustering
Arranged in a group or concentrated area.
1.1 - Dispersal
Spread out over a large area.
1.1 - Elevation
Distance of features above sea level, usually measured in feet or meters.
1.1 - Mercator Projection
Purpose: Navigation
Strengths: Directions are shown accurately. Lines of latitude and longitude meet at right angles.
Weaknesses: Distance between lines of longitude appears constant. Land masses near the poles appear large.
1.1 - Peters Projection
Purpose: Spatial distribution related to area.
Strengths: Sizes of land masses are accurate.
Weaknesses: Shapes are inaccurate, especially near the poles.
1.1 - Conic Projection
Purpose: General use in midlatitude countries.
Strengths: Lines of longitude converge. Lines of latitude are curved. Size and shape are both close to reality.
Weaknesses: Direction is not constant. On a world map, longitude lines converge at only one pole
1.1 - Robinson Projection
Purpose: General use
Strengths: No major distortion. Oval shape appears more like a globe than does a rectangle.
Weaknesses: Area, shape, size, and direction are still slightly distorted.
1.2 - Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Computer system that can store, analyze, and display information from multiple digital maps or geospatial data sets.
1.2 - Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
GPS receivers on the Earth’s surface use the locations of multiple satellites to determine and record a receiver’s exact location.
1.2 - Remote sensing
The use of cameras or other sensors mounted on aircraft or satellites to collect digital images or video of the Earth’s surface.
1.2 - Field observations
Used to refer to the act of physically visiting a location, place, or region and recording, firsthand, information there.
1.2 - Landscape analysis
The task of defining and describing landscapes.
1.3 - Census data
1.3 - Satellite Imagery
1.4 - Absolute Location
The precise spot where something is according to a system.
1.4 - Relative Location
A description of where something is in relation to other things.
1.4 - Space
The area between two or more phenomena or things.
1.4 - Place
Refers to the specific human and physical characteristics of a location.
1.4 - Flow
The pattern and movement of ideas, people, products, and other phenomena.
1.4 - Distance Decay
The inverse relationship between distance and connection, when things are farther apart, they tend to be less connected.
1.4 - Time-space compression
The shrinking “time-distance,” or relative distance, between location because of improved methods of transportation and communication.
1.4 - Pattern
Refer to the general arrangement of things being studied, and geographers must be able to describe patterns accurately and with precision.
1.5 - Sustainability
An overarching theme of human geography and relates to trying to use resources now in ways that allow their use in the future while minimizing negative impacts on the environment.
1.5 - Natural Resources
Includes items that occur in the natural environment that people can use.
1.5 - Land use
The study of how land is utilized, modified, and organized by people.
1.5 - Environmental Determinism
The belief that landforms and climate are the most powerful forces shaping human behavior and societal development while ignoring the influence of culture.
1.5 - Possibilism
Acknowledges limits on the effects of the natural environment and focuses more on the role that human culture plays.
1.6 - Global (scale of analysis)
The entire world
1.6 - Regional (scale of analysis)
Multiple countries of the world
1.6 - National (scale of analysis)
One country; A portion of a country or a region(s) within a country
1.6 - Local (scale of analysis)
A province, state, city, country, or neighborhood
1.7 - Formal Region
Sometimes called uniform regions, or homogeneous regions, and are united by one or more traits: political, physical, cultural, economic.
1.7 - Functional Region
Also known as nodal regions. Are organized around a focal point and are defined by an activity, usually political, social, or economic, that occurs across the region. United by networks of communication, transportation, and other interactions.
1.7 - Perceptual/Vernacular Region
Defined by the informal sense of place that people ascribe to them. The boundaries vary widely because people have a different sense of what defines and unites these regions.