Aphasia Auditory Comprehension Presentation Flashcards
Tessier et al (2007) patient presentation
difficulties for verbal comprehension - not hearing some syllables , asking people to repeat.
music is only noise
voice recognition - difficult to recognise voices.
Environmental sound - I hear the noise but cannot recognise the phone ring.
Behaviours that alert you for comprehension difficulties
Problems following conversation Odd responses to questions Can hear but not repeat/understand Difficulties following instructions Stop listening to TV/Radio Fluent aphasia - CSP :)., meaning :( Output errors - empty speech, neologisms, jargon.
Auditory Agnosia (not aphasia)
Problems with auditory processing of all sorts - not just language. Damage above APA. Associated with bilateral damage to temporal lobes. May have difficulties discrimination between speech and non-speech sounds.
Damage to auditory phonological analysis/Word Sound Deafness
Word sound Deafness
Profound auditory comprehension disorder
Repetition very difficulty - RW better than NW
Shorter words harder to understand - more neighbours
Speech can be error free as can writing, reading aloud and writing to dictation can be normal.
Often co-occurs with auditory agnosia.
Lip reading usually helps.
Damage to phonological input lexicon/ Word form deafness
Word from deafness
Poor on lexical decision making -RW/NW discrimination
Heavy reliance on context to aid comprehension
May comprehend longer words better than shorter ones - length effect.
Higher frequency words may be easier - frequency effect.
May be poor at repetition.
A pure deficit here is rare.
Deficits in accessing the semantic system - Word Meaning Deafness
Word Meaning Deafness
Poor comprehension
Abstract words may be more difficult, longer words may be easier.
Good lexical decision making (if pure form) but unable to access meaning.
Can repeat RW/NW.
Can access meaning via reading/writing - so write ey words as strategy.
Comprehension deficit can be caused by damage to semantic system
All modalities affected: reading, writing, spoken and auditory.
Imageability effects
Semantic effects
Will have to compare all modalities.