APGOVSUM18.Jamian.Kortekaas Flashcards
Political Jargon
Define “The Hill”
The Hill is a US news agency that covers US domestic and foreign political affairs.
Define Bipartisan
In politics, bipartisan refers to the conclusion where both political parties agree to cooperate with one another.
Define Blue State
A blue state is often a state that votes democratically and upholds functions considered democratic within their government.
Define Bully Pulpit
Coined by Theodore Roosevelt, bully pulpit is known as an office that allows the occupant to express their views of society, therefore advocating for an agenda.
Define Coattails Effect
Often in politics. the leaders of a political party tend to appoint candidates that appeal to their own political party.
Define Conservative
Conservatism is an ideology of government that upholds traditional values and the deregulation of private ownership; advocates for less government regulation.
Define Constituent
A voter whose role is to elect state representatives to legislature.
Define Demographics
A group of data that revolves around a particular group of people and their relationship to different political standpoints.
Define Earmark
A proposal where funds should be directed to certain projects.
Define Entitlements
Government programs such as Social Security or Medicare that provides benefits to the people who meet eligibility.
Define Flip-Flopper
A flip-flop is a change in policy by an official used to garner more support in a campaign.
Define Free-Rider Problem
The Free-Rider Problem occurs when a large set of people take advantage of resources without having to pay for them.
Define Gender Gap
The Gender Gap is a lack of status or opportunities between men and women.
Define Gerrymandering
Gerrymandering is the manipulation of a group of voters to favor one party over another.
Define GOP
The GOP (Grand Old Party) is the nickname used to describe the Republican Party.
Define Grassroots
Grassroots is a type of political movement where organizations rely on existing political entities to protest and advocate social change.
Define Gridlock
The inability of a government to pass bills due to a divided stalemate between two political parties in control of different legislature bodies.
Define Independent Expenditure
The communication in political campaign with an outside entity that intends to elect or defeat a candidate without their consent.
Define Inside The Beltway
The events that occur within the US federal government that are dealt with more seriously than those related to the general US population.
Define K Street
An area outside the capital where advocacy offices are held.