APGOVCh.7.Arkane.Riahi Flashcards
Bully Pulpit
He could use the presidency as a bully pulpit to bring out the best in civic life.
The President is part of the executive branch.
Vice President
The Vice President is appointed by the President.
22nd Amendment
The 22nd Amendment make sure that the president would be similar to a king.
The Watergate scandal forced Richard Nixon the resigned.
Executive privilege
The executive privilege allows the President to keep confidential information.
US v. Nixon (1974)
US v. Nixon established that Nixon is up for impeachment
Presidential Succession Act
Someone always need to fill the role of the president, so the Presidential Succession Act is an insurance that this will happen.
25th Amendment
The 25th Amendment ensures who will take the power of the president in case of emergency.
Lots of the Presidents jobs can be handled through his Cabinet.
League of Nations
The League of Nations wanted to prevent war.
Executive agreements
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), entered into on January 1, 1994, is another example of an executive agreement.
A veto can be voided if 2/3 of the legislative branch agrees.
Pardon powers are appointed into the executive branch.
Inherent powers
Inherent powers are not written down in the constitution.
First Lady
Some First Ladies have been very impactful during their time in office.
Executive Office the President (EOP)
The EOP helps the president keep track of the bureaucracy.
Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
The OMB lifts weight off the president chest by giving him his annual budget.
Executive order
If needed, the President can put an executive order, creating a law in action.
Signing statements
The statements begin with wording such as “This bill, which I have signed today” and continue with a brief description of the bill and often several paragraphs of political commentary.