APES Test 4 Pt. 2 Midterm Review Flashcards
Water holding capacity
the total amount of water a given soil can hold
Varies among soil types
Soils with higher amounts of clay and/or organic matter can hold the most water
But it also matters how available the water in the soil is to plants
One reason loam is optimal for plant growth is that it retains plenty of water and has a texture that allows that water to be available for use by plants
Thus soil water retention contributes to the fertility of soil and the productivity of the land it covers
Soil Types and Percolation/ Porosity
Clay soils tend to have the most porosity but the least permeability
This is because smaller particle sizes have a greater number of small, open spaces (pores) but these pores are not well connected to each other (also, water’s adhesive properties means a larger surface area it can ‘stick’ to)
Sandy soils are the opposite- water can flow through them quickly, but they can hold very little water
Soil Management in Agriculture
Porosity and permeability can indicate water needs- less porous soil probably holds less water and needs more regular watering
High permeability can decrease amount of water in soil, which can be good for plants that cannot survive in standing water, but does also reduce water availability
Different crops do better in different soils and require different amounts of watering
Similarly, some soils hold nutrients better than others, with large implications for fertilized needs
Soil Erosion
Soils can take 1000s of years to form- so practices that erode soil are extremely harmful and have long lasting consequences
Soil erosion can runoff into bodies of water, creating turbidity or cloudy conditions that limit sunlight
We will discuss soil health, erosion, and remediation more in future units!
Soil Erosion and Water Quality
Soils effectively filter, clean, and buffer water that passes through them, but are similarly vulnerable to extreme rain (runoff) and wind which can erode them. If they erode, they end up in rivers and lakes, where they cloud the water, making it difficult for photosynthesis to occur, and harming aquatic ecosystems
Fertile land turns into non fertile land- this occurs due to loss of nutrients, erosion, droughts, or fires that degrade the land
Desertification is an issue in nearly ⅓ of global land
Implications for biodiversity,
Again, this will be done in more detail in our agriculture lessons
layers of the atmosphere
troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere
The atmosphere is made up of major gases, each with its own relative abundance.
78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.934% argon, carbon dioxide 0.04%
About 20km-50km above Earth’s surface
Temperatures INCREASE as you ascend
Heat production at higher layers related to ozone formation
This layer is normally the ceiling on clouds- because convection currents don’t work anymore if warm air is located above cooler air below
Gases in the stratosphere are not well mixed and temperatures increase with distance from the earth
This warming effect is due to the ozone layer,a thin band of ozone that exists in the lower half of this layer
The ozone traps the high energy radiation of the sun, holding some of the heat and protecting the troposphere and the Earth’s surface from this radiation
Stratosphere is similar to troposphere in gas composition, only less dense and drier, with a thousand times less water vapor
50- 85 km- temps DECREASE as you ascend as air becomes thicker
Thick enough to burn up meteors
Coldest point in the atmosphere at top of this layer, around -90C
85-500 km
High energy radiation from sun (X rays and UV light) absorbed in this layer, especially toward the top
Extremely hot- 2,000 C plus- but toward the bottom, can be - 120 C- thus temps INCREASE as you ascend
Very thin (few molecules); Hot vacuum
Extending to 10,000 km or more
Upper limit is not definitely settle
Concentration of gases is thinnest here
Climate and solar energy
ncoming solar radiation (insolation) is the Earth’s main source of energy
The angle of the sun’s rays determines the intensity of the solar radiation. Due to the shape of the Earth, the latitude that is directly horizontal to the solar radiation receives the most intensity.
The highest solar radiation per unit area is received at the equator and decreases toward the poles.
The solar radiation received at a location on the Earth’s surface varies seasonally, with the most radiation received during the location’s longest summer day and the least on the shortest winter day.
The tilt of Earth’s axis of rotation causes the Earth’s seasons and the number of hours of daylight in a particular location on the Earth’s surface.
The motion of the EArth around the sun and the Earth’s axial tilt of 23.5 degrees together create the seasons that we experience on Earth
Earth’s tilt means that sunlight hits most directly and for the longest number of hours per day on the parts of the Earth that face the source of energy for a given place on Earth (the sun’s rays) varies depending on latitude and is received at the equator and decreases toward the poles any place will receive the most solar radiation its longest summer day in the least on its coldest winter day
High and Low Pressure
High and Dry!
High pressure is formed by cold air- this air is heavy- dense- and sinks down to the surface.
Low pressure is formed by warm air- warm air rises, carries moisture with it, usually leads to precipitation events- but this less dense warm air leads to lower pressure