AP World History Chapter 35 The Age of Reform Flashcards
Who quickly renewed some of the what on what and replaced some of who?
Mikhail Gorbachev quickly renewed some of the earlier attacks on Stalinist rigidity and replaced some of the old-line party bureaucrats.
Who conveyed a who, doing what (and accompanied by who), holding what, and even allowing who to engage in what and report on what as well as what?
Mikhail Gorbachev conveyed a new, more Western style, dressing in fashionable clothes (and accompanied by his stylish wife), holding relatively open press conferences, and even allowing the Soviet media to engage in active debate and report on problems as well as successes.
Who also further altered who’s what?
Mikhail Gorbachev also further altered the Soviet Union’s modified cold war stance.
Who proclaimed a policy of what, or what, which implied what to what and what?
Mikhail Gorbachev proclaimed a policy of glasnost, or openness, which implied new freedom to comment and criticize.
Who pressed particularly for a what in what and what in who’s economy, encouraging more what and the use of what to stimulate greater what?
Mikhail Gorbachev pressed particularly for a reduction in bureaucratic inefficiency and unproductive labor in the Soviet economy, encouraging more decentralized decision making and the use of some market incentives to stimulate greater output.
Who’s policies constituted a return to a what about what?
Mikhail Gorbachev’s policies constituted a return to a characteristic ambivalence about the West.
Who reduced what while continuing to criticize aspects of what and what?
Mikhail Gorbachev reduced Soviet isolation while continuing to criticize aspects of Western political and social structure.
Who clearly hoped to use some what and was open to what without, however, intending to abandon what of the what?
Gorbachev clearly hoped to use some Western management techniques and was open to certain Western cultural styles without, however, intending to abandon basic control of the communist state.
Who also sought to open what to fuller participation in what, recognizing that what in what had what to what and what to change?
Mikhail Gorbachev also sought to open the Soviet Union to fuller participation in the world economy, recognizing that isolation in a separate empire had restricted access to new technology and limited motivation to change.
The what brought symbolic changes, such as the opening of a what where and a what of what between what?
The economic initiatives brought symbolic changes, such as the opening of a McDonald’s restaurant in Moscow and a whole array of new contacts between Soviet citizens and foreigners.
Who’s what did not quickly reform the what, but they had immediate what, some of which the reform leader had almost certainly not anticipated (ex. what)
Mikhail Gorbachev’s initial policies did not quickly reform the Soviet economy, but they had immediate political effects, some of which the reform leader had almost certainly not anticipated (ex. perestroika).
Who, for example, could now lease land for how long, with what, and what are authorized to buy from either what or what what?
Farmers, for example, could now lease land for 50 years, with rights of inheritance, and industrial concerns are authorized to buy from either private or state operations.
What was encouraged?
Foreign investment was encouraged.
Who pressed for reductions in what, particularly through agreements with what on what and what on what, in order to free what for what?
Mikhail Gorbachev pressed for reductions in Soviet military commitments, particularly through agreements with the United States on troop reductions and limitations on nuclear weaponry, in order to free resources for consumer goods industries.
Who urged more what among what, including a reduction in what?
Mikhail Gorbachev urged more self-help among the Soviets, including a reduction in drinking.
Politically, who encouraged a who when, giving considerable power to what, the what, and abolishing the what on what?
Politically, Mikhail Gorbachev encouraged a new constitution in 1988, giving considerable power to a new parliament, the Congress of People’s Deputies, and abolishing the Communist monopoly on elections.
Who himself was elected to a what of what where?
Mikhail Gorbachev himself was elected to a new, powerful presidency of the Soviet Union in 1990.
What amid continued what provoked what among what in what, from when onward?
Reform amid continued economic stagnation provoked agitation among minority nationalities in the Soviet Union, from 1988 onward?
Who rioted in the south, both against each other and against the central state?
Muslims and Armenian Christians rioted in the south, both against each other and against the central state.
Who and who also stirred, some insisting on full independence, some only pressing for greater autonomy?
Baltic nationalist and other European minorities also stirred, some insisting on full independence, some only pressing for greater autonomy.
Some observers predicted the end of Soviet control of what and what?
Some observers predicted the end of Soviet control of central Asia and the European borderlands.
Even what were given uncertain new twists?
Even social issues were given uncertain new twists.
Who noted that who’s efforts to establish equality between the sexes burdens who with a combination of what and what?
Mikhail Gorbachev noted that Soviet efforts to establish equality between the sexes burdens women with a combination of work and household duties.