AP World History Chapter 35 Factors in Soviet Decline Flashcards
What had turned what after Stalin and Khrushchev?
Soviet leadership had turned conservative.
Who, eager to protect the status quo often advanced only mediocre people to top posts?
Party bureaucrats.
Many of these leaders then continued to do what when their own aptitude declined with age?
hold power.
What was reasserted from some parts of the world surrounding the Soviet Union?
The rise of what, evident in the what, inevitably created anxiety in the Soviet Union with its large what?
Islamic fervor, evident in the Islamic Revolution of 1979, inevitably created anxiety in the Soviet Union with its large Muslim minority.
To reduce this new threat, late in what the Soviets invaded what, hoping to set up a puppet regime that will protect Russian interests
In 1979 the Soviets invaded neighboring Afghanistan.
At the same time, the success of what pushed what into a defensive and retreating posture throughout eastern Europe
Western Europe’s economy pushed communism into a defensive and retreating posture throughout eastern Europe.
The attraction of what gained ground?
Western institutions and consumer standards.
Within where itself, a free trade union movement resumed where?
In the Soviet Union itself, a free trade union movement resumed in Poland.
In 1978 who made a choice to participate in the what and to admit more what and what in the internal economy as well?
The Chinese regime made a choice to participate in the world economy and to admit more market forces and competitive free enterprise.
A what was vigorously quashed when?
A Chinese democratic movement was vigorously quashed in 1989.
Changes in what enters in?
Changes in Chinese policy enters in.
What tightens?
U.S. diplomatic policy tightens.
Who hoped to reduce tensions when, but was a what and was particularly eager to point out who’s deficiencies?
U.S. President Jimmy Carter hoped to reduce tensions in the late 1970s, but was a vigorous human rights advocate and was particularly eager to point out Soviet deficiencies.
Who heightened their own opposition to who?
American conservatives heightened their own opposition to the Soviet Union.
What was negotiated when but quickly encountered resistance in where?
SALT II was negotiated in 1979 but quickly encountered resistance in the U.S. Senate.
Who’s participation in what was cancelled after who’s move into where?
American participation in the 1980 Moscow olympics was cancelled after the Soviet move into Afghanistan.
Who announced a massive increase in what?
U.S. President Ronald Reagan announced a massive increase in U.S. defense spending.
The size of what declined relative to what as a whole, and what were cut outright, but who accepted what in favor of what?
The size of domestic programs declined relative to the federal budget as a whole, and some programs were cut outright, but conservatives accepted a growing budget deficit in favor of the new military outlays.
These moves put what on the Soviets, already stretched to the limit to what and beset with what and what as well
These moves put new pressure on the Soviets, already stretched to the limit to maintain military and global competition with the United States and beset with an unpopular war and new regional pressures as well