AP Notes 141-160 Flashcards
Sir Thomas Bouch designed a bridge that was built at the Hat Estuary at Dundee in Scotland. It was supposed to be the greatest structure built in Victorian England, two miles long.
Bouched up or Botched up
The term has come to be broadly accepted as the substandard phrase “to mess things up.”
Still talking of a particular term
Bouched up or Botched up
Boilers are commonly used in steam heating systems and steam engines such as those used in a steam locomotive or power plants. The boilers contain water that is heated by burning some fuel such as oil and pressure is created. Safety valves do this, which reduce pressure.
Blowing off some steam
Sourced in superstition. It is a wish of good luck, but the words are intended for just the opposite. It was once common for people to believe in sprites. Sprites were actually spirits or ghosts that were believed to enjoy wreaking havoc causing trouble. If they hear you ask for something, they were reputed to try and make the opposite happen. Telling someone this is an attempt to outsmart the sprites and in fact makes something good happen; medieval reverse psychology.
Break a leg
Very similar to another proverb, “once bitten, twice shy.” Today’s is an old one, it happened in English literature as early as 1320, in The Proverbs of Hendyng. Another comes from French “A scalded dog fears cold water.” carries an even stronger message; that those who have experienced a great deal of difficulty or pain will not only avoid it in the future, but will be afraid even when there is no cause.
A Burnt Child Dreads the Fire
Before electric lights, someone performing a task in the dark needed a helper to hold a candle to provide light while the task was performed. Much as a helper might hold a flashlight today, “____” is of course the less challenging role. Someone who is not even qualified to _____ is much less competent than the person, performing the actual task.
Can’t hold a candle to
Mocking birds are sometimes referred to as _____. Mockingbirds typically sit at the top of a tree. Hence the _____ and a at the top. The ____ means to hold the highest position in any situation.
The Catbird Seat
Thomas Crapper of England is credited for the design and implementation of modern indoor plumbing including the he flushable toilet. Although there is considerable evidence to the contrary, restrooms and bathrooms are still often referred to as this.
In the crapper
It’s a river in Northern Italy that flows into the Adriatic Sea. It is 15 miles long. The river is renowned because Julius Caesar prompted a three year civil war when he crossed this river in 49 BC to March against Pompey. Julius knew that this would be considered an act of aggression. To commit to a given course of action that permits no return is to _____. Paul knew he was doing this when he wrote the deposit check for his wedding.
Crossing the Rubicon
“You and your father are cut from the same cloth; fat, drunk, and stupid as no way to go through life, son.” If you’re making a suit, the jacket and trousers should be cut from the same piece of cloth to ensure a perfect match; since there be differences in color, weave, so on. Between batches of fabric, only of the whole suit is cut from the same piece of cloth can we be sure of the match. It has changed me to be accepted as being
Cut from the same cloth
Common lore has it that a tailor making a high-quality suit uses more fabric. The best suits are made from nine yards of fabric. This may seem like a lot, but a proper suit does indeed take nine yards of fabric. This is because a good suit has all the fabric cut in the same direction with the warp or long strands of thread, parallel with the vertical line of the suit.
Dressed to the nines
This is a good phrase to discuss with anyone born after 1970. Payphones cost 35, 50, or 75 cents today (if you can even find one, and the device might be something that takes credit and), but they really did cost 10 cents at one time. The dime was dropped in the slot of the pay phone.
Drop a dime
Originated from English game of Cricket, originally referred to a bowler, retiring 3 consecutive bats, and all three consecutive balls.
Hat trick (soccer, hockey, baseball)
The best meat is on the upper portion of the pig. Rich people have always been affording this luxury, while the servants, slaves, and poor have always had to eat pig’s feet, chitterlings, etc lower on the hog. Thus, if you “live _______” you will be low in the wallet.
High on the Hog
Pertains to torture use for the crusades. As a method for extracting confession heresy, non-believers were positioned in a manner that allowed the inquisitor to apply flames to the feet of the accused. This was done until the accused confessed or died. To hold one accountable for a commitment, make good on a promise.
Hold your Feet to Fire
An old proverb cited by John Ray in 1678 tells us that “a man were better be half blind than have both eyes out.” Not only would he be able to avoid the ditch (fallen into by the blind leading the blind), he might find himself in a position of leadership. This a man of even limited ability is at a great advantage in the company of those less able.
In the country of the BLIND ONE-EYED man is king
Name of a place in the ocean that is located near the equator and is characterized by trade winds. In a sense, this would apply to someone who may be experiencing depression, frustration or lack of motivation.
In the Doldrums
Old time political campaigns would attempt to draw in- DNF
Jump on the band wagon
This term doesn’t have its origins in “mythology” as one might expect. Rather, it originated popular use a reference to the fabled Mafia practice. A kiss from the Don meant “curtains” (another metaphorical idiomatic term) for the receiver. Something that is a precursor to failure, that will lead to future failure. Not studying for an exam will result in failure.
Kiss of Death
At medieval markets, unscrupulous traders would display a pig for sale. However, the pig was always given to the customer in a bag, with strict instructions not to open the bag until they were some ways away: it’s revealed that secret of the bag will trick and expose.
Let the cat out of the bag