Anxiety Disorders Flashcards
What is fear?
- A cognitive response to a specific source or object that the person can identify or describe
- Involves intellectual or cognitive appraisal of threatening stimuli
- Fear provokes anxiety
What is anxiety?
- Integral part of human experience
- A vague, subjective feeling of uneasiness, tension, apprehension or dread
- Results from an external threat to one’s integrity
- Function of anxiety is to warn individual of impending threat, conflict or danger
What are the four levels of anxiety?
Mild, moderate, severe and panic
Describe mild anxiety:
- Feels comfortable/safe, carries through with habitual behaviours
- Aware of surroundings, thoughts controlled, able to learn and problem solve
- Vitals normal, mild muscle tension
- Generally we live in a state of mild anxiety
Describe moderate anxiety:
- Vitals slightly elevated, tension present
- Feels ready and challenged, and able to engage in competition and learn new skills
- Able to learn and problem solve
- Can be a good place to be when trying to accomplish goals
- Perceptual field narrows, can be confused
Describe severe anxiety:
- Fight or flight, ANS stimulated
- Feels threatened/startled
- Shaky, stuttering, disorganized
- PF narrows, selective attention, time distortion, problem-solving is difficult
Describe panic anxiety:
- Can occur in someone exposed to high levels of stress and living with chronic stress
- Body reaches exhaustion state from prolonged ANS stimulation
- Intervention required
- PF scattered/closed, no problem solving
- Feels helpless/angry/fearful
- Combative or withdrawn
What is signal anxiety?
- Identifiable cause, environmental cue
- Ex. phobias (becoming frightened easily when seeing a spider)
What is trait anxiety?
Function of personality structure, learned anxious behavior from upbringing
What is state anxiety?
- Conflicting or stressful situations
- A state where you are in conflict
- Ex. upcoming exam, competing demands for time, trouble at work, etc.
What is free-floating anxiety?
- Unattached to any idea or event
- Comes on randomly
- Gives a sense of impending doom, as if about to die; a sense of severe dread or fear
Describe the epidemiology of anxiety:
- The most common psychiatric disorders tx by HCP’s
- Approx 19 million Canadian’s are affected
- More common in women than men
- Affects all ages, however the typical age of onset for panic disorders is in late adolescence and early adulthood
- High co-morbid rates of anxiety and depression
What is generalized anxiety disorder?
- People who tend to feel anxious more often than not, resulting in excessive anxiety and worry
- Present for at least 6 months, with the presence of 3 of the following: restlessness, edginess, fatigue, poor concentration, irritability, muscle tension and sleep disturbance
- Anxiety and worry that interferes with normal social and occupational functioning
What are panic attacks?
- A physical symptom of anxiety; it is NOT a psychiatric illness!
- Discrete period of intense fear, discomfort, dread or doom
- Develops abruptly, and peaks within 10 minutes
- Exhibits are least four symptoms: shortness of breath, chest tightness, increased HR, palpitations, feelings of doom, sweating/trembling, dissociation
What are the criteria for panic disorder?
- Must meet these two criteria:
- Presence of recurrent or unexpected panic attacks
- At least one of the attacks is followed by: persistent concern about having additional attacks; worry about the implications of the attack; or a significant change in behaviors as a result
- Must be present for at least one month
What are phobias?
Fear of something that can lead to feelings of panic or intense anxiety in response to a specific situation
What is agoraphobia?
- Anxiety about being where escape is difficult
- Situations are avoided or endured with anxiety
- Leaving a comfort zone causes huge anxiety (ex. leaving your home, fear of open spaces, etc.)
- Not due to the effects of a medical condition, substance or other mental disorder
What is specific phobia?
- Marked, persistent, excessive fear
- Cued by presence/anticipation of specific objects or situations
- Exposure to the phobic stimulus provokes an anxiety response/panic attack
- Avoided or endured with anxiety
- Persons with a simple phobia recognize that their fear is excessive or unreasonable
What is social phobia?
- Marked, persistent fear of one or more social or performance situations, exposing individual to scrutiny while behaving in an embarrassing way
- Only able to have social relationships with familiar people
- Recently on the rise; technology replaces our natural social skills and makes it difficult to endure real-life encounters
- Only able to have social relationships with familiar people
- Avoids social or performance situations or endure them with intense anxiety or distress
- Treated with psychotherapy or SSRI’s; self-treatment with substances on the rise (alcohol and cannabis to take the ‘edge off’)
What is PTSD?
- Reaction to traumatic events
- Symptoms are present for more than one month and will impair functioning
- Recurrence, avoidance and heightened arousal
What is acute stress disorder?
- Similar to PTSD, but short-lived (~2-30 days)
- Experience three symptoms indicating dissociation (detached, numbness)
- The symptoms of dissociation prevent the individual from adaptively coping with the trauma
- Not able to pursue a necessary task
What is OCD?
- Obsessions: recurrent or persistent unwanted thoughts, impulses or images that cause anxiety
- Compulsions: repetitive behaviors that the person feels driven to perform in response to the obsession
- Obsession cannot be suppressed/ignored and therefore interferes with normal functioning
- Treated with behavioral therapy or medications (SSRI’s, TCA’s)
Describe the nursing assessment that goes along with treating anxiety disorders:
- Safety risk
- Physical symptoms
- Discussion re: response to stress and coping mechanisms
What are nursing diagnoses for individuals with anxiety?
- Ineffective coping
- Self-care deficit
- Ineffective role performance
- Loneliness
- Spiritual distress
- Powerlessness
- Isolation