Anxiety^ Flashcards
Johnson & Scott
weapon focus study
aims to test the effects of anxiety on EWT
Group 1 - low anxiety
- casual conversation with a man with greasy hand and a pen
Group 2 - high
- heated convo, man holding a knife with bloody hands
- 49% of G1 selevted the correct man from 50
- 33% of G2 selected correctly
- enchanted memory for central details
- dont remember man as it’s peripheral detail
Weapon Focus Effects
focus on danger (central) and ignores other (peripheral)
Lots of Lab Study AO3
+ no demand characteristics
: didnt know they began
+ replicable = reliable
+ high validity from controlled settings
+ standardised
- low ecological validity/ mundane realism
- only student sample
quantitative data
- not good source of emotions (humans are complex)
+ can be analysed
Independent Groups
+no order effect as they do both conditions
+ limit demand ch. as unaware they were tested
- time consuming (lots of participants)
- individual differences
= unreliable VS can be overcome by random allocation
Real World Applications
impact the criminal justice system
when witnessing a crime people fell anxiety
- affects accuracy of memory
Proves the WFE
supports it as high anxiety fixated on the weapon not the man
- central vision not peripheral
Yuille & Cutshall Process
13 participants interviewed after real shooting (5 months)
compare to real police report
ranked stress levels, asked if they experienced emotional problems
Yuille & Cutshall Findings + Conclusion
accurate after 5 months
less accurate on colours, height, weight
more stress = more accurate at 88%
less stress = 75%
= more anxiety more accurate the recall
anxiety don’t have a bad effect
Whats the anxiety graph called?
Yerkes Dodson Law
The Inverted-U-Theory
Yuille & Cutshall
+ high ecological validity
- ethical issues : psychological harm
- small sample size; cant be generalised
- ethnocentric/ cultural bias
Unusualness, not anxiety
WFE dont test anxiety
- focus on weapon as its surprising
- scissors, handgun, wallet, raw chicken
- accuracy poorer in unusual conditions than high anxiety
- WFE due to unusualness not anxiety
Support for Neg Effect
Valentine & Mesout
- anxiety has a bad effect on EWT
- use heart rate to measure anxiety (objective)
- high anxiety distrupted central detail recall
Support for Positive Effect
Christianson & Hubinette- interview witnesses to a bank robbery- 75% accuracy
: better with those directly involved
- shows anxiety can enchance accuracy of EWT
Problems with Inverted-U-Theory
ignores features of anxiety
Yerkes Dodson Law
- only focus on physicall features, not other characteristics
- way we think about events (cognitive)