Antonyms\ Flashcards
be present; be absent
adsum; absum
approach; leave
appropinquo; excedo
come together; depart
send away; send back
dimitto; remitto
give; receive
do; accipio
begin; finish
incipio; conficio
find; lose
invenio; amitto
work; play
laboro; ludo
summer; winter
aestas; hiems
friend; enemy
amicus; inimicus
water; land
aqua; terra
kindness; harm
beneficium; iniuria
citizen; foreigner
civis; barbarus
abundance; scarcity
copia; inopia
day; night
dies; nox
son; daughter
filius; filia
brother; sister
frater; soror
human being; thing
homo; res
father; mother
pater; mater
peace; war
pax; bellum
reward; punishment
praemium; poena
boy; girl
puer; puella
king; queen
rex; regina
ally; enemy
socius; hostis
man; woman
vir; femina
courage; fear
virtus; timor
life; death
vita; mors
this; that
hic; ille
even; uneven
aequus; iniquus
good; bad
bonus; malus
right; left
dexter; sinister
easy; hard
facilis; difficilis
brave; timid
fortis; timidus
heavy; light
gravis; levis
long; short
longus; brevis
large; small
magnus; parvus
many; few
multi; pauci
well-known; strange
notus; novus
previously; afterwards
antea; postea
well; badly
bene; male
most of all; least of all
maxime; minime
now; then
nunc; tum
to; from
ad; ab
before; after
ante; post
with; without
cum; sine
into; out of
in; ex
and; and not
et; neque