AMSCO Lesson 73-74 Flashcards
Monarchy happened
Rome had a total of ___ kings
_____ was the 1st king of Rome and ______ was the last
Romulus; Tarquinius Superbus
Supreme authority was shown with the
Republic happened
The republic was marked by struggle, growth, and
civil wars
The Romans under ______ defeated ______ in the Punic Wars making Rome the only power in the W Mediterranean
Scipio; Hannibal
Rome instituted a system of ______ in which conquered lands were controlled by Roman ______
provinces; governors
The Mediterranean became known as the _______ meaning “Our Sea” due to Rome’s influence in the area
Mare Nostrum
Empire happened
Octavius who became known as ______ was the first emperor of Rome
Rome reached its greatest territorial extent under ______
The last emperor of Rome was _____
Romulus Augustus
The ______ was the most powerful body consisting of roughly 600 members
Each senator served for ___
The Senate managed _______, declared ______, and controlled _________
foreign affairs; war; taxation
symbolized by the abbreviation _______ meaning _______
SPQR; senatus populus que romanus(the Senate and the Roman people)
There were __ assemblies that administered the elective and legislative business of Rome
The _____ elected the higher magistrates
Comitia Centuriata
The ______ elected the tribunes, quaestors, aediles, and minor officials
Comitia Tributa
The order in which important offices might be held according to law; the consul was the highest ranking
Cursus Honorum
Order of the Cursus Honorum
Quaestor-> Praetor->Consul
Consul - __ elected every ____ as chief executives and checked and balanced one another
2; year
Praetor - __ elected every ____ that served as judges
8; year
Quaestor - __ elected every ___ that served as public treasurers
20; year
Aedile - __ elected every ____ that were in charge of public works; position used to gain popularity for higher positions
4; year
Tribune of people - ____ tribunes elected every ___ who had the power to veto and any decree or law passed by the Senate or assemblies
10; year
Censor - ______ elected every _____; served for a total of _____ and assessed property and determined the social class each citizen belonged to
2; 5 years; 18 months
Dictator - appointed in times of _______ and served for ______ with absolute power
extreme danger to the public; 6 months
The ______ Order aka the Patricians or Optimates; consisted of magistrates and their decendants
The ______ Order aka the Equites were the wealthy whose possessions valued at least $20,000
The ______ Order was the working class and freed-born citizens whose possessions valued less than $20,000
______ and ______ had the right to vote and own property but not hold office; _____ had no rights
Freedmen and slaves; slaves
Rome was founded in _____ by ______
753BC; Romulus
Rome is situated on the _____ River near the central W coast of Italy
Rome encompassed ___ hills including the _____ hill where the Temple of Jupiter and the citadel sat
7; Capitoline
the ____ hill contained the homes of _____ Romans
Palatine; wealthy
This seaport was strategically placed on hills and an important river
the Forum held shops, temples, basilicae, _____, and the _____
curia; rostra
Streets were usually _____ and _____
narrow and unpaved
streets were _____ and protected by ______ who carried lanterns and walked dark alleys
unlighted; vigiles
Romans constructed a large system of “highways” that ___________
connected the main cities of Rome and Italy
This popular expression was used in regards to Rome’s many highways
“All roads lead to Rome”
The most famous road was the _________ aka _______ that led to ________ on the SE coast of Italy
Via Appia; Regina Viarum; Brundisium
A second road known as the _______ leads NE to Umbria
Via Flaminia
A third road called the _______ runs along the W coast of Italy and extends to _____
Via Aurelia; Gaul
Fires in insulae became very
frequent and reoccurring
private _____ companies were in action before the _______ were formed
fire; vigiles