AMSCO Lesson 78 - Famous People and Myths Flashcards
Trojan leader and ancestor of the Romans who displayed devotion
Rome’s first consul who ended the monarchy and put his sons to death for treason
Roman censor known for his devotion to his duty
Cato the Elder
Farmer who was called to lead the Roman army; after winning, he returned to his farm
Mother of the Gracchi brothers and said “These are my jewels”
Consul and general that sacrificed himself and allowed Rome to win the battle
Decius Mus
Refused the bribe from Pyrrhus the famous Greek general
Sons of Cornelia that showed sympathy for the underprivileged as tribunes; were slain for their course of duty
Gracchi brothers
Defended the bridge over the Tiber to delay the Etruscan army
Was ordered to be burnt alive and then stuck his right hand into the fire as an act of defiance; nicknamed “scaevola”(left-handed)
Mucius Scaevola
General captured in the 1st Punic War and returned to keep his word even though it would result in death
Twin brother of Romulus
Founder of Rome
Aged couple entertained Jupiter and Mercury who were in disguise; were rewarded by the gods
Baucis and Philemon
Proseperina was taken by Pluto into the Underworld; Jupiter arranged that she would only stay there for 1/3 of the year with Pluto
Ceres and Proseperina
Daedalus made flight using wings with wax; his son Icarus flew too close to the sun and he drowned
Daedalus and Icarus
Greek hero who performed the 12 Labors
1 of 3 Gorgons with claws, wings, and a snake-covered head; beheaded by Perseus and turned anyone that looked into her eyes to stone
King of Phyrgia that turned anything he touched into gold
Orpheus used the charm of his music to enter the Underworld and retrieve his dead wife named Eurydice; he lost her again after looking back
Orpheus and Eurydice
The Greek hero Perseus slayed the sea monster(kraken) that tried to kill Andromeda who was chained to a rock as a sacrifice; Perseus later married her and cut off Medusa’s head
Perseus and Andromeda
Famous lovers whose parents would not give consent to their marriage; both lives were ended in tragic death
Pyromus and Thisbe
Theseus the Greek hero slayed the Minotaur with the help of Ariadne, the daughter of King Minos
Theseus and the Minotaur