_________ is an agent that kills microorganisms or stops their growth.
An antimicrobrial
Most common targets for antimicrobial drug actions:
i. Inhibition of Cell Wall Synthesis
ii. Inhibition of Protein Synthesis
iii. Inhibition of Nucleic Acid Synthesis
iv. Effects on cell membrane sterols (antifungal agents)
v. Inhibition of unique metabolic steps
Control of Microbial Growth:
•Sterilizing Agent
control of microbial growth wherein it kills the bacteria
Sterilizing Agent
__ are antimicrobial agents that are applied to the surface of non-living objects to
destroy microorganisms that are living on the objects.
______ does not necessarily kill all microorganisms,
especially resistant bacterial spores; it is less effective than sterilization.
from Greek anti: “against” and sēptikos: “putrefactive”
_______ are antimicrobial substances
that are applied to living tissue/skin to reduce the possibility of infection, sepsis, or putrefaction.
The chemical agents which is used in the clinical application of antimicrobial agents to treat infectious disease.
Two groups of medicines with an antimicrobial activity are:
•Non-selective antimicrobial agents
•Selective antimicrobial drugs
______ causes most destructive effect on the majority of microorganisms
(antiseptics and disinfectants).
Non-selective antimicrobial agents
chemotherapeutic agents
Selective antimicrobial drugs
Requirements for antiseptics and disinfectants:
- Must have a broad spectrum of action;
- Rapid onset of action;
- Should have a small latency period;
- Should have a high activity;
- Must be chemically resistant;
- High availability and low cost;
- Lack of local irritant or allergic effects on tissues;
- Minimal absorption from the place of their application;
- Low toxicity.
Inorganic substances
•Oxidizing agents
•Acids and alkalis
•Metallic salts
Organic substances
•Phenol derivatives
o Iodine
(2%, 3%, 5% alcohol solution)
o Povidon-Iodine
o Lugol’s solution
o Chlorhexidine
Oxidizing agents
•Hydrogen peroxide
•Potassium permanganate
Acids and alkalis
o Boric acid
o Salicylic acid
o Solution of ammonia
Metallic salts
o Silver nitrate
o Copper sulfate
o Zinc sulfate
o Zinc oxide
o Formaldehyde
o Glutaraldehyde
o Hexamethylentetraminum
o Ethyl alcohol
Phenol derivatives
o Phenol
o Cresol
o Resorcinol
o Thymol
o Methylene blue
o Brilliant green
Composition: An aqueous solution containing 0,3 g Chlorhexidine gluconate and 3,0 g Cetrimide as active ingredients
per 100 mL and 2,84% m/v n-propyl alcohol and 0,056% m/v Benzyl benzoate as preservatives.
Chloroxylenol comprises 4.8% of
Dettol’s total admixture, with the rest made up by pine oil, isopropanol, castor oil, soap and water
Composition of DETTOL
______ are organic compounds which are methyl phenols.
CRESOLS (also hydroxytoluene)
other names of Potassium permanganate
condy’s crystal; permanganate of potash; hypermangan
potassium permanganate appearance odor and taste
purplish-bronze-gray needles; odorless; bitter with metallic taste
how many percent of hydroalcoholic soln of potassium permanganate is needed for wet dressing?
______ has been used in attempts to induce abortions at home
Potassium permanganate
other names of boric acid
hydrogen borate, boracic acid, orthoboric acid, acidum boricum
chemical formula of boric acid
H3BO3 or BH3O3 or B(OH)3
boric acid appearance, odor, and taste
white crystalline solid or granular; odorless; sweetish after taste
When heated above 100 degrees Celsius, boric acid dehydrates forming ______.
Metaboric acid
When heated at 160 degrees celsius, metaboric acid dehydrates converted into _______.
Tetraboric acid
When heated above 200 degrees celsius, tetraboric acid decomposes into _______.
boron trioxide