Anterior and Lateral Leg Flashcards
What is the Extensor retinaculum
thicker deep fascia of the leg
prevents bowstring during dorsiflexion
Anterior Compartment muscles
Tibialis Anterior M
Extensor hallucis M
Extensor digitorum longus M
Fibularis Tertius M
toe extension
Tibialis Anterior M
thick muscle on the anterolateral surface of the tibia
Lateral tibial condyle and superolateral 1/2 of the tibia
to the medial surface of first medial cuneiform and first metatarsal base
dorsiflexion and inversion of foot
Deep fibular Nerve
Anterior Tibial Artery
Extensor Digitorum Longus M
Lateral tibial condyle, anterior fibular surface, interosseous membrane
Each of four tendons on extensor expansion of lateral four proximal phalanges
- two lateral slips (distal phalanx)
- one medial slip (middle phalanx)
extends lateral four digits, dorsiflexion
Deep fibular Nerve
Anterior Tibial Artery
Fibularis tertius M
Proximal: Anteroinferior fibular surface
Distal: dorsum of fifth metacarsal bone
Deep fibular N
Anterior Tibial Artery
Extensor Hallucis Longus M
ANteromedial fibular surface and interosseous membrane, medial to distal half of the proximal attachment of extensor digitorum longus
Distal: Base of distal phalanx
Extend Hallux
Dorsiflex ankle
Deep Fibular Nerve
Anterior Tibial Artery
Anterior Compartment Innervation
Deep fibular Nerve
also supplies: ankle joint and metatarpal phalangeal joints
dorsal intrinsic foot muscles
skin between the first and second digits
Anterior compartment Blood supply
Anterior tibial Artery
descends on anterior surface of interosseus membrane between Extensor hallucis Longus and Tibialis anterior M
ends at ankle between malleoli to become dorsalis pedis artery
Lateral compartment muscles
Fibularis Brevis M
Fibularis Longus M
Eversion and Plantar flexion
Fibularis Longus M
Proximal: Head of superolateral fibula
passes inferior and posterior to lateral malleolus
Distal: first metatarsal and medial cuneiform bone
Eversion and plantar flexion
Superficial fibular Nerve
Fibular Artery
Fibularis Brevis M
Proximal: inferolateral 2/3 of fibula
Distal: dorsal surface of tuberosity on lateral side of fifth metatarsal
Eversion and plantar flexion
Superficial fibular Nerve
Fibular Artery
Innervation of the Lateral compartment
Superficial Fibular nerve
also supplies:
distal 1/3 anteroinferior leg
nearly all of the dorsal surface of the foot
most of the dorsal aspect of the digits
Foot drop
injury to the common fibular nerve since it wraps around the fibular head
loss of dorsiflexion
difficult to achieve heel strike
patient has high stepping gait, waddling gait, or swing out gait
foot strikes with a clap
loss of sensation of the anterolateral leg and dorsum of the foot
Arterial blood supply to the lateral compartment
Fibular Artery which is a branch of the posterior tibial Artery
fibular artery runs in the posterior compartment
relieve intercompartmental pressure in the fascia due to trauma causing hemorage, edema or inflammation
cut open the fascia and leave open till swelling is reduced
Shin splints
repetitive microtrauma to the tibialis anterior muscle
small tears to the periosteum over tibia
mild form of compartmental syndrome caused by swelling of tibialis anterior from repetitive ground reaction force